Quote from: The Wretch on July 02, 2024, 10:46:06 AM
Quote from: Eoin McLove on July 02, 2024, 09:12:27 AMBlack Sabbath- Cross Purposes. If the box set has come with proper inlays I wouldn't have to ask this, but here we are. Is that Jerry Cantrell singing, and possibly also playing guitar, on Virtual Death?

Doubtful, surely he would have been credited by now? The only thing I know is Eddie Van Halen co wrote Evil Eye, although he wasn't officially credited due to his being singer to Warner.

N.P. - IRON MAIDEN - A Real Live Dead One (1998)

Weird. It sounds so like him... unbelievably so.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on July 02, 2024, 10:55:14 AM
Quote from: The Wretch on July 02, 2024, 10:46:06 AM
Quote from: Eoin McLove on July 02, 2024, 09:12:27 AMBlack Sabbath- Cross Purposes. If the box set has come with proper inlays I wouldn't have to ask this, but here we are. Is that Jerry Cantrell singing, and possibly also playing guitar, on Virtual Death?

Doubtful, surely he would have been credited by now? The only thing I know is Eddie Van Halen co wrote Evil Eye, although he wasn't officially credited due to his being singer to Warner.

N.P. - IRON MAIDEN - A Real Live Dead One (1998)

Weird. It sounds so like him... unbelievably so.

It's always possible I guess. He did plenty of guest spots with the likes of Danzig, Metal Church, Circus Of Power etc in the 90's so it's not inconceivable. You have me intrigued now, I'll have to listen again later! 

#13457 July 02, 2024, 11:18:11 AM Last Edit: July 02, 2024, 11:30:37 AM by Eoin McLove
Great song either way. Way better than anything that made it on to the final AIC album, even if it's not him  :laugh:

I have never heard any of his guest spots. Never even heard of Circus of Power!

Edit. I listened to thirty seconds of COP. How do I erase this shit from my memory??

Quote from: Eoin McLove on July 02, 2024, 11:18:11 AMGreat song either way. Way better than anything that made it on to the final AIC album, even if it's not him  :laugh:

I have never heard any of his guest spots. Never even heard of Circus of Power!

They were one of those bluesy metal bands that turned up in the late 80's, a bit Cult/early Danzig-ish. He co-wrote and sang a song on their third album which was more grungy anyway. Ian Astbury was on there too. I prefer their first two albums. Often daft lyrics but great tunes. Their guitarist briefly worked with G'N'R and was Axl's guitar teacher.

Cantrell is on 'Gods Of A Second Chance' by Metal Church, which is a cracker.

He covered Sabbath's 'Hand Of Doom' with Danzig and was on a couple of other tracks on the woeful Blackacidevil. Although one of them was 'Come To Silver' which was decent. It was originally written for Johnny Cash, but he never got to record it becuase Danzig fell out with Rubin and left American Recordings. 

R.E.M. - Life's Rich Pageant
Killswitch Engage - Alive Or Just Breathing
Voivod - Killing Technology
Anciients - Heart Of Oak

Grand Magus - Iron Will
Iced Earth - Something Wicked ....

ABBA - Gold. Best band out of Sweden :abbath:

Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

He means Roxette really, don't worry.

Roxette I could handle
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

#13466 July 02, 2024, 09:25:35 PM Last Edit: July 02, 2024, 09:31:15 PM by Thorn
The new Coffins album came out this year yet I'm constantly going back to The Fleshland for my kicks. I hate to use the word groove but there is a certain grooviness to that album, a serial killer grooviness mind you, that just works.

Not trying to derail the Abba/Roxette chat, really..
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Quote from: Eoin McLove on June 30, 2024, 08:33:39 PMAre Sadus or Morbid Saint any less obscure than Skepticism? Dunno...

Yeah I would imagine & guess so anyway. Skepticism is a vaguely obscure mostly one hit wonder gem Finnish funeral doom metal band.

SADUS & Morbid Saint are in the top 20 USA Thrash Metal bands easily.

I dunno man & don't really give a vague rats gee in fairness now- nor am I trying in anyway to be anyway with you, its just friendly repartee & a curiosity to me. You are the Metal Warfare Forum's main content provider & highest poster after all- so it's hard not to read many of your posts.

