40 Watt Sun- Wider than the Sky.

Something new from these quarters would be most welcome. 

Dark Angel - Darkness Descends

Don Doty does decently despite detractors denunciation.

Quote from: Juggz on July 28, 2020, 11:56:31 AM
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends

Don Doty does decently despite detractors denunciation.

Delightfully daycent disc.

King's X - Gretchen Goes to Nebraska

For whatever reason I never gave these guys a chance but they're pretty good, the opening track definitely must have had an influence on Alice in Chains.


I never paid much attention to them back in the day either, but I'll be checking that album out after hearing that. It's not far off their sound on the s/t album.

Mid 90s Samael,Ceremony,Rebellion,and Passage.

#2451 July 28, 2020, 11:54:54 PM Last Edit: July 28, 2020, 11:57:12 PM by Pedrito
Quote from: ldj on July 28, 2020, 06:40:50 PM
King's X - Gretchen Goes to Nebraska

For whatever reason I never gave these guys a chance but they're pretty good, the opening track definitely must have had an influence on Alice in Chains.


They had a massive influence on AIC, Soundgarden and Pearl Jam and grunge in general. The problem was they got stuck with a religious band tag which they never quite shook off. Jeff Ament was a huge fan and in a strange twist they ended up supporting PJ on the Vs tour.

Gretchen is an absolute masterpiece. Beautiful, incredible, visonary album.

Pleiades a greatbsong from the album


I've seen the outro to Floods described as "pure Ty Tabor worship".

Night Conquers day - The First Snowfall    
                                       Rebellion Is the Art of Survival

Listened to this today after digging into one of the bands from Grimes' demo playlist that jumped out at me:


A very enjoyable, extremely goth, death-doom listen. Lots of great keys, but also lots of great metal.

Necrot have dropped another track off their up coming album,another strong track,production is great too.

Funeral Mourning - Inertia of Dissonance, a Sermon in Finality and the ep - Left Seething yet Unspoken... A Veneration of Broken Worlds

It's... Ve.... ry..... Slooooow.

The Jesus Lizard - Goat, Liar and Down.

Equal parts catchy and demented.

Savatage-In the Hall of the Mountain King

Absolute perfection


Quote from: Pedrito on July 30, 2020, 01:49:44 PM
Savatage-In the Hall of the Mountain King

Absolute perfection

Still think 24 Hours Ago shouldn't be on there, or at least have totally different lyrics, but otherwise, yup, pretty perfect!