I'm loving Doppelherz by Reveal! It reminds of something like Sweven by Morbus Chron, or maybe old Tribulation.
Are there any other albums out there like Doppelherz that have a slightly frantic, organic feel to them while still being heavy?

Just in case you missed the Morbus Chron splinter band called Sweven:


And since they're often compared to old Tribulation, there's also Venenum. Their self-titled EP is old school death (and damn good), but the album Trance of Death is what's often compared to Trib.


I'm pretty sure you recommended this somewhere BSC, but Bedsore - hypnogogic hallucinations is in that seven/morbus chron vein if not as good.

Them, cryptic shift, haunter and suffering hour are playing together in Europe which is such a line up

That Bedsore album is cool. Not 100% sure what you're looking for but here are some albums that definitely feel like off-kilter, progressive death metal without being overly processed sounding. Certainly unique sounding albums anyway.

Molested - Blod-Draum
Atrocity - Todessensucht
Sadist - Above The Light

Another one that I always associated with morbus chron, is obliteration. Has a similar tone to morbus' heavier moments I think not anywhere near as proggy though

Some great listening recommendations there, thanks!