Had this topic over on the old MI boards before.
Think it still deserves it's own thread, given the amount of content being spewed out.

The Justice League Snyder Cut is just out.
At four hours long, I've only watched the first hour (2 parts) so far and already it's making a bit more sense. But it's still a fair bit patchy.
Will hopefully Finish it over the weekend.

The aspect ratio is quite jarring, too.
Can anyone tell me the reason behind that?

Not a fan of Snyder at all, overblown and over bloated films. Not sure how he gets free reign with this material..
As a side note, could anyone recommend some classic Marvel collections (early period collections in one book), used to see them back in the day in Forbidden Planet and other places but was buying different stuff back then.

Quote from: jobrok1 on March 20, 2021, 11:20:20 AMThe aspect ratio is quite jarring, too.
Can anyone tell me the reason behind that?

IMAX ratio. Even though it'll mostly be seen on small screens, Snyder insisted on it. Something to do with his action being 'more vertical than horizontal' or some such bollocks.

Anyway, I've watched 3 'parts' of it myself, mostly unseen footage (apparently all of Whedon's footage has been ditched in favour of the stuff Snyder wanted to shoot) and so far it's only marginally less terrible than the previous cut. Excessive slow motion and terrible CGI aplenty. Hopefully it improves, either way it couldn't be worse than the theatrical cut.

Quote from: leatherface on March 20, 2021, 11:34:54 AM
Not a fan of Snyder at all, overblown and over bloated films. Not sure how he gets free reign with this material..
As a side note, could anyone recommend some classic Marvel collections (early period collections in one book), used to see them back in the day in Forbidden Planet and other places but was buying different stuff back then.

If you can find it, I was a big fan of Captain America the blood stone hunt that first came out around 1988/89. Kinda like cap crossed with Indiana Jones if you like that sorta stuff

Finished the Snyder cut. It improved as it progressed and it's much better than the theatrical cut, but it's still a poor film overall.

Sat down and watched WandaVision over the course of the day. A few episodes of headscratching, the 'aaah...' episode and then into the meat of it. Good overall, sets a few things up in the mid/post credits stings, too.

Yeah! There was plenty 'Huh!  :-\ ' moments at the start, but it all played out well in the end.

The Falcon & The Winter Soldier was a lot more straight forward.
Quite enjoyed that one a lot, too.

I'm about a year behind on the whole MCU thing, so I've only now watched Spider-Man: No Way Home. It was alright, I've no idea where all the hype came from. A good concept but it had already been done in Into The Spider-Verse, so its impact was minimal. Way too long at 2½ hours, too.