Had a kestrel and a barn owl knocking about in a house I used to live in out the country and it was a real buzz hearing and seeing them about the place. When I'd be cycling into work early in the mornings 5am ish, I'd often encounter them along the way. Still a lot of stuff around here like finches and shit and robins nest here too, which is cool to see.

I'm delighted that the weather's warming up, it means I can leave the window open a crack and hear the dawn chirus every day. Nothing like it, there's a few trees behind our garden and always full of birds, last summer there was a very vocal wren that I loved to hear.

Brighter mornings when I'm leaving for work. About bloody time.
Going to and coming from work in the dark takes it out of you after a while.
I have a mate in Svalbard and she wouldn't have seen daylight since the end of October :-X

Quote from: ochoill on February 24, 2024, 04:23:51 PMDay drinking

It's great but I'm not able for it at all anymore. Went into Galway last Thursday and had a few around the town, was hammered by the time I got the train home and in bed around half 8. Getting old is shite.

Absolute schadenfreude, but hey ho


Cunts bought the place, torched it and knocked down the smouldering rubble so they could redevelop the site. Rebuilding it, exactly as it was, will not be easy or cheap at all. Beautiful.

The fire


The demolition two days later


Great to see some cunts get their comeuppance. Some jail time for the arson would be a nice touch, too.

Quote from: Bürggermeister on February 28, 2024, 10:24:17 AMAbsolute schadenfreude, but hey ho


Cunts bought the place, torched it and knocked down the smouldering rubble so they could redevelop the site. Rebuilding it, exactly as it was, will not be easy or cheap at all. Beautiful.

Brilliant!  :laugh:

Snow drops and crocus.  Give you hope it might actually warm up!

Waiting for it to kick in

Quote from: ochoill on February 24, 2024, 04:23:51 PMDay drinking

Young man's game, only possible on holidays and maybe Paddy's weekend now.

I've been off the sauce for 8 months at this stage. It's grand to be honest and my simple pleasure is the existence of decent tasting zero beers. Sometimes you just want that experience that only drinking a cold beer can deliver and I find the little zero heroes hit the spot perfectly. Also nice to be able to go for an afternoon in the pub discussing metal with a few heads and being able to drive home  8)

Kev can confirm if this is the same all over Spain, but certainly in the north it's accepted with zero (!) remark at all to drink alcohol free beer in bars, etc., like up to a quarter of people sitting on a terrace might have a 0% in front of them, something I haven't seen anywhere in France. Hasn't made me make the switch, but it definitely makes for a sounder atmosphere for those making the choice, for whatever reason.

Yeah, very common. Some of them aren't bad, and they do hit the spot. I think your brain is so accustomed to the beer in sense out paradigm that you do feel slightly altered after having a zero or two:)