Why the feck is it that every time Anthrax is mentioned by anyone here (or anywhere else for that matter), it is inevitably followed by a chorus of  "pure shite", "muck", "scutter", "dung", "scour" etc. etc. from all sides?
If you ask me, any band that produces 3 great albums such as Among The Living, Spreading The Disease, and State Of Euphoria, deserve a bit of respect.
Now fair enough, that's all stuff  from the 80s, the years they were with Island basically ( I'm ignoring Persistence Of Time, which admittedly has a distinct smell of manure off it), and most of their stuff after that is shit piled on top of shit, but still, three fecking great , dare I say classic albums. is a good return from any band, no matter how long ago it was. Good music is good music.
Am I wrong?

#1 July 07, 2020, 01:52:12 AM Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 06:38:02 PM by mugz

#2 July 07, 2020, 02:30:31 AM Last Edit: July 07, 2020, 02:54:42 AM by Paul keohane
Always liked Anthrax,love the period of,Among the living, State of Euphoria,Attack of the killer Bs and especially Persistence of Time.I like John Bush but the 90s Anthrax albums did very little for me.I still think Bushes best album is We've Come for you all.

Worship Music was a good comback album with Belladonna i thought.

Quote from: Paul keohane on July 07, 2020, 02:30:31 AM
Always liked Anthrax,love the period of,Among the living, State of Euphoria,Attack of the killer Bs and especially Persistence of Time.I like John Bush but the 90s Anthrax albums did very little for me.I still think Bushes best album is We've Come for you all.

Worship Music was a good comback album
with Belladonna i thought.

Agreed. Persistence Of Time is their best album, let's just get that out of the way.

Their '80s wackiness always put me off, despite loving the albums from Spreading The Disease on. I don't find any of them particularly likable either, especially Bello.

Persistence of Time was their peak for me, talisman band from my youth, certainly wont hear any scutter talk about 'em from me.
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Quote from: son of the Morrigan on July 07, 2020, 01:49:31 AM
( I'm ignoring Persistence Of Time, which admittedly has a distinct smell of manure off it), and most of their stuff after that is shit piled on top of shit, but still, three fecking great , dare I say classic albums. is a good return from any band, no matter how long ago it was. Good music is good music.
Am I wrong?
Ah here, PoT is better than all those earlier albums

The Bush stuff is what I'd reach for if I wanted to listen to Anthrax. SoWN and WHCFYA are brilliant, the other two have a lot more filler but still a good few great songs on each

Quote from: son of the Morrigan on July 07, 2020, 01:49:31 AM
Why the feck is it that every time Anthrax is mentioned by anyone here (or anywhere else for that matter), it is inevitably followed by a chorus of  "pure shite", "muck", "scutter", "dung", "scour" etc. etc. from all sides?

...most of their stuff after that is shit piled on top of shit...

Am I wrong?
Confused, I would say.

Strangely a band I would never listen to now. Never even think of them if I am looking for a bit of thrash nostalgia.

There's too much cheese to the "classic" stuff, and not in a good way. It sounds like the lads having fun, not serious artistry. Bar a few songs, they're also just not very good. I can barely remember any of their songs or riffs.

It also doesn't help they're associated with "the other three". RiB, MoP and RiP are all so far ahead of what Anthrax could conjure up it's like bringing a shotgun to a fist fight.

Charlie Benate is a good drummer at least, but a good drummer in a shite band = band is still shite.

Maybe one of the controversial opinions, but if Speak English or Die came out under the Anthrax name there'd be a much different view of them

Quote from: son of the Morrigan on July 07, 2020, 01:49:31 AM
Why the feck is it that every time Anthrax is mentioned by anyone here (or anywhere else for that matter), it is inevitably followed by a chorus of  "pure shite", "muck", "scutter", "dung", "scour" etc. etc. from all sides?

Haven't you just answered your own question?

Testament............that's the problem with Anthrax

The only Anthrax album I got into was Persistence of Time.  I loved it as a young lad but, alas, the tape grew wings and flew away at some point over the years. Very catchy album. I've been meaning to replace it on CD as it would be a great one for the car. I'm also curious about the Bush era stuff as I liked a few of the songs I heard back then but never followed any of it up. He was a fairly strong singer with a good ear for melody. I must take the plunge one of these days.

I had Among the Living on a couple of weeks ago, that and Spreading the Disease are great albums too.

Anthrax were fucking class. They get jip for the image but they clearly took the music very seriously. They always had a guy who could really sing so had a much stronger melodic side than most of their contemporaries. I favour the Bush era, personally, but I grew up with the Joey stuff and concede I listen to the recent two albums quite a bit. They are still great live. The album with Bush singing the Joey stuff is deadly.

Controversial -> They were the only one of the Big Four who consistently put out interesting and creative albums. They never plumbed the miserable depths the other three have learned to call home. Yeah, maybe their 80's stuff is the weakest of the four but, from the early 90's on, they never turned to utter shit like the others. As for Testament? FFS  :laugh:

Controversialler -> Benante is the pioneer of the blast beat. Milk. 1985.