A simple explanation of 'I'm doing this because of American meddling in the Middle East' prior to beheading would probably clear up a lot of the confusion around this topic, and put people's minds at ease.

#61 November 04, 2020, 06:24:18 AM Last Edit: June 11, 2021, 06:36:36 AM by Kurt Cocaine
And I want to know if they're more likely to attack Super Valu, Tesco or Lidl & Aldi shoppers?
After all, shopping can be  a cutthroat business sometimes.

They flung me in the gulag lad. Doing workouts, keeping well though.
Coming back better and stronger.

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on November 03, 2020, 07:00:35 PM
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 03, 2020, 06:40:49 PM
We have, however, in this thread had:
Quotethe Middle East and whatever other camel/sheep shit eating shitholes there are around the globe

And, in another recent one:
Quotesand n****r

So, it seemed timely to remind the sophisticated minds scuttering out this stuff, that even in the "civilized" western world, you get non Muslim, highly educated maniacs willing to mow down civilians, women, and children for the stupidest, most superficial of fucking reasons.
My heart dies a little every time I pop a moth on my windscreen if that makes you feel any better?
I'm not totally heartless you know....  :laugh:
Also, you forgot Alan Snackbar heads too...

Go Switzerland..!.....  :abbath:


I wouldn't mind but they're the one European country that hasn't really big numbers of Moslems in its population.

Whatever about the Islam lads, if it extends to the dopey fucking masks then I'm far right now too

It's a bit of a not welcome here kind of move. The number of women who use the full face covering is fairly low.

The joys of not being in the EU or EEA and Brussels not telling you what to do, huh?  ::)

There's a ban on them here, so it's nothing to do with Brussels. Retarded law; way to make a shining example of how freedom of expression works. Whadda we do when we don't agree with something? The same as what you freedom haters do; we ban it!

I have no problem with any of the Islamic women wearing whatever they want. It's a bit of a nothing move given the portion of the population it affects there. It will only cause shit in the long run.

I doubt it will. They're basically just putting a sign on the door saying not welcome here.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on March 09, 2021, 02:25:32 PM
There's a ban on them here, so it's nothing to do with Brussels. Retarded law; way to make a shining example of how freedom of expression works. Whadda we do when we don't agree with something? The same as what you freedom haters do; we ban it!

I can't stand that medieval, shit-for-brains religion, but banning them wearing what they please, you can't be doing that really. If they want to wear a glorified bin bag, that is...

The left is just as scoobied as the right on the issue. Smash the patriarchy, but don't be going interfering with the most anti-woman doctrine in existence because most of its adherents are a darker shade of purple.

Another thing, the commies here (whose headquarters is just around the corner from my house) festooning the place with purple for the women's day. Why can't Marxists just be Marxists instead of being post modernists as well? It's not obligatory to be wrong about everything, save a bit of face!

They should means test it. Ladies, do you have a face like a well slapped arse? Cover it, regardless of religion. If not, then show it off for all the world to see, along with any other nice bits you may have.

Quote from: hellfire on March 09, 2021, 04:23:18 PM
I doubt it will. They're basically just putting a sign on the door saying not welcome here.

Yeah you're probably right given how little are affected. It's like here, there are actually very few wearing the full face covering, so if it was to be introduced it would be more of a deterrent than a punishment. I'd be surprised if some sort of legal challenge wasn't mounted but I've only really followed it on here rather than really reading into it

Just a bit of posturing to capture the centre right vote I'd imagine. Will affect all of about ten women who didn't want to wear the thing in the first place. If they went after hijabs or halal meet there would be uproar.