Gardening.  I've never owned my own place before so gardening was always a pain in the hole.  Now that I have my own one I'm turning into Monty fuckin Don!

Quote from: Eoin McLove on May 04, 2019, 11:25:37 AM
Gardening.  I've never owned my own place before so gardening was always a pain in the hole.  Now that I have my own one I'm turning into Monty fuckin Don!

Yeah I actually love gardening myself.nothing like planting your own flowers and watching them grow.igenerally stick with bulbs though as you only need to plant the fuckers once.

We've stick in a combination of trees and plants, a veggie box and a small herb box as well.  Once/if they start emerging the places will be great looking.  Got a couple of packets of bee bombs, which are a mixture of local wild flowers that attract bees,  so we'll scatter them around the place too.  It's taking shape quite nicely.

Plant a load of lilies.they look and smell great and they come back every year.also trail clematis plants over your front door and it will look amazing.grows quite fast too.

Seeing people with kids and they're looking tired and stressed and being able to say, "thank fuck that's not me".

I don't mind people coming to visit who have kids but the best part is knowing they will go away, or if I go to visit people with kids knowing that when I leave that stress they have won't be coming with me .

Yes, children are a blessing   :laugh:
Deep Down Six Feet, Is Where I Like To Eat

Homemade taco chips. Fucking magic.  :abbath:

All the best to you if you have kids, but I am glad to say I never will.
When people come round and have their, "precious little one's" in toe, they are screaming and wanting to pull the place apart. It makes me glad that when they leave all that will go too.

Apart from that, I like a cup of tea and a slice of chocolate cake or Swiss Roll.

Ah yes, Simple Pleasures  ;)
Deep Down Six Feet, Is Where I Like To Eat

As a wise old instructor at work, now retired, once told us "kids are like can only tolerate your own". I have two little angels myself, and they're at the age where both can dismantle an entire living room in under 30 seconds. Nothing worse than parents who let their brats off the leash then justify it with that 'ah sure they're little divils, what can you do' attitude.

Quote from: livingabortion on May 14, 2019, 01:00:23 PM
All the best to you if you have kids, but I am glad to say I never will.
When people come round and have their, "precious little one's" in toe, they are screaming and wanting to pull the place apart. It makes me glad that when they leave all that will go too.

And you needed to make this exact same point twice in a row why exactly? I mean, if you were a flustered parent I might understand...

#129 May 14, 2019, 03:49:18 PM Last Edit: May 14, 2019, 03:53:42 PM by Paul keohane
A lot of the time its not the kids fault,its the parents.Personally  when my kids were around 2/3 years old  i avoided  a lot of  places,to much stress and hassle.

Some parents dont give a fuck if their kids are running amok in someones house or out in a restraunt.I just took my kids out of the equation for a while until the grew out of that annoying pissy age.,its not worth the head ache.

Being so fed up with work that ya take the rest of the week off and are now sat at home with a big ass order from ramen in front of your fat mouth along with a nice glass of jameson with Robocop about to start  8)

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on May 14, 2019, 03:28:08 PM
Quote from: livingabortion on May 14, 2019, 01:00:23 PM
All the best to you if you have kids, but I am glad to say I never will.
When people come round and have their, "precious little one's" in toe, they are screaming and wanting to pull the place apart. It makes me glad that when they leave all that will go too.

And you needed to make this exact same point twice in a row why exactly? I mean, if you were a flustered parent I might understand...

Just reiterating the joy's of no kids  :laugh:
Deep Down Six Feet, Is Where I Like To Eat

Quote from: Eoin McLove on May 04, 2019, 11:25:37 AM
Gardening.  I've never owned my own place before so gardening was always a pain in the hole.  Now that I have my own one I'm turning into Monty fuckin Don!

Whilst I'm not a massive fan of gardening, I am getting more into it. Even to the point of enjoying it at certain points. The weeding though, Christ.

Just ordered myself a black Dutch hoe yesterday.....

..... this would have probably had a far different (and more exciting) meaning for me 20 years ago. 

Yeah, I'm digging (pardon the pun) the joys of gardening very much these days. The place was an absolute mess when we moved in, grass was in a terrible state, weeds everywhere, and the previous owners had planted bamboo all along the back wall, which is an absolute cunt to remove. Dug everything up, put down a load of gravel and a patch of astroturf, and made some large flower beds out of railway sleepers. I think what appeals to me about gardening is that, because I'm fucking useless at DIY, there's very little damage I can do outside as opposed to messing around with the gaff itself. And while we're on the subject of simple pleasures, there's nothing better than firing up the barbeque after an afternoon in the garden, and having a few beers.

It's amazing the difference a small amount of effort makes in the garden.  I go out and water the plants each evening and it's great to see how things are constantly developing. It's so cheap to pick up nice plants too so a few quid thrown into it at the weekend can go a long way. We've managed to turn ours from overgrown,  dull and uninspiring to something to be modestly proud of in a short space of time. I've a plan for a bit of decking so it could all go sideways yet  :laugh: