August 13, 2020, 09:24:13 AM Last Edit: August 13, 2020, 12:12:02 PM by Kurt Cocaine
Nice takeaways. Shit leadership (unless you are Chinese).
The CCP are planning world domination and aren't afraid to show it.
I started off a couple of years ago trying not to buy anything with '(badly Made in China' attached to it but that's almost impossible to do nowadays so I've simply just stopped buying stuff.
I'll mend, re-use, make, etc whatever I can so as not to add to these snakes coffers.

As Pedrito said in another thread, it totally suits their narrative to have the world's eyes sighted elsewhere. Big questions need asking...

They're an even greater threat than the USSR was. We're heading for something very serious indeed.

But we'll keep buying cheap electronics from them for now because we love those low, low prices.

Well the powers that be outsourced everything. I didn't, you didn't. Makes them even more of a threat.

"fifty feet below them, the Chinese watched without comment. Jim glanced at the people around him, the clerks and coolies and peasant women, well aware of what they were thinking. One day China would punish the rest of the world, and take a frightening revenge." J.G Ballard, Empire of the Sun

Quote from: Pedrito on August 13, 2020, 12:10:55 PM
Well the powers that be outsourced everything. I didn't, you didn't. Makes them even more of a threat.

It's a complex and very interesting history, the marriage of the Chinese Communist Party's success and the explosion of consumerist, disposable capitalism. And of course, today, you can't criticize the latter without being accused of wanting to usher in communism...while participating in it has been strengthening China for decades. Could the truth be that those critiquing capitalism are actually also those who don't want to see totalitarianism à la China take over the world? #mindblown #beensayingthisforyears

Yep, an interesting way to look at it and it's certain that one feeds the other and vice versa right now. Whatever about capitalism, it's gloablism, which is driven by capitalism and sweatshops that is the wider issue.

Capitalism and globalism are one and the same thing and always have been since Smith, Pareto, and so on.

Except now we have our Communist overlords with their detention camps pushing it to levels unforseen

Yet text book non-authoritarian communism was theorized based on experiences of factories in Europe, and especially Britain, that were seen as no better than detention centres (indeed, some of them were). Go figure!

All the made in China cheap shit PPE we are so in need of is a bit funny, too.

#12 August 13, 2020, 05:36:30 PM Last Edit: August 13, 2020, 05:38:26 PM by Caomhaoin
That social credit system in China is very disturbing, and the logical manifestation of the Orwellian/Stalinist state with its tentacles in everything.

Don't get me started about Hong Kong, CHINA IS ASSSHOOOO

And you think countries on the western side of the planet are better? Many major brands over here use sweat shops in the east top make their crap.
Nestle, Mars, Cadbury, H&M, Forever 21, Gap, Nike, Disney, Apple. A lot of these are American and English so the idea of crying "China Bad"is hypocritical.
Kurt you linked to an article from The Guardian, the paper that Caomhaoin decried when I posted an article from the paper calling it only an "opinion piece", and "a load of absolute bollocks", which this could very well be too. 

Opinions are like arseholes, we all have them and one can stink just as much as another. Just because one piece is saying something you like doesn't make it more correct.

All governments have their problems, yes some more than others, but the ones over here are certainly not without blood on their hands.
Deep Down Six Feet, Is Where I Like To Eat

#14 August 13, 2020, 06:40:21 PM Last Edit: August 13, 2020, 06:42:01 PM by Caomhaoin
Ya the corporations are sleazy, duplicitous and thirst insatiably for profit. Being very woke in public and taking the piss out of its workforce in Asia  in the background. Nobody denies it.

That doesn't in any way change the fact that the Chinese government sucks, the whole system is rotten, and only 'works' in any wayby embracing a hyper-capitalist economy. Capitalism is flawed, obviously, but it does permit an imperfect prosperity. Any country which has embraced planned economies/socialism/communism is doomed to inefficiency, lack of innovation and catastrophe.