#75 July 05, 2020, 01:49:01 PM Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 06:52:02 PM by mugz

I just saw that I mixed up my quote in the above post.
Point being that anytime I was in there they were grand to deal with. I'd say I wrecked their heads with all the questions I asked.

#77 July 05, 2020, 04:17:26 PM Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 06:52:15 PM by mugz

That whole elitist nonsense was a regular topic of conversation on MI. I think it reflected more on the poster's insecurity rather than any real experience. Paid plenty of visits to Sentinel and Into the Void over the years, with my short hair, specs and work uniform. Going on some of the old stories, you'd expect to have been frisked at the door to make sure you were wearing the appropriate Bathory tee. Bollocks. The lads were always grand. Sure, yer man Scobes looked like he was permanently hungover, which may have been the case, but always found him and Darragh (Invictus) to be bang on and glad to have the business.

I think there were folk expecting Empire Records or something, whereas it was the opposite; if you struck up conversation they were grand, sound even, but it definitely was the opposite end of the spectrum to any kind of bro metal 'Tallica family vibe, which for me made it just perfect.

Was a pity that ITV couldn't make things work up on Whitefriar place with the tattoo studio. Was a class setup.

Sentinel was a great spot as well, but I can only imagine how horrific the rent in temple bar was.

Funny hearing some of the perceptions of Soundcellar being an elitist hangout - sounds like Euronymous' Helvete shop! Was there an Irish inner circle?

Yeah,  Tommy Tighe, Vortex, Judas and that young lad with the leather trench coat and new rocks.

Cathal always seemed like he had no time for any of that shite, just liked the music and got on with it. I don't know him so I could be wrong, but that was my impression of him anyway.

After I left the shop I got the impression Tommy  might have been annoyed with Cathal because he would always give you his honest opinion on an album.   Syd, who worked there before Cathal, would give you his honest opinion too. Whereas With Tommy everything was great.

It's better to get an honest opinion from someone who is into the good stuff than to be sold a turkey. Unless you're buying a turkey. But even then, you'd want an honest opinion on turkeys.

I was probably a few years late for the Soundcellar heyday, but were the cds and vinyl always locked up? Only ever bought tickets in there since you couldn't have a proper browse through the stuff

The vinyl wasn't in my day, but that was before the vinyl resurgence, the tapes and CDs were mainly in displays on the walls.

Vinyl was there to be browsed, tapes were locked up CDs didn't exist early 90s there anyway!

Yeah always locked up. Proper daunting going down those steps as a young teen. There was likely a couple of older died in the wool lads at the counter hanging out, as a previous poster alluded to. There was some extreme stuff you hadn't a clue about playing. The space was tiny and to try and go in and act like you knew what you were at was fucking tough man. You couldn't browse. It was an absolutely useless set up when you think about it when so many albums at that time were bought off the strength of artwork.

I often felt like I had to go in, make a decisive order and not flute around peering into those ridiculous glass cases where you couldn't see what you were looking at anyway!

Often I ran back out with nothing but sometimes just pointed to one of the cds on the wall display pure pot luck and got that.

Felt like an awful culchie tool most of the time. But an excited culchie tool.