Quote from: Carnage on March 25, 2021, 01:01:16 AM
Arise is 30 years old today, coincidentally. No better reason to stick it on. Still brilliant.

Had no idea it was 30 years old today, jaysus , now feeling a little old😫, great album.

Cathedral- Forest of Equilibrium
Warning- The Strength to Dream

Quote from: leatherface on March 25, 2021, 01:08:48 AM
Quote from: Carnage on March 25, 2021, 01:01:16 AM
Arise is 30 years old today, coincidentally. No better reason to stick it on. Still brilliant.

Had no idea it was 30 years old today, jaysus , now feeling a little old😫, great album.

Jesus I didn't realise that, I remember buying it on tape, it is a great album

This morning I listened to Enforced's new one . Had to turn it off after a couple of songs and listen to Slayer instead. Its too much like Slayer so the real thing was far superior

Asphyx- Deathhammer ya bastards

Arise, remember being blown away when i first saw the video for it!.Still a great album in my book!

Yes was studying for the leaving when this came out, I knew the lyrics better than me poetry hat har.
Liked it at the time but never came close to Beneath the Remains for me. Saw them on this tour at the SFX

Quote from: Doctor Crippen on March 25, 2021, 08:43:17 AM
Quote from: leatherface on March 25, 2021, 01:08:48 AM
Quote from: Carnage on March 25, 2021, 01:01:16 AM
Arise is 30 years old today, coincidentally. No better reason to stick it on. Still brilliant.

Had no idea it was 30 years old today, jaysus , now feeling a little old😫, great album.

Jesus I didn't realise that, I remember buying it on tape, it is a great album

I bought it and The Almighty's Blood, Fire And Live the same day, just after the Megadeth gig in the Point. Went home and listened to both while munching dry roasted peanuts. The Almighty album bit the dust pretty soon after but as a result, every time I listen to Arise I can taste KP dry roasted peanuts.

Listened to it again last night, still savage.

I started listening to Sepultura Schizophrenia and Beneath the remains today for the first time in a long while they are both great in their own way, the former because of how basic and raw it is and the latter because of how tight they became as a band and then Arise is the pinnacle for me. I lost interest in them after Arise.

Schizophrenia's been my go-to Sepultura album for years, I've just overplayed the other two.

Haven't listened to Chaos A.D. or Roots for a long time, they both have their merits but aren't ones I'm pushed about. Their other stuff is shit.

I got into Seps between Arise and Chaos AD so i have a soft sports for both.But i very rarely liaten to Chaos AD even though i loved it in my younger years. Beneath the remains and Arise are my two go to Seps albums.

Morbid visions is a real trip down memory lane but the production is shocking 😂 love the wildness of it though

Never liked it, just a mess. Troops Of Doom is about the only thing to come from it, and at that the rerecorded version is the one to go for.

Bestial Devastation is unlistenable, utter tripe.

Akolyth - Akolyth
Amon Amarth - Fate of Norns
                             Once Sent from the Golden Hall

Arise is so damn good. Listened to it twice through today. I'd have it between Beneath (best) and Schizophrenia too, after that I listen to Chaos a bit, and the really early stuff out of, let's say, historical interest from time to time. Last time I tried to listen to Roots I gave up not very far in, and I think that was inspired by a discussion on here. Anyway, Arise, just amazing compositions on that album.

Anathema -The silent Enigma.
Dark Tranquility -Projector.
The Spirit - Cosmic Terror.
Entombed -Wolverine Blues.
Zyklon -World ov Worms.