September 01, 2020, 09:33:27 PM Last Edit: September 01, 2020, 09:36:29 PM by Juggz
Fuck it, there's enough going on in the purchases thread, Let's talk W.A.S.P.

I love the first 5 albums with The Headless Children being comfortably in my all-time list. Amazing album. The Crimson Idol took a long, long time to click but, yeah, it's class.

For some reason, I've been reluctant to dig beyond The Crimson Idol, is there anything worth picking up in the later years?

They were so much heavier live than on the albums and that Top Hat gig was something else. Johnny Rod must have been on all kinds of uppers in those days  :laugh:  I found this earlier on which brought back a lot of memories.

#1 September 01, 2020, 10:10:01 PM Last Edit: September 01, 2020, 10:13:26 PM by astfgyl
Having never heard a note of W.A.S.P before, I have The Headless Children on here now to see what's the story. The very-80s-ness of it sounds promising so far. Vocals are dangerously bordering on Bruce Dickinson though, and that's not a thing I expose myself to lightly. The music will have to be special to get me over that hump. The music is the solid finest so far

Got the whole way through it there. Much better than I expected and all I had to go on was a few pictures out of kerrang back in the day so that's unsurprising. I kept thinking it sounded really familiar and then it struck me...

...Devin Townsend

Blackie Lawless had the ultimate 80s metal voice; nothing like Dickinson!

If you're not careful he will steal your love. Was seriously miffed that their gig was cancelled and not rescheduled.  :'(

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on September 01, 2020, 11:22:10 PM
Blackie Lawless had the ultimate 80s metal voice; nothing like Dickinson!

You're right and I take that back after listening to the full album. I was only on track 2 when I was typing that

Personally every album for me since Headless has been patchy...few good songs on each...but nothing that would make me sit through a whole album from start to finish...Blackie seemed to recycle riffs and songs had a certain style that became formulaic...just not the same band without Holmes....I know he was on KFD...but how much actually is up for an aside Shitting Bricks by Chris Holmes has been a regular on my playlist...sure his singing isn't up to scratch but the riffs and playing is he's having a bit of craic........

The debut, The Last Command and The Headless Children are all 5/5 albums for me, I played them to death for years. I never took to Inside The Electric Circus for whatever reason and The Crimson Idol turned me off them altogether. The only one I liked since was the first Neon God album, but it was nowhere near the quality of their best '80s work.

I don't think I could bring myself to go see them now that he's gone all born again and cleaned up his lyrics.

WASPs are the peeeeeple hi!

Quote from: Carnage on September 02, 2020, 12:21:53 AM

I don't think I could bring myself to go see them now that he's gone all born again and cleaned up his lyrics.
I went to see them again in Vicar Street a few years ago. It's just Blackie and some hired goons, of course, and he didn't get preachy to be fair to him. What was offputting is that he looks like an old woman now, in a similar way to Vinnie Vincent.

They didn't play much new stuff, that I can recall, and that Golgotha tune is enough to stop me searching any further.

The Last Command is one hell of an album.

Fuck Me. Suck Me. Eat Me Raw!

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on September 02, 2020, 09:03:09 AM
Fuck Me. Suck Me. Eat Me Raw!

Manimal and Harder Faster are 2 deadly songs...written for and played on the live album only.....I've never heard of another band doing that?