I admit I had ignored this lot for a long time, mainly because going on their promo shots and general get-up, I was worried they could be quite terrible euro BM. That said, I recently ended up checking out their most recent one, 'Spectres from the Old World' on someone's recommendation.

Very pleasantly surprised! I love how it kicks right out the traps. Some killer drumming and nice songwriting touches.  Whole thing hangs together very well, even if there are some slower sections that are tiny bit naff.

I've given 'Seance' a go too and it's alright. How about their old stuff? Anyone caught them live? Curious if there's a standout record that people rate.

#1 July 08, 2022, 07:33:41 PM Last Edit: July 08, 2022, 07:40:38 PM by vinterland
Tales from Eternal Dusk (their debut as far as I know) is an absolute must. To be honest I never really checked out the rest of their discography. Needs to change. Was on a crazy melodic black metal buzz around twenty years ago and Naglfar, Noctes, Dissection as well as Dark Fortress were all acquired within a two month timeframe. Their best track Twilight is on their debut as well as the amazing Immortality Profound Trilogy.
