Cheers lads. Looks like I won't be able to make it regardless. Not sure how the ticket collection works, but if anyone wants to have a bash at collecting my two day ticket then send me a DM.

Does anyone have any stage times for this, driving up from Westport tomorrow and don't want to miss Darkest Era.

I was up, just made it in for Darkest Era, they were good, missed most of Mythra as I had to get something to eat, Night Demon were very good, better than I expected, Gama Bomb were good and tight just not my cup pf tea and I was well hammered by the time Brian Downeys  band came on, you cant beat a bit of Lizzy when you are steamed. Sound was good and all the bands seemed to really enjoy themselves.

Dying on the Saturday but Wytch Hazel were excellent, Midnight were also well up for it but I thought the sound was a bit too loud I couldn't really hear the singer properly, Satan were middling, played well but again not my cup of tea, Cirith Ungol were excellent, singer looked lost at first but eventually got into it. I have never been in the Nerve Centre before but it is a grand venue. Good weekend overall and merch and pints were very reasonable.
Dread Sovereign played after in a late bar down the street but unfortunately I had to drive home in the morning and so wasn't fit for that.

Thanks for the report!
I think it was AA's cover band for the afters.
Dread Sovereign we're supposed to be on early in the day.
Pity Midnight had sound issues. I'd say the are savage live.

DS also played late cause Primordial were at Hellfest on the Friday.

Oh right.
Well it sounds like it was a good weekend and worth the trip up.
Perhaps it will happen again in the future.

What was the turn out like? One of those 'fests' would like to see more of on the island so felt bad me and a few lads couldn't show up for solidarity as we where out of country.

As far as I know there were only 400 tickets for this, turn out was fairly decent for the Friday night and there were definitely a lot more there on the Saturday night, Jarvis the Night Demon singer and organiser was going around the 2 nights and he seemed genuinely happy with the turn out as did all the bands.