The first two albums to my ears are amateurish though.

I think they're great as well. Different buzz but rabid SA metal.

Quote from: Ducky on July 17, 2020, 11:31:52 AM
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on July 17, 2020, 10:44:48 AM
That's a good point; if there is a group-think reflex around Sepultura, it's much more the idea that nothing post-Max is worth checking out at all. Since Roots was a step down, the tacit presumption was always that, without Max, it must have been even worse...even though another way of looking at it is that a decent part of what people hated about Roots went with Max and was poured all over Soulfly. And, incidentally, I'm totally guilty of this; have never spent time with any Greene era Sep, because I thought the single Choke, back in the day, was crap, essentially. Sorry to Juggz and co who constantly praise some of the latter albums!

Yeah I didn't think much of Against but thought it was passible in the sense that the band could've just as easily called it quits without Max; very much the sound of a band in turmoil. And as you say, Max leaving removed a lot of what people don't like about Roots from the band.

I think the Greene era took a few albums to really get going, but everything in the last 15 years has been well worth it. In fact Quadra from only this year is a cracker.

Kisser is probably one of the most consistent players in the genre and Cassagrande is as creative and powerful as Igor in his prime. I get that they don't sound like classic Sepultura, but that's okay as they're not the same band but they're still making music on their own terms.

Abolutely no interest in that style of metal regardless of who is playing it. His vocals sound cool for the first bit though. Very Jaz Coleman.

#78 July 17, 2020, 02:46:32 PM Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 01:36:31 PM by mugz

Quote from: Eoin McLove on July 17, 2020, 10:43:55 AM
"Recorded to 2" tape" is a current cool underground trend/ virtue signal that fills me with trepidation.  Oh,  they are recoding to tape,  they must be good! The same 20 year olds who "only listen to 80s metal!". Gimps.

Agree with both of these. The second point in particular is something that I've seen spread in the last few years. The same spas are the ones that go on about posers and being true and all that shite while ironically being the biggest posers of all.

Ghost are a fine example. When the demo came out there were lads foaming at the gash all over the place, but they quickly got popular beyond what anyone could have imagined, even with the first album, and suddenly were not so kvlt anymore. The thread on the old forum was gas.

Quote from: Juggz on July 17, 2020, 03:32:49 PM
Ghost are a fine example. When the demo came out there were lads foaming at the gash all over the place, but they quickly got popular beyond what anyone could have imagined, even with the first album, and suddenly were not so kvlt anymore. The thread on the old forum was gas.
The same people probably still cream themselves over Uncle Acid and Tribulation, they aren't that different to Ghost.

They all use guitars and drums alright.

Quote from: Pedrito on July 16, 2020, 01:51:41 PM
You keep talking like that and I'm going to start talking you and Astfgyl or whatever his name is having the hots for eachother  :abbath:

Lets stay on track

How the fuck did I get to be involved in this? Seriously like. I only answer his posts as I might do anybody else's. I don't mind him or anything but no need to bring me into it when he starts getting belligerent.

Good topic though. A band I always hated without giving a chance to was Radiohead but I'm after getting well into them lately. White Zombie was another one back in the day that I hated on sight. Metallica was another one I hated without ever hearing a full album. There are loads of them that I've come around to in later years that I abhorred without foundation. The Wildhearts were mentioned that's another and also Tool and funniest of all for me Nine Inch Nails who I had decided were shit back in 1994 for the crime of not being Nirvana. I listen to NIN pretty much constant for the last 20 years.

#87 July 17, 2020, 08:50:08 PM Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 01:37:12 PM by mugz

Well give us a fucking example instead of talking shite ffs. You said nothing is relevant anymore. What actually IS then? The off topic forum is one thing but homestly I'm sick of talking about the same old shite that infests everything else I open, so a bit of a chat about different albums is the reason I'm on a metal forum. And it's banter, it's absolutely not personal. I'm sure you're a decent guy, we'd get on grand, but you're hijackibg threads with reams of stuff that is not relevant. That's all it is.

#89 July 17, 2020, 09:12:16 PM Last Edit: July 17, 2020, 09:35:29 PM by Eoin McLove
Edit. Nevermind.  I'm worse for allowing myself to get drawn in...