All experiences are by their nature 'hapax' instances, nostalgia being as much informed by the immediate as by the past contexts. I stumbled upon Time by ELO about 8 years ago on YouTube and connected with it so much I went to the conscious effort of reifying it into my regular experience; we have a CD of it in the car, I have a vinyl of it (which was a gift, but that in itself was because I was talking about it so much), and I looked up as much as I could about the making of it, the band's prior and subsequent recordings, and so on and so forth. In brief, although disconnected from the actual time and place of its release, any kind of print interviews or reviews, it was still very possible to create a rich experience around it and thereby anchor it in my being. The possibilities for rich experiences are, let's say, as endless as ever, and judging by the explosion of great exploratory videos about music I see on YouTube these days, there is very much still huge interest among a significant young "minority" to truly sink into the broad and multi-faceted experiential side of the audio arts. Nostalgia can be a good experience, but getting too attached to "missing" things certainly doesn't seem a useful way for making the most of now.

I was reading a book on the experiences of "Digital Migrants" - basically people who grew up without the internet and transitioned to using it in adulthood, which I imagine describes a lot of people posting here.

It made the point that dissatisfaction can come in two forms - from things being too scarce or too plentiful. Back in the days of taping the Soundcellar top 10 off the radio things were too scarce, as you either could barely get that music at all or you could get some of it but it cost a fortune. Nowadays you can have everything ever recorded for free or next to nothing instantly, but again it's dissatisfying because how do you place real value on something that is instantaneous and free?

Kids growing up today will have no experience of the first one.

#107 July 06, 2020, 07:04:12 PM Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 06:54:32 PM by mugz