Argh! Un paquet de vynils et des CDs ont été ajoutés à la distro.
C'est le moment de commander pour recevoir ça avant noèl !
Ps : Je n'envoie pas les vynils en lettres, choisissez Mondial relay ou colissimo.

Last distro news:

INFERNAL CONJURATION (Mex) Auto de Fe 7 ep. Old school death

KRATORNAS (Philippines) Hollow Ground Destruction 7 Ep/ Picture disc. Raw black death

PAZUZU (Costa rica)/ MORBID PERVERSION (Bra) Darkest Abominations Split 7 Ep. 2nd hand. Old school death/ Black death. 2nd hand: Cover was a bit damaged due to transport

MACHETAZO (Spa)/ RAS (Spa) Split 7 Ep. Death grind/ Grindcore

CHRISTER PETTERSSON (Swe) Empatihaveri 7 Ep. Grindcore/ Fastcore/ Thrash

ZOMBIE COOKBOOK (Bra) Cine trash 7 Ep. Death thrash grind

ICE DRAGON (Usa) Demon from hell/ Scratch at your skin 7 Ep. Hard rock/ Stoner/ Doom

ASHIAIP (Uk) Nothing Gets my dick harder than the screams of a dying american 7 Ep. Grindcore noisecore. With members of Bollock swine

BOLO (Rus) Red cross 7 Ep. Grindcore/ Powerviolence

AVENGER (Cze) Minster of madness / The black zone CD. Old school death metal.
Rerelease of demos from 94 and 95.

BRIMSTONE GATE (Ger) Return from the brimstone portal CD. Black death

DEEP DESOLATION (Pol) Dwunaste wrota CD. Black thrash/ Blackened thrash

WOLFPATH (Pol) Wolfpath MCD. Digipack. Black metal


BESIEGER (Usa) Honor in obliteration Demo tape. Old school death metal. influenced by the old swedish style, with a more crust side. Tape + sticker. (With a member of Rancorous)

PERSECUTOR (Pol) Dystopian conquest CD. Old school thrash/ Blackened thrash

NIHILISTIC Mini zine/ newsletter 18
The new NIHILISTIC mini zine is ready! This time it contains interviews of MULE SKINNER (Grindcore from Usa) and GOD'S FUNERAL (Doom death from Spain), as well as reviews of: Bocc, Mouflon, Baladro, I Destroyer, Scalpel, Vipera, Razor wire, Hellcrash, Sodomy, Jail, Chromolith, Genestealer, Vengeance, Entumecido, Impalement, Precipicio, Suicidal preacher and Septic excrements.
That's 12 x A5 pages full of underground metal. Pro-printed. 250 copies distributed for free in trades/ orders/ packages... To support the underground!

MOUFLON (Hol) Pure filth CD. Old school death/ Death doom. For fans of old european death metal like Gorefest, Benediction, early Death...

FULMINATE (Usa) Internal degradation Demo tape. Gore death grind/ Goregrind like early Carcass, old Dead infection.

TAXIDERMIA (Ita) Demo 2023 Tape. Old school death

VAYRON (Fra) Dead fish man CD. Old school death with old brutal death influences. Sounds like a cross between old Deicide, Morbid Angel, Pestilence and old Cannibal corpse... (With previous members of Silure)

A few TAPES, CDs and Free bonus stuffs were added to the Webshop!

MIRROR (Spa) Harvest Demo tape.  Old school mid paced death metal and creeping death doom, in the spirit of the old bands. Four songs engraved in the tomb with a crushing HM-2 guitar sound.

MUGRE (Spa) Shoggoths Demo tape. Old school death with some strange influences here & there (Reminds me of Comecon)

KALOPSIA (Usa) Sanguine epitaph MCD. Quite bulldozing death metal with a powerful sound.

HORRIBLE (Spa) Ruido ensordecedor en el local de ensayo Demo tape. Grindcore/ Noisecore


DEUS OTIOSUS (Denmark) Sis Mortuus Mondo CD. 2nd hand. Old school death.
2nd hand CD: Few scars under the disk, but plays well.

FACE TASTER (Usa) Booger Promo CD. Simple punk rock the old way (70's)

MONOTONEATO (Usa) Dr. sewage strikes again CDr. Experimental

ARMAND VAN LANCKER QUARTET (Fra) Chez Gilles CD. Digipack.
Swing, jazz, musette.

ZONZINE (Fra) Mini zine.
Mini fanzine, humour et dessins punk.
16 pages. A7. In french.


DECREATION (Fin) Flesh eater Demo CD. Death metal influenced by the 90's styles, both american and european, with a quite big production.

