Despite liking Empiricism by Borknagar a lot when it came out, I never delved into Vintersorg's solo material before. I drifted away from Borknagar in my quest for more fucked up filth but have found myself going back to them more recently and I was inspired to check out Vintersorg at last. 

I fired on his debut EP from 98, Hedniskhjärtad, (on YouTube) and it's really good. Epic but with a distinctly Norwegian darkness and grit to the production, mostly clean pompous Vikingish vocals with some harsh screams thrown in too.  Nabbed a CD from Discogs I was so impressed. 

I have it in my head that the later stuff is maybe more progressive and polished, but is it worth further exploration?

Never actually listened to that album you linked. I really like the sound of that. I have two of his later albums and they are definitely more proggy sounding but decent enough songs on them.
I always found he was the weak link in borknagar though compared to vortex and the dude from Ulver.

#2 September 01, 2020, 08:13:08 PM Last Edit: September 01, 2020, 09:32:32 PM by Eoin McLove
I picked up the new Borknagar today,  actually.  Sounds cool. The song, Up North, is one of those insanely addictive ditties that buries into the head with a vengeance.

Up North is deadly. Sounds like a Uriah Heep song!

Must check out Uriah Heap in that case!

The Hedniskhjärtad CD arrived today and I have it on. It's really hitting the spot for me. You don't really hear that type of pretentious and overly dramatic singing ala early Ulver and Borknagar much these days in black metal. Our do you? Any recommendations along those lines welcome. Even the crappy non-artwork is charmingly 90s.

I'll give it a spin later,  cheers.

Till fjälls is a great album. He got too proggy for my liking on later albums.

His latest album is a follow up to that album,  actually. Might pick up both and see if there is much in the way of continuity.

Oh. I was not aware of that. I must check it out as well.

#11 September 10, 2020, 01:02:06 PM Last Edit: September 10, 2020, 01:08:15 PM by Nazgûl
You mentioned liking Borknagar 'Empiricism'. I'd suggest checking out their 2nd album The Olden Domain if you haven't already. Has the vocals you're after in both the harsh and clean singing, as well the dark Norwegian tone you mentioned mixed with plenty of catchy riffs and melody in the songwriting. Garm from Ulver on vocals.

Ah nevermind I just noticed you mentioned early Borknagar in a later post.  :-[

Yep,  I have The Olden Domain.  I haven't got the s/t album though.  Must rectify that.

I can't get enough of this EP. It's so catchy.