On my fourth McGargles double IPA, rubbered and on to this masterpiece.  Perfection.

On to the red and onto the Warning.  There'll be tears

Both awesome choices. And then the music selection. Superb!!!  :)

Haha,  wait till I hit the gin,  Leo. The gloves will be off  :D

Good album. Been far too long since I last had it on, so time to give it another spin

Lord Vicar are also fantastic!

Received a copy of the recent Svart DLP reissue today.  I think that when the original vinyl pressing came out in 2010 I was so burned out on RB clones that I jadedly allowed it to pass me by so when I missed out on the recent reissue I was kicking myself.  Delighted to finally nab a copy on vinyl as it's a masterpiece.

Nail on the head Andy - burned out on the clones, burned out on the album itself as I'd run it into the ground by that stage and then didnt have any time at all for their subsequent material.   May well look into that reissue.

It's a beaut. Svart are sold out of it but it is probably still knocking around in various distros.

I was dead set on getting the reissue, but then missed out. A masterpiece I still revisit every couple of months.

#9 April 11, 2019, 09:58:33 AM Last Edit: April 11, 2019, 10:14:43 AM by Eoin McLove
I just ordered the Death is Glory... Now! 3LP from Svart. I couldn't resist.  €60... I feel queasy.

I also ordered a copy of Cathal Rodgers's Existentiell issue 2. The first one was fascinating,  even though I didn't know and/or wasn't particularly interested in many of the bands featured.  Same case here.  Only a small number of bands interest me but I'm looking forward to seeing where the interviews go.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on April 11, 2019, 09:58:33 AM
I also ordered a copy of Cathal Rodgers's Existentiell issue 2. The first one was fascinating,  even though I didn't know and/or wasn't particularly interested in many of the bands featured.  Same case here.  Only a small number of bands interest me but I'm looking forward to seeing where the interviews go.

That deserves a thread of its own! Link for purchase?

I've said it before but In the Rectory is probably one of the few albums of new millennium that I'd classify as a 100% true classic of the genre. Completely revitalised it, and in doing so dragged a huge amount of really great stuff from out from the shadows.

Despite having all the splits and EPs already, The RB completist in me Ordered the Death is Glory now box set a while back too - Bastarding thing has had the delivery date pushed out twice already.

I'd be in the camp of those having had my eyes open to the doom scene in a proper way buy In the Rectory.  It's one of the pivotal albums for me along with Appetite and the early Metallica stuff. I'd also have to mention the Myrkr demo as being a huge inspiration for delving further into the black metal scene and finding out what it's all about.

I hummed and hawed a bit about grabbing the new RB, particularly as I have the CD already and have most of the splits as well,  but I knew that if I snoozed I'd only end up spending €200 on it in a year's time.  Plus, an RB slip mat? Sold!  :abbath:

Another slip mat to add to the pile of ones that never get used.

I hear you on that album opening up the doom thing though. I'd developed a passing interest in the late 90's - Vitus, The Obsessed, Candlemass, Pentagram and few others but never really got too far into it or investigated much further for multiple reasons.
In The Rectory blew the doors off though. I remember first hearing of it when the Padre had a copy with him one night and happened to have a dub of it on cassette which he gave me. (Think I got a copy of the first issue of Abandon All Hope that time too..) The Cassette was stuck in the car tape player for a long while after.

Then there was that list of bands at the end of Goddess of Doom on the Return to the Rectory bonus disc which came with the re-release. That became a shopping list of discographies to complete.