I ignored all of Dimmu Borgir's material for years based on the shite they have been coming out with for the last 20+ years, but I regret not listening to this album sooner. It's incredible. It lies somewhere between 'Kronet Til Konge' and 'Aspera Hiems Symfonia', but even more memorable than those albums.

Stormblast isnt bad but it starts to sound a bit twee on some tracks. Anything else I've heard from them has been absolute scutter for the most part, but some of the tracks from 97/98 don't seem too bad, kind of sound like Abigor/Emperor in parts.

'Stormblåst' is great and, like you, I ignored them for a long time because of their later, more polished style. 'For All Tid' is on my shopping list.

I picked up the remasters of 'Dark Medieval Times' and 'The Shadowthrown' the other day. I had listened to the former online a few times but never bothered with the latter. Both are fucking great. Easily the best Satyricon material. From the few albums I previously had of theirs, including 'Nemesis Divina', I only ever liked a few songs from them so wasn't very inspired to dive into the early stuff. Fucking hell, that was a mistake. 'DMT' has such a bloody brutal guitar sound. I love it.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on July 15, 2021, 04:41:30 PM
'Stormblåst' is great and, like you, I ignored them for a long time because of their later, more polished style. 'For All Tid' is on my shopping list.

I picked up the remasters of 'Dark Medieval Times' and 'The Shadowthrown' the other day. I had listened to the former online a few times but never bothered with the latter. Both are fucking great. Easily the best Satyricon material. From the few albums I previously had of theirs, including 'Nemesis Divina', I only ever liked a few songs from them so wasn't very inspired to dive into the early stuff. Fucking hell, that was a mistake. 'DMT' has such a bloody brutal guitar sound. I love it.

Both incredible albums. Shadowthrown (sic) fits in perfectly with the mid 90s buzz of Norwegian BM that I love.

I listened to For All Tid a year or two ago for the first time and enjoyed it but never went back. Will give it a lash again now. Always enjoyed Stormblast but I think that I may have only really enjoyed it in comparison to their other stuff. An easy win there.

Both bands seem to get maligned for different reasons but you can't argue with the quality of those early albums. They both really captured the essence of what made Norwegian BM so special, and I find myself with some exceptions more and more drawn to that 90s stuff.

I love all Dimmu material until DCA. I really don't understand why the band gets vilified for polished production however their post DCA releases musically are crap.

Puritanical gets ripped but it has some of the best Black metal riffs I've ever heard. 

For All Tid is unreal. Like others I ignored Dimmu for 20 years based on my introduction being Spiritual Black Dimensions back in 99. Been enjoying it a lot recently. Earliest Satyricon is good but far from my favourite mid 90s Norge BM.

Had the No Colours version of For All Tid and sold it to a buddy well over 20 years ago. Without remorse and am not looking back in the slightest.
Regarding first 2 Satyricon albums, Dark Medieval times has a lot of fruity and dubious momets with children like melodies and stuff, but I hold Shadowthrone in the highest - highest regards.

#7 July 16, 2021, 09:58:12 AM Last Edit: July 21, 2021, 05:24:32 PM by Paul keohane
I like must of Satyricons albums,but The Shadowthrone is probably my favourite black metal album in general.

I never got into DB,a band that i never properly investigated.

The first two Dimmu Borgia albums are class. Everything after was fairly bad. The re-recording of Stormblast is absolutely terrible, a pointless exercise and to me it just stank of blatant cashing in.

Got the resissue of DMT myself. Love that album alot, even tho I can't get into the rest of their work. The cheesy folky melodies combined with the fist pumping throwaway bathory riffs and sprinkle of classic guitar works even tho it shouldnt.

Shame they changed the album cover for the reissue though, understandably they want to distance themselves as being more serious but they could of at least stuck it on an insert or something.

I went to Nuclear Blast and saw a copy of For All Tid on CD for €7.99. Bingo!

Added postage... €36! Death by bongo...

Quote from: Eoin McLove on July 18, 2021, 07:38:14 AM
I went to Nuclear Blast and saw a copy of For All Tid on CD for €7.99. Bingo!

Added postage... €36! Death by bongo...
That's crazy shite.....      :o

Too crazy for me. I'll have to try and get a copy at some point. Surely Dodgy Burger CDs can't be that hard to come by.

Which of their later albums would people recommend checking out?

Puritanical is a great album. Brilliant drumming by Nick Barker as well. I never really got into any of the ones after that.