Skyclad - Wayward Sons of Mother Earth
Celtic Frost - To Mega Therion
Watchtower - Demonstrations in Chaos
Joe Satriani - Flying in a Blue Dream
Vektor - Black Future

#9631 June 17, 2023, 11:56:37 PM Last Edit: June 18, 2023, 05:44:02 AM by Eoin McLove
Agalloch- The Mantle. 

Einherjer- Norrøne Spor. This is a cool album and one I haven't put on in ages. There was at least one that came after it that I ignored due to it having crap artwork, but I might grab it next time I see it. If it's anything like this album it should be worth having.

Ljosazabojstwa- Staražytnaje Licha.

Temple Below- The Dark Goddess. I bought this LP when it came out in 2016 or so. I think the first time I put it on my old stereo the system was on its last legs and conked out. I tried it again and the same thing happened- the stereo worked intermittently so I would have good and bad days with it. Because this album became associated in my head with my stereo dying I was sort of subconsciously poisoned against it. So it has been gathering dust for years in my shelf, completely ignored. I'm enjoying it now, though. Heading a bit of a Sigrblot influence in it, which I didn't expect to hear.

Bathory- Hammerheart.

Down- II: A Bustle in your Hedgerow.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 11, 2023, 11:57:56 AMBolt Thrower - ...For Victory (yup, again)
Bolt Thrower - Realm of Chaos
The Alan Parsons Project - Eye In The Sky

I don't know how this band didn't become an absolute household name. Maybe they needed a better name!

I got all the Bolt Thrower LPs a year or two ago. I find I go through one side of each of them before inevitably wandering back to Warmaster and Realms. All the albums are perfect, but some are more perfect than others.

This is true, just that for me personally For Victory rounds up a triad of the "more perfect" ones.

Yeah, there isn't really a bad answer to being asked what your favourite Bolt Thrower album is.

#9635 June 19, 2023, 03:24:52 AM Last Edit: June 19, 2023, 04:41:06 AM by Carnage
Type O Negative: Bloody Kisses (digipak)

So much better than the original...

Tool: Undertow

Might be their best/most underrated album. As much as I love Ænima, I find myself going back to this more often these days.

Listened to very little music over the weekend

Devil - To The Gallows
Clutch - Earth Rocker
Eliminator - Lost Horizon

Harms Way - Posthuman
Nile - At The Gates Of Sethu
Madball - Legacy
Madball - Hold It Down

Goatlord- Reflections of the Solstice. Nutty album. I don't know why I've never bothered picking this one up as I've always enjoyed it when I've stuck it on. I think next pay day I'll bite the bullet. The drums sound fucked. Is it an electronic kit on 80s spacey futuristic exterminating robot setting or what? The sloppiness, the rolls that just stop halfway through... mongo magic. The guitars sound nice and raw with very little effects beyond basic amp distortion to my ear and those raw vocals. Probably my favourite Moyen album cover as well. The song titles, and I'm sure the lyrics, are unique and evoke strange cultish imagery in my head. A masterpiece of rotten filth. It also seems to have been made by real outsiders and mentally damaged people, which adds to the intrigue.

Suicidal Tendencies - How Will I Laugh Tomorrow...
Living Colour - Vivid
Hobbs' Angel of Death - s/t
Venom - Black Metal

Quote from: Eoin McLove on June 19, 2023, 12:35:20 PMGoatlord- Reflections of the Solstice. Nutty album. I don't know why I've never bothered picking this one up as I've always enjoyed it when I've stuck it on. I think next pay day I'll bite the bullet. The drums sound fucked. Is it an electronic kit on 80s spacey futuristic exterminating robot setting or what? The sloppiness, the rolls that just stop halfway through... mongo magic. The guitars sound nice and raw with very little effects beyond basic amp distortion to my ear and those raw vocals. Probably my favourite Moyen album cover as well. The song titles, and I'm sure the lyrics, are unique and evoke strange cultish imagery in my head. A masterpiece of rotten filth. It also seems to have been made by real outsiders and mentally damaged people, which adds to the intrigue.

It's deadly. Check out the 87 Demo as well.

That Goatlord album is fucking ugly. If the cannibals from Bone Tomahawk wrote an album, it would probably sound something like Reflections of The Solstice. Black...Stinking... Fog. Great album.

#9642 June 19, 2023, 09:54:11 PM Last Edit: June 19, 2023, 10:28:47 PM by Eoin McLove
Yep it's class. Must give the demo a spin later.

Down- II. On a mad buzz for this the past few days. I have to replace my copy of NOLA at some stage if I can find it for a normal price. It grew legs on me somewhere along the way and that bothers me as it's a classic in my estimation. But II is taking the edge off it at the minute.

Edit. It might be time to revisit Over the Under which never clicked with me.

Over The Under always blew Down 2 II away for me. The eps however were let downs after that. NOLA is as stone cold desert island disc classic.

Never liked II and I can take or leave NOLA. Always liked III the most, his voice being back was a factor but some of their best tracks are there. First EP is class, the second's not the best.