Quote from: Caomhaoin on March 10, 2024, 11:01:48 AMYeah, very common. Some of them aren't bad, and they do hit the spot. I think your brain is so accustomed to the beer in sense out paradigm that you do feel slightly altered after having a zero or two:)

Yes  noticed that   I put it down to rhe chemicals or high sugar content.  Probably the latter

Oh yeah, defo. I've been out and drank five or six and jumped in the car feeling woozy until I reminded myself I hadn't drank any alcohol  :laugh:

Quote from: Caomhaoin on March 10, 2024, 09:01:23 AM
Quote from: ochoill on February 24, 2024, 04:23:51 PMDay drinking

Young man's game, only possible on holidays and maybe Paddy's weekend now.

It is a rare occurrence for me nowadays but I'll take advantage of the opportunity.  Siege now in three weeks so it will happen then again, surely, if I can get in on time.

Just spotted a pair of Bullfinches in the garden.  Not sure if they are a pair, but a male and a female having a snoop around.  Buzzing as I haven't seen one in ages. 

Quote from: ochoill on March 11, 2024, 09:58:26 AM
Quote from: Caomhaoin on March 10, 2024, 09:01:23 AM
Quote from: ochoill on February 24, 2024, 04:23:51 PMDay drinking

No wife or young lad this weekend so I've lads from Donegal, Sao Paolo and Nigeria calling over Saturday for 'the rugby'. I dunno lads, the last few hangovers have been so chastening that I feel a mixture of elation and despair at the prospect.

Young man's game, only possible on holidays and maybe Paddy's weekend now.

It is a rare occurrence for me nowadays but I'll take advantage of the opportunity.  Siege now in three weeks so it will happen then again, surely, if I can get in on time.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on March 14, 2024, 03:54:00 PM
Quote from: ochoill on March 11, 2024, 09:58:26 AM
Quote from: Caomhaoin on March 10, 2024, 09:01:23 AM
Quote from: ochoill on February 24, 2024, 04:23:51 PMDay drinking

No wife or young lad this weekend so I've lads from Donegal, Sao Paolo and Nigeria calling over Saturday for 'the rugby'. I dunno lads, the last few hangovers have been so chastening that I feel a mixture of elation and despair at the prospect.

Young man's game, only possible on holidays and maybe Paddy's weekend now.

It is a rare occurrence for me nowadays but I'll take advantage of the opportunity.  Siege now in three weeks so it will happen then again, surely, if I can get in on time.

I was under the impression you were in the AA or something from your posts

After a few double ups I've finally catalogued all/most of my records on discogs and the app has a feature where you shake your phone and it will show a random release from your collection. Its has been great when I'm not sure what I want to listen to, I've been finding loads of cool stuff I haven't listened to in a long time or had completely forgotten about.

Didn't know about shaking the phone gives you something random!  Like yourself I do find the random item is useful for those times you can't decide what to listen to. 

That's a great function.  Actually must log back into discogs and redo my collection, think it's been six or seven years now and I have a few additions since then!

Quote from: Caomhaoin on March 14, 2024, 03:54:00 PMNo wife or young lad this weekend so I've lads from Donegal, Sao Paolo and Nigeria calling over Saturday for 'the rugby'. I dunno lads, the last few hangovers have been so chastening that I feel a mixture of elation and despair at the prospect.
Lol best of luck.  I had some fairly cruel hangovers lately too that have made me reassess the drink approach.  Not as in taking it easy or anything but more swapping out what I know kills me for stuff that doesn't put me in the horrors.  It's been lagers only for a couple of weeks and the next days of each rip have been the solid finest.

Cut my hair on a whim and fucked it all into a bin. Such freedom, should have done it ages ago.

To be fair, it was a lot thinner than the last time I had long hair (18 odd years ago) and the oul' ponytail was a lot narrower when it was tied back. Middleage hair is a pain in the hole. Only let it grow again during the Covid kablammo. Nice to finally let go.

The fact that I did it after coming home from an 8 pinter is wholly coincinental.

I've been shaving my head for years now and wet shaving it for nearly 3 years. Can't bate the sleek look and feel. I'm more aerodynamic which shaves milliseconds off my time when I'm doing the shopping on a Saturday morning, and every millisecond counts when it comes to weekend chores.

Oh I'm a bald veteran, been shaving it for a long time. Just let it grow back during the lockdown for the craic.

That newly shorn feeling, spreading a cold palm across yer dome - glorious. Everyone should do it at least once, male or female.

I should point out (for Caomhaoin's sake) that I still have a full head of hair, 'tis just a bit thinner in excelsis. Cut short now and it's grand. I also could not give a fuck if I went bald in the morning, I'd just rather it being gone than going. The inbetween shit is a pain in the scrotum.