Sorry about the above it is off topic but it builds on my previous pet peeve

Quote from: Eoin McLove on January 29, 2020, 06:05:47 AM
But what about those who "don't appear to be intellectually inclined"? By 5th year you'll have a reasonable understanding of who will or won't do well in the LC structure,  and who will go on to do something in college.  It makes sense to me to try to steer those who struggle in school or simply hate it into another avenue that will benefit them.  It's not as if plumbers, electricians or any other skilled manual labourers here are looked down upon

To be honest, it could make a world of change if the evaluation process for secondary school was separated from the college entrance process. Most skills of labour ("manual" or "vocational" skills) are better learnt on the job, through apprenticeships, than in school. It's true that manual labourers are less looked down on in Ireland than, say, here in France (I've been here too long!) where the mentality is "university or you're thick", not to put too fine a point on it. That's a ridiculous state of affairs, but yeah, I don't think Ireland is quite there. Or maybe it is? In any case, it shouldn't be.

I think a solid cultural and intellectual education up to at least the age of 16 is absolutely necessary in order for any nation to have a "democratic" political system that's at least vaguely worthy of the name. Up to at least that age, this should be transmitted with no allusions to this being what is needed to go to college, but what is needed to contribute in a meaningful way to a progressive society. 

Teachers are swamped with loads of paperwork and beuaucratic nonsense these days that Finnish teachers don't face. There is a great emphasis on 'teacher autonomy' in Finland which was taken out of our school system im the last 20 years resulting in by the book, plenty homework, tick the boxes teaching. I would say my primary school teachers were really, really well educated in terms of knowledge. Their Irish levels were often really high and we would spend a lot of time reading and writing, singing, doing poetry etc. Modern teachers are far more trained in classroom management and the likes but from talking to people in teaching, the 'quality' of the teacher seems to have fallen. Now that's open to speculation, but what isn't is the fact that my primary school teachers were far more autonomous. They were allowed to decide for themselves...trusted is the word, in how to best manage the curriculum, they were respected far more within society and the pay reflected that. I would argue that the modern teacher has become a mere cog in the wheel of education rather than being the MOST important part of the equation. After that everything trickles down.

So kids are swamped with homework, teachers are more stressed, exams are the be all and end all. Finland's system is far more fluid and holistic. I don't think Ireland is bad by any stretch of the imagination but when it comes to languages in school for example, I think we could be far far better than we are. The ability for children to exllore different areas of interest also would be a really exciting innovation in our education system, which, when it comes to secondary school, seems to have remained the same since time immemorial. Again, culturally, we're not the same as Finland, but having thought about it, yes we could possibly learn a thing or two from them.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 29, 2020, 09:58:07 AM
Quote from: Eoin McLove on January 29, 2020, 06:05:47 AM
But what about those who "don't appear to be intellectually inclined"? By 5th year you'll have a reasonable understanding of who will or won't do well in the LC structure,  and who will go on to do something in college.  It makes sense to me to try to steer those who struggle in school or simply hate it into another avenue that will benefit them.  It's not as if plumbers, electricians or any other skilled manual labourers here are looked down upon

To be honest, it could make a world of change if the evaluation process for secondary school was separated from the college entrance process. Most skills of labour ("manual" or "vocational" skills) are better learnt on the job, through apprenticeships, than in school. It's true that manual labourers are less looked down on in Ireland than, say, here in France (I've been here too long!) where the mentality is "university or you're thick", not to put too fine a point on it. That's a ridiculous state of affairs, but yeah, I don't think Ireland is quite there. Or maybe it is? In any case, it shouldn't be.

I think a solid cultural and intellectual education up to at least the age of 16 is absolutely necessary in order for any nation to have a "democratic" political system that's at least vaguely worthy of the name. Up to at least that age, this should be transmitted with no allusions to this being what is needed to go to college, but what is needed to contribute in a meaningful way to a progressive society.

I'd agree with you there, there's plenty of time to work and learn vocational skills, the basics need to be covered first. Literacy, cultural and intellectual education, well they're the reason we fought so long to ensure every child was ensured an education in the first place.

Couples who share a Facebook account. Fuckin weirdos.

Caught some sort of virus this day last week and not the Billy Ray Cyrus type. Sore throat but no apparent infection. Decided to iboprufen my way and sleep my way thru it. Spent the weekend in bed and been back training the last couple of days but feel weak as a feather. Is that normal just to feel drained like that even after you feel you've recovered? Absolute cuntology the whole thing.

Quote from: Emphyrio on January 29, 2020, 09:03:29 PM
Couples who share a Facebook account because one of em got caught fuckin around on their own facebook. Fuckin weirdos.


I now know what rollie tobacco and stale piss smells like.

Thanks, other guy at the bus stop 🙄

Quote from: Ducky on January 30, 2020, 11:33:57 AM
I now know what rollie tobacco and stale piss smells like.

Thanks, other guy at the bus stop 🙄

Pure mank, those soapdodging types. Worse if they then proceed to sit in front or beside you on the bus - enveloped in a miasma of filth.

"Soapdodging types" :laugh:

The bus pulled up a minute after I posted that, honestly wouldn't have been able to stand there much longer. It wasn't so much a smell, more a full on stench that had a fucking presence to it.

I played my (travel) cards well at least by letting him on first and then sitting on the opposite end of the bus.

Kids breaking your stuff. The little darling dropped a book on the laptop and now the screen is fucked. Not looking forward to seeing how much thats going to cost to get fixed

Some laptop screens can be piss easy to fix - pop off the bezel, unplug the connection, remove LCD, seat in new one, plug in connection, pop bezel back on.

It's always worth having a look yourself first as repair places make a mint on their labour fees, the part is frequently the cheapest bit.

Today's peeve - Metformin. On the bastarding stuff for years for diabetes. It causes a B12 deficiency (which causes fatigue), it also causes an underactive thyroid (more fatigue), but it can sometimes play havoc with me stomach - this evening has seen dive explosive trips to the jacks and enough bloating and movement to think there's a scene from Alien about to happen.

Next person that tells me type 2 diabetes "isn't that bad" gets one of my used lancets to the eyeball.

Managed to get through all of winter without catching any plague.. until Friday.

It's hard not to be so bitchy about being sick (first world problems etc) but fuck me.. the clothes I'm wearing hurt when they rub against my skin. My brain is like mush.. Throat in ribbons and chest feels like someone is standing on it.. fun times!

please send halp!

Power out in the neighbourhood the other day. Grand, bar the fact that a lot of house alarms went off, so today the alarm company was doing the rounds.

Lad comes in (he has a key) does his thing, sets the alarm, leaves. Peeve? I'm in bed and the house alarm is now active... me fucking ears :laugh: