Quote from: Eoin McLove on April 18, 2020, 08:19:36 PM
First bottle of Guinness Extra Stout of the weekend,  pulled cold from the fridge. If there is such a thing as heaven, Guinness Extra Stout has to feature heavily.
It's even better at room temperature.

Nah, agree with McLove there, nice and cold from the fridge... Although I wouldn't agree with one of the girls I went to college with, she insisted on chilling red wine.

Foreign Extra is the daddy. Once you get a taste for it and it 7.5% then regular stuff tastes like water.

Quote from: Wiseblood on April 18, 2020, 10:46:18 PM
Foreign Extra is the daddy. Once you get a taste for it and it 7.5% then regular stuff tastes like water.

Big fan of the Foreign Extra myself but it's hard to beat a draught pint of cream in a good pub all the same!

I've developed a serious taste for cans of draught during this lock in - sorry, lockdown - I'd have a few most nights but the West Indies porter is bloody lovely when I can get it. Nice surprise when they had them in Vicar St. last time I was there, I'd rather pay €6 for one of those than dodgy gig pints.

Their milk stout is the business with a steak or the like. Lovely winter drink.

Sleep coaching an infant!

Oh sorry, absolutely the wrong thread :/

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on April 18, 2020, 08:30:12 PM
Quote from: Eoin McLove on April 18, 2020, 08:19:36 PM
First bottle of Guinness Extra Stout of the weekend,  pulled cold from the fridge. If there is such a thing as heaven, Guinness Extra Stout has to feature heavily.
It's even better at room temperature.

Giving a shout for extra stout. Bottle or can, shelf or cooler, get it in it is the nectar of the gods

Wine. It's fucking lovely.

A fine hangover off it though. Well if one happens to be a pig like myself..

Massively reduced my drinking over the past year or so but the last couple of days I've had a real lip on me between the beautiful weather and being stuck at home.  Today in Lidl I had a look at the beer aisle and saw they had non alcoholic IPA bottles for 99c. Hitting the spot nicely! Going to grab a heap of them for the fridge I think. 

That lovely sound that knives make when you slide them out of their holder. Shinnnnggggg!

Quote from: Juggz on April 19, 2020, 11:21:50 PM
Wine. It's fucking lovely.

I like all wine but a nice red is a winner. Been drinking tonnes of the Barefoot Malbec lately. It's almost too easy to drink.

Aldi have Cotes du Rhone red at about 7 quid and it’s quite incredible.