October 09, 2021, 07:38:03 PM Last Edit: October 10, 2021, 09:58:26 PM by leatherface
I remember seeing Agnostic Front play in Dublin many moons ago, around 2002, at a place called 'The Shelter'

( Video of said gig here:   

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pj4Aq-mw2U ).

What are some gig spaces you remember around Dublin? Lower Deck springs to mind too, saw Insect Warfare play there one night.

The Pint was probably my favourite venue in Dublin. Perfect size, usually a great sound and many fun nights had in there watching a lot of excellent bands.

My first punk gig was in 96. I heard about it on the Metal Show; it was a launch gig for the Striknien DC/ Monkhouse split CD and in was on in the "Ormond Multimedia Centre". There was going to be a skateboarding exhibition at it and all! To my tender 14 year old imagination this was going to be like the Irish version of the Vans Warped Tour that I had seen photos of in magazines. So my dad brought me and a couple of mates to it on a Sunday night.

We get to the "Ormond Multimedia Centre" which sounded like an important venue for the arts but actually turned out to be the dingy basement floor of an old abandoned hotel  :laugh: the skateboarding exhibition was three or four lads going up and down ramps that were so small you could daintily step over them without spilling your Coke!

So on those fronts my expectations were quickly dashed but the important part, the music, was fucking savage. That split CD remains one of my favorite albums.

I don't know if that place was used much for gigs or not as that was the only time I was there but it certainly left its mark on my memory.

The Shelter was basement of Vicar St.  When I first started going to Hardcore gigs, they were in basement of The Temple. City arts centre had gigs, as did Radio city?? beside busaris.

#3 October 09, 2021, 10:49:16 PM Last Edit: October 09, 2021, 10:52:46 PM by Makeshiftatomsmasher
Andy, I saw Neurosis/ Unsane gig there. Neurosis were touring  Through silver in blood.

Played a DIY all-ages gig with Mass Extinction once in the basement of a bar on Parnell Street, side of Parnell over other side of O'Connell Street from Fibbers. Remember it being a cool enough little space, but never saw anyone else play there.

Used to play gigcity (I think?) organized gigs in the basement bar of Radio City all the time. Awful gigs, those yokes where they put you on the bill with any aul bands and you've to sell tickets to it to make any money. Ah, those earliest of early days, before we knew anyone at all in the Dublin scene.

Conway, on Parnell St had a few gigs upstairs, before it closed down. Likewise upstairs of Slatterys hosted many gigs.

Eamon Dorans had loads of gigs before it became a poxy tourist trap. Likewise Murray's had hardcore gigs in the basement  and that goth club upstairs,  I saw Trash talk and Crowd control in that place directly across from Music centre.

Quote from: Makeshiftatomsmasher on October 09, 2021, 10:49:16 PM
Andy, I saw Neurosis/ Unsane gig there. Neurosis were touring  Through silver in blood.

Holy fuck,  that must have be unreal. I only saw Neurosis for the first time when they supported Entombed. 98 I think? In the TBMC. That was an eye opening gig.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on October 09, 2021, 10:51:33 PM
Played a DIY all-ages gig with Mass Extinction once in the basement of a bar on Parnell Street, side of Parnell over other side of O'Connell Street from Fibbers. Remember it being a cool enough little space, but never saw anyone else play there.

Used to play gigcity (I think?) organized gigs in the basement bar of Radio City all the time. Awful gigs, those yokes where they put you on the bill with any aul bands and you've to sell tickets to it to make any money. Ah, those earliest of early days, before we knew anyone at all in the Dublin scene.

Parnell Mooney? Played a couple of gigs in there with The State Pathologist... back in the early 00s. There were loads of punk/hardcore gigs there twenty years ago. I saw The Dagda there a couple of times with Tragedy and His Hero is Gone. That type of crust stuff was new to me then and so fucking dark and heavy. Many fun nights there indeed.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on October 09, 2021, 10:43:57 PM
My first punk gig was in 96. I heard about it on the Metal Show; it was a launch gig for the Striknien DC/ Monkhouse split CD and in was on in the "Ormond Multimedia Centre". There was going to be a skateboarding exhibition at it and all! To my tender 14 year old imagination this was going to be like the Irish version of the Vans Warped Tour that I had seen photos of in magazines. So my dad brought me and a couple of mates to it on a Sunday night.

We get to the "Ormond Multimedia Centre" which sounded like an important venue for the arts but actually turned out to be the dingy basement floor of an old abandoned hotel  :laugh: the skateboarding exhibition was three or four lads going up and down ramps that were so small you could daintily step over them without spilling your Coke!

So on those fronts my expectations were quickly dashed but the important part, the music, was fucking savage. That split CD remains one of my favorite albums.

I don't know if that place was used much for gigs or not as that was the only time I was there but it certainly left its mark on my memory.

I was at that, it was a great night. I wasn't much of a punk and I remember being worried that I'd be fucked because I was a 'rocker'. Mate of mine, long time punk saw me right.

Remember 'The Ritz'? Upstairs of some pub off Parnell St. Was at some serious gigs there in the mid '90s. Oi Polloi, Hellvision & Genital Mishap was a good one. I think OP's van was burnt out?

There was a pub in liberties used briefly. Green lizard. Snowblood and Stand up-guy played it.

Played a gig at the Parnell Mooney too, all the other bands were punk, none of which I really enjoyed except for 'Puget Sound', whose drummer stripped down to his bare arse over the course of their set. Awesome band for what they were.

The clientele on the other hand, with their dogs and DIY 'dreadlocks'...well I didn't get on great with them :)

Quote from: Eoin McLove on October 09, 2021, 10:43:57 PM
The Pint was probably my favourite venue in Dublin. Perfect size, usually a great sound and many fun nights had in there watching a lot of excellent bands.

My first punk gig was in 96. I heard about it on the Metal Show; it was a launch gig for the Striknien DC/ Monkhouse split CD and in was on in the "Ormond Multimedia Centre". There was going to be a skateboarding exhibition at it and all! To my tender 14 year old imagination this was going to be like the Irish version of the Vans Warped Tour that I had seen photos of in magazines. So my dad brought me and a couple of mates to it on a Sunday night.

We get to the "Ormond Multimedia Centre" which sounded like an important venue for the arts but actually turned out to be the dingy basement floor of an old abandoned hotel  :laugh: the skateboarding exhibition was three or four lads going up and down ramps that were so small you could daintily step over them without spilling your Coke!

So on those fronts my expectations were quickly dashed but the important part, the music, was fucking savage. That split CD remains one of my favorite albums.

I don't know if that place was used much for gigs or not as that was the only time I was there but it certainly left its mark on my memory.

The ormonde multimedia centre was an old print works, the machinery cogs were still attached to the ceilings 😂 the lads from Bambi made the ramps i think, it was a great gig and that cd as you said is class, Monkhouse were an amazing band 🤟🤟

Anyone remember the fox and pheasant, some wild spot for gigs

Never got the love for Monkhouse at all, Striknien DC on the other hand were outstanding.

A lot of great venues outside Dublin sadly but the dust, namely The High Stool in Limerick and Wolfhound and Nancy's in Cork, among others. Some of the gigs in the Wolfhound were absolute chaos.