Could never get into In Flames, try as I did back in the day. Best tune on the Whoracle CD for me was the Depeche Mode cover and it was no great shakes either. Bought Soundtrack to your Escape years ago and it was pitiful as well and that finished me off trying with them.

SYL - Alien on here, it's been ages. Not City by any means but lots of good things throughout all the same.

Neurosis - Through silver in blood

Quote from: Blackout on May 16, 2021, 11:20:49 PM
Neurosis - Through silver in blood

Only chatting about that album 5 minutes ago. I suppose I may throw it on..

Nevermore - s/t.

Had this in my possession for 15 years or so, but slept on it. Any time I've listened to it, I enjoyed it but never properly listened.

Remedied this a few weeks ago and have been glued to it. Dane and Loomis' talents really were in full effect from the off.

Quote from: astfgyl on May 16, 2021, 10:40:05 PM
Could never get into In Flames, try as I did back in the day. Best tune on the Whoracle CD for me was the Depeche Mode cover and it was no great shakes either. Bought Soundtrack to your Escape years ago and it was pitiful as well and that finished me off trying with them.

I have the same issue with Dark Tranquility,  i just could never get into them.

np: Beansidhe  - Processionaria

Aussie Black Thrash onslaught today...

Razor of Occam - Homage to Martyrs
One of my favs from the 2000s. If you slept on this album go and check it out, not a bad song on it!

Mongrels Cross - Psalter of the Royal Dragon Court
Total riff fest!

Mongrels Cross - Arcana, Scrying and Revelation
This one was a grower for me.
WARNING: Proscriptor is doing vocals on this, so if you hate him don't bother your arse.
The vocals are way too loud in the mix.

I have 'Homage to Martyrs' but it didn't catch my ear like the 'Pillars of Creation' EP before it did. I must revisit. Might be the time   8)

Madball- Hardcore Lives
Taake- Nattestid...
Watain- Sworn To The Dark.
Nemtheanga's Death Metal playlist on Spotify. Some belters on that.

The damned- damned damned damned

Converge _Jane Doe

Gone on an unexpected Devin Townsend buzz. Classic era stuff, starting with City and going up to Ziltoid 1. He can fuck right off with the rest of it but what a run he was on for the guts of a decade

Sex pistols - Nevermind the Bollocks

I really love this album and reckon it is the greatest punk album of all time.

Watain- Lawless Darkness. This is a great album but anytime I listen to it I wish it was a bit shorter. It feels bloated.
Bolt Thrower - The IVth Crusade. That guitar tone is lava.
The Secret- Agnus Dei. Another monster.

Quote from: Circlepit on May 18, 2021, 01:19:39 PM
Watain- Lawless Darkness. This is a great album but anytime I listen to it I wish it was a bit shorter. It feels bloated.

That's the only album of theirs I like. Hugely overrated band in my opinion. And you are right, it's the same with the rest of their albums too, they all seem too long. Mediocre band at best.

Big fan of Casus luciferi and Sworn to the Dark myself.