SAATTOVÄKI (Fin) Heretic Demo tape. Old styled death metal with a brutally evil side and some old technical touches.

NECROMUTILATION (Fin) Necromutilation Demo tape. Raw old school death.

AVENGER (Cze) Minster of madness / The black zone CD. Old school death metal. Rerelease of demos from 94 and 95.

Some new CDs, Tapes, free bonus stuffs and stickers were added to the webshop !
Check it, and support the Funderground!

Last distro news:

LANGUISH (Usa) Unworthy CD. Blackened death grind

NEKROI THEOI (Usa) Dead gods CD. Brutal death with a technical/ progressive side

EKPYROSIS (Ita) Primordial Chaos Restored MCD. Obscure death doom, in the style of Incantation/ Dead congregation

PYPHOMGERTUM (Mex) G.O.R.E. MCD. Death metal/ Old brutal death

DISEMBODIED (Spa) Order neglect Demo tape 1998. Death metal/ Old brutal death

NO SALVATION (Pol) Defiling verses Tape. Death metal



JESUS SHAWCROSS (Usa) Dismal corrosion of victims Mini CDr. Noise grind/ Cyber grind. Quite extreme sounding

IB 64 Zine (Usa) Mini fanzine/ Newsletter written by prisoners.

BREATHILIZOR (Usa) Sinister sacrifices for the son of godzilla Demo CDr. Sludgey hard rock/ metal with an "evil" humoristic side.

TRAIL (Swe) Forgotten and repressed Demo CDr. Hard rock/ Punk

BAUHAUS U.K. (Usa) Rosegarden funeral of s'mores CD. Digipack. Post punk goth parody

EBDB - Cadaver sticker
KLAUSTROPHOBIA Recs - Mini sticker
LIFELONG - Big sticker
MOUFLON - Goat skull sticker
GOETIA - Sticker
D.K.A - Sticker
Mino obscur - Mini sticker
IRON CORPSE Recs - Green zombie sticker
IRON CORPSE - Black & white zombie sticker


KOURISTUS (Fin) Mielen ja maailman rappio CD. Digipack. Grindcore/ Old school hardcore punk.

GRAVE DESECRATOR (Bra) Immundissime spiritus CD. Black death

SUPAYNIYUX (Switzerland/ Ecuador) Genocidio Infernal Tape. Brutal old school black metal/ Bestial black death

SUPAYNIYUX (Switzerland/ Ecuador) Aniquilacion de cristo MCD. Brutal black metal/ War metal

BOCC (Spa)/ MOUFLON (Hol) Split MCD. Obscure death doom/ Old school death doom

CULMEN (Peru) De un soplo la creación MCD. Digipack. Dissonant black metal

BLOODMOON (Hol) The black plague CD. Old school death metal

SURROGATE PREY (Philippines) Wisdom to scramble your brains lysergik CD. Doom sludge/ Death doom in a quite suffocating way.

DEVIL'S GATEWAY (Fin) Eternal grind CD. Death doom/ sludge from the cave, with an almost industrial edge à la early Godflesh. (With a member of Hooded menace).

GENOCIDAL TERROR (Bel) Delirium of negation CD. Death grind with a blackened touch

Check out NIHILISTIC Distro!

CROWN OF ANGUISH (Uk) Stalker at the midian gate CD. Death metal influenced by mid old Morbid Angel, old Nile, with some revengeful parts and something more epic.

EVIL INCARNATE (Usa) First born of the dead MCD. Old school death

IMPURIST (Uk) Punishment without mercy MCD. Blackened death metal the brutal way.

CAUSTIC PHLEGM (Uk) Putrefying flesh Demo tape.Cavern old school death with a Hm2 sound. With member of Chestcrush

CHUNKED (Usa) Inhaling the Infestation Demo tape. Old styled mid-paced death metal/ Death doom with a cavern side like old Grave/ old Rotting.

WHISPER (Fin) Xenogenesis MCD. Death metal between the old school style and more blasting "obscure" genre.

OBSCENUM (Fin) Intercranial Existence Demo tape. Death metal

TEMPEST (Mex) Unending torment Demo tape. Old school and violent death metal/ obscure death. Sounds like a mix of old Angel corpse, old Incantation, old Morbid angel, Abhorer. With members of Question.

ABDUCTIONS (Bra) Failed humanity CD. Digipack. Fast and evil burning death metal in brazilian style.

CROSSFACE (Bel) Kayfabe is not dead CD. Hardcore

KOURISTUS (Fin) Mielen ja maailman rappio CD. Digipack. Grindcore/ Old school hardcore punk.