Impales Nazarene seem to be getting me through one hell of a week work wise.

Listened to Darkthrone properly for the first time in about ten years recently, much more into the crust stuff than I was back then. Also hitting the last Bodies on Everest record as well this week, great experimental band from Liverpool.

Turbo - Dead End
Iron Maiden - Somewhere in Time

Cradle of Filth - Cruelty and the Beast
Great album, everything you want from a Cradle record, swaggering pretentious wampyric pomp,  killer riffs and Nik Barkers omnipotent drums, brilliant. Never topped this imo

Immolation -Atonement
Holding up nicely.
Exhumed -Slaughtercult
Carcass worship at its finest.

Dissection live, so good.

Elder - Lore

These guys have finally clicked with me, I've also listened to Dead Roots Stirring and Reflections of a Floating World in the last day.

I remember the hype when Lore came out but at the time I think I was still listening to Foundations of Burden and Clearing the Path to Ascend everyday so I never really gave Elder a chance, regret it now as these guys are actually class.

I'm not sure I would classify them as Doom though, Progressive Stoner Rock?

Jinjer: King of Everything
Hatebreed: Perseverance
Testament: The Gathering

Quote from: ldj on March 18, 2019, 04:22:33 PM
Elder - Lore

I remember the hype when Lore came out but at the time I think I was still listening to Foundations of Burden and Clearing the Path to Ascend everyday so I never really gave Elder a chance, regret it now as these guys are actually class.

I'm not sure I would classify them as Doom though, Progressive Stoner Rock?

No, not doom. An enjoyable album, but I'm not surprised your attention was taken up by Pallbearer and Yob; different league altogether.

Dissection - Reinkaos.

Dodsrit - Spirit Crusher

A mix of Melodic BM and Crust Punk, sounds good.

Therapy? - Cleave

Gig week. I expect the set will be similar enough to last year, which is fine by me. This album is a banger.

Sepultura - Live In Barcelona

Been on a classic Seps buzz this week, so seeing this mentioned in the Metallica Seattle '89 thread was all the reminder I needed. Watched this so many times when I had the Chaos DVD.

Not usually a Manson fan but can't stop listening to Heart shaped glasses this week
Also on a big Pyromania binge this week, can't wait to see Def Leppard at download