April 30, 2022, 11:14:40 PM Last Edit: May 01, 2022, 12:05:10 AM by Eoin McLove
Muiris shared this with me and I think it sounds very cool. Zero originality perhaps, but total Bathory worship with really filthy, blown out guitars. She has a digital EP which I'll have to investigate but this song is from her forthcoming album due out in October. Epic sounding evil filth.


Everything must have been in the red when recording it but it sounds all the better for it.
It's really catchy.
( she needs a guitar tuner)

I hadn't picked up on any tuning issues but in this type of music that's not really a concern for me  :laugh:

It's there I'm the clean part and when the heavy part comes back in it's there shut mainly from the fact that the guitar is getting hammered.
I listened to it again a few times and while I get the. pure Bathory adoration ( which I love),the best part is how obnoxious the playing is.
It's laid down with utter contempt and power.
Another thing on the  shopping list.