Man,  what a tedious farce.  So much energy wasted on,  what,  poor satire? It's the creative equivalent of comedians having a go at Trump.

If anyone wants to start one called "Babooshka" where all the lyrics are from Kate Bush songs over black metal, I'm available. We could just sample Enya and slow it down for the choral bits, be grand.

Some new material from the Metal Blade version of the band, sounds better than anything from the Hospodi album at least

Which Batushka is this, the main fella or the vocalist version of the band?

The Metal Blade version is the usurper rather than the usurped incarnation.

Utterly cunty thing to do. How do these fucks think they can get away with just stealing a bands intellectual property?

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on July 21, 2020, 01:55:19 PM
The Metal Blade version is the usurper rather than the usurped incarnation.
Ah ok,Im not in a mad rush to listen to his stuff based on the track he released last year which was poor enough.

Beyond comprehension. Pathetic really, the brains behind the whole concept was hardly just going to say 'ah yeah grand, we'll work something out'. The music is OK, live show seems cool from the YouTube videos I've seen, but that's by the by. Total cuntyballs move, and and now he's created a ridiculous quagmire.

Any iteration of this band is just completely unnecessary, not essential and not worth the fuss of any kind. There was nothing remotely authentic behind the creation of the original record, everything that happened after is just arguing over revenue.