Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on February 05, 2021, 12:51:45 PM
Quote from: warhead on February 05, 2021, 12:01:16 PM
seems like women are drove to scum in big numbers

Totally agree. What we need to do is stop giving women lifts.

Nobody rides for free.

I notice this group of women (is it OK to say "women"?, I  hope I haven't offended any woke cunts) chose not to go to the relevant law enforcement agencies with their complaint re. Mansons' alleged actions, but instead went the social media route, ensuring plenty of publicity and support for themselves without having to answer any pesky questions or produce any evidence to substantiate their allegations.
Now as I've said earlier here, I always thought Manson is a bit of a cunt, but that doesn't mean the man hasn't a right to defend himself against these allegations.
Is a man guilty until proven innocent now if some young one puts up on fucking Twitter or Instagram that he is an abuser of women?
By Christ, tis dangerous times we live in if that's the case.

Von teese has come forward saying nothing ever happened regarding abuse apart from MM abusing drugs.

Quote from: son of the Morrigan on February 05, 2021, 08:43:11 PM
without having to answer any pesky questions

Well, quite. Imagine choosing the easy rather than the known to be traumatic way out of an already traumatic situation! And as I said earlier, I do think Manson is a particularly likely candidate for fantastical accusations (among which I don't count specifically anyone who has made any thus far), but I also understand why women don't jump to go down the "proper" channels. Apart from mediatized cases from the US and elsewhere, I know people who have gone the proper route and deeply regretted it, due to getting no justice at the price of a whole lot of repeatedly revisited trauma. Sound.

A valid point well made.
I am in no way belittling the traumatic effects of abuse on women and I have nothing but contempt for men who mistreat or disrespect women in any way.
I, like yourself, am only too aware of the woeful shortcomings of the legal system in dealing with matters of this nature.
To suggest however, that the solution to these shortcomings is to ignore and circumvent the justice system all-together, in favor of using social media as an unregulated tool of public pillory is shortsighted in the extreme.

#66 February 05, 2021, 10:43:17 PM Last Edit: February 05, 2021, 10:47:19 PM by Nazgûl
Quote from: son of the Morrigan on February 05, 2021, 08:43:11 PM
I notice this group of women (is it OK to say "women"?, I  hope I haven't offended any woke cunts) chose not to go to the relevant law enforcement agencies with their complaint re. Mansons' alleged actions, but instead went the social media route, ensuring plenty of publicity and support for themselves without having to answer any pesky questions or produce any evidence to substantiate their allegations.

Perhaps because rape and sexual violence is the single most underreported crime out there, the likelihood a person is suffering from PTSD and only being able to come forward years after the fact (or never), not receiving any justice at the cost of revisited trauma as BSC mentioned, a lack of evidence (given the nature of the crime), fear of the accused...a mix of these and many other factors? 

The news around this also states Wood had stated being abused by a partner a few times in the years after, once before a Judiciary Committee but never named anybody, until now.

But hey, sure it's dangerous times we're living in when multiple women can't just put all that aside and go down the proper route with their "complaint". I'm sure a multi million dollar actress could do with the publicity of being raped.

EDIT: my last comment was posted before your last more clearly stated, clarified one.

Never had any interest or opinion in the man or his music. But yer one from Westworld accusing him doesn't come across as the type that would put up with or take any kind of shit from anyone.

The coverage this story is getting is quite amusing too, in that some websites covering it are basically tearing into him after years of fawning over everything he ever did.

Quote from: son of the Morrigan on February 05, 2021, 10:42:31 PM
To suggest however, that the solution to these shortcomings is to ignore and circumvent the justice system all-together, in favor of using social media as an unregulated tool of public pillory is shortsighted in the extreme.

I didn't suggest anything, I just understand why it would be seen as an easier way to try to offload the psychological burden. Quite simply because it actually is. Having never been raped, I'm not going to tell anyone who has what the appropriate response they should have is. And as murky and complex as things may get with dishonesty and even more complicated psychological goings on, the worn out doubt-stirrer of "Well, why didn't they go to the police, hmm?" just doesn't hold water, besides being not in the slightest bit insightful at this stage.

Didn't read much into this outside of this thread but I have little doubt that he was up to plenty of severely dicey shit over the years. Having read his book as a young fella I can't see how anyone is truly surprised but at the same time the trial by social media disturbs me a bit. I accept that's the world we live in though, and not raping people is generally a good way of avoiding being accused of it.

Quote from: astfgyl on February 06, 2021, 11:21:42 AM
not raping people is generally a good way of avoiding being accused of it.

Not really though. A simple Google will tell you there are more than enough women out there happy to destroy a young fellas reputation with a false accusation.

Oh I'm well aware of that, it's why I said generally. Also why the trial by social media bothers me. Similar happened a couple of years ago with trent reznor and maynard keenan but it didn't really take off and they appear to have come out of it ok. The difference here I guess is the high profile of the accuser so it's a lot harder to shake off. From Warner's perspective he should be suing for defamation if he is innocent and keep his head down in the meantime and let his innocence or lack thereof be subject to the scrutiny of the court

Why exactly should Warner spend his money proving his innocence? It should be up to the criminal justice system to prove his guilt. 

In an ideal world yes, but the trial by social media is what it is and for right or wrong it has gained enough traction here that if he just lets it off he will be forever stuck with the rapist label. I believe the burden of proof should lie with the accuser but the world is all the wrong way around these days so I think he would have to have his day in court to shake it off, as unfair as that is.