Yeah, Stewart Lee is great.  James Acaster's stand-up is very funny and original but what he's at doing that stupid tv show with Josh Something I can't figure out.  I'm afraid he'll get sucked into the boring brigade if he's not careful.

I mean, with the whole Netflix and whoever else pulling stuff lark, this is essentially the point I was trying to make:

Have any of yis seen this? It's a mix of Burr telling a story about performing in Dublin on his podcast and then audio from the show, great stuff.

Quote from: Pedrito on June 16, 2020, 08:16:14 PM
Comedy Unleashed on youtube has some good anti-PC stuff. Totally the opposite of the kind of muck that seems to pass for comedy on the likes of BBC and ITV these days.

Will Franken here is good craic

David McSavage set up a while ago on Instagram and he's still his usual nasty/charming self.

Love Bill Burr aswell, I'll post others if I think of them.

Stay away from Joe Rogan(about as funny as cancer). His friend Whitney Cummings