Quote from: hellfire on January 19, 2021, 04:57:16 PM
Century Media pulled all of their Iced Earth & Demons and Wizards stuff.  Seems a little harsh to be honest, but it's their money.
Harsh for the other fella in Demons and wizards. Like your mate shits in your teachers lunch box and you both get detention.

As it should be. One in, all in....

They've disappeared from the band roster on the label homepage. No statement about them actually being dumped yet or not though. Agonia can pick them up if they are dropped!

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on January 19, 2021, 05:00:48 PM
No doubt it's in anticipation of all the blue haired Metal heads losing their shit.

Blabbermouth and Metalsucks must be having an absolute ball at the moment.

Quote from: hellfire on January 19, 2021, 06:40:22 PM
Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on January 19, 2021, 05:00:48 PM
No doubt it's in anticipation of all the blue haired Metal heads losing their shit.

Blabbermouth and Metalsucks must be having an absolute ball at the moment.
Non-plural being the operative form...

None of this makes me any more or less likely to listen to their records, but that's a shit move from Century Media.  That label was pretty much built off Iced Earth's back.

It seems nothing can abate the screaming wailing crybaby masses.

Did iced earth have an album already recorded or is the 2017 one the last?

I mean he's entitled to stand up for his rights/beliefs etc etc...but was he really that blinded to the fact that something like this wouldn't impact on his professional career as a musician? If he's willing to take the hit then good luck to him..if not then he's just gonna have to live with it and roll out plan B..if he has one...

I'd say he knew very well what he was getting into. We're just so used to going along with everything in this part of the world that we believe this is somehow horrific. Both my parents were at the burning of the British embassy in 1972. They are about as non violent as it gets but sometimes enough is enough and the powers that be need to know that people aren't willing to sit around and watch shit take its course. After the madbess that raged throughout the US last year it was only a matter of time before there was a reaction to it. Whether you agree with it or not is something else entirely, but it was certainly inevitable. Personally I think it's not necessarily a bad thing to give the system a jolt every now and then, let them know they're only there because the people put them there.

Exactly. It's very easy for snivelling shits to condemn the man from the safety a keyboard in their cum dungeon.

He condemned himself for being a stupid prick and rioting with the rest of the Freedumb Fashbois.

Still don't see how you can reconcile talking about sticking it to "the powers that be" in the context of people who were literally following the articulated whims of the (then) President of the United States of America.

Leave my cum dungeon out of it.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 20, 2021, 02:24:44 PM
Still don't see how you can reconcile talking about sticking it to "the powers that be" in the context of people who were literally following the articulated whims of the (then) President of the United States of America.

He was never allowed to be the president of America by the lizard establishment: Pelosi and the likes. I thought you believed in anarchism or something along those lines, not propping up these fatcat career politicians?