I just find it odd-I guess it's all just arbitrary really innit- but like for me anyhow; to try explain as concisely as I can- as a boy I went from Michael Jackson to The Beatles to Nirvana to Korn etc--but then I discovered Black Sabbath, obsessed over them for years, exhausted meself studying & absorbing heavy metal- the Maiden, Priest, Motorhead, Mercyful Fate, MANOWAR, Running Wild, Manila Roads etc...

Then when I discovered Metallica & SLAYER & Thrash- which was like next level excitin to me- likewise I devoured about 50 thrash metal bands; using Metal Archives or Lastfm "similar bands" for the next year or more until I found all the ones worth listening to & giving time to... & there's a fuckin LOT. The late 80's-early 90's was insane for the amount of proper THRASH- & incredibly talented bands that went under the radar & were dropped after 1 record. I still find obscure Thrash metal records to this day from that era I've never heard of-that are fuckin savage like.

I then moved on to Death, then Black, then DOOM metal and then the inbetweens & whatever the fuck else genres. I do enjoy a lot of lesser known & underground & avant-garde or obscure bands & records like so don't get me wrong. But I kind of felt for me- like it was logical to exhaust not just the best & most popular bands of a genre-as the 2nd/3rd rate derivative but underrated gems of Heavy>Thrash>Death>Black>Doom options to explore before movin on to obscurities (as deadly as they can often be) like BEHERIT, Blasphemy, GoatPenis or Mortuary Drapes or whomever.

But yeah whatever the fuck peace & cheers enjoy the sounds in yer ear holez friend. It's all gravy- Stormcrowfleet may indeed rule-but for me-it's no fuckin match for the likes of Chemical Invasion or Swallowed In Black is all!

Quote from: Mithrandir on June 30, 2024, 09:41:34 PM
Quote from: Danny on June 30, 2024, 07:13:48 PM
Quote from: Eoin McLove on June 30, 2024, 12:50:50 AMSkepticism- Stormcrowfleet...Beherit- Drawing Down the Moon...
I love you man
Is this our first forum romance?

No ha there's been a few, I recall a couple back on Metal Ireland. My days of being obsessed with & worshippin the original lineup of MALTHUSIAN are behind me now (though there still remains a logo or 3 I spray painted under a bridge or 2 round here with other various heretical & alchemical symbols & shite- although they've been tagged over mostly by the local drug dealer mongchilds now)

ANYWAY my first love was on here was Tommy Victor. God I miss him.

Besides, sorry for Tommy & Andy, my 1st love belongs to the Lord (& BLACK METAL!  :abbath: )


VENOM- Black Metal
SLAYER- Reign In Blood
Morbid Angel- Covenant
MESHUGGAH- Destroy/Erase/Improve
VERMINOUS SERPENT- The Malign Covenant
Dog Fashion Disco- Anarchists Of Good Taste  8)

#13469 July 03, 2024, 06:32:38 AM Last Edit: July 03, 2024, 06:46:42 AM by Eoin McLove
I think you answered your own question there. I think this is self evident but let's go... if you ask a casual metal fan to name some classic thrash bands you'll get Metallica, Slayer and Megadeth. If you ask someone who has gone further into it you'll get Kreator, Destruction, Sodom, Voivod.... if you ask a nerd who has delved deeply into thrash you'll get Morbid Saint and Sadus. Are they any less classic for being more obscure? Of course not, it's just a question of knowledge and dorkiness.

I disagree about Skepticism being a one hit wonder but even allowing for that,  Stormcrowfleet is not only a genre defining classic album, it is cited along with the even more obscure and no less classic Stream from the Heavens by Thergothon as having invented the funeral doom genre in the first place. Being into Black Sabbath or much lower down the ranks of fame, Candlemass or even My Dying Bride doesn't mean you'll ever have heard of those albums, but are they any less classic? Not for me.

I didn't take such a rigorous and structured approach to my listening as you did. I was more haphazard diving in here and there with things that interested me. I have made time to check out the relevant classics to my tastes over the decades too but there are gaps in my knowledge in doom and black metal (my two most listened to genres in the last twenty five years) never mind the genres I've mostly skimmed over or skirted by.

I am familiar with countless so called classic bands and albums by name alone but have yet to either check them out or for them to click with me. And I can't help being drawn to genre obscurities, mostly of the older variety these days, so that will only slow down the process.

Sin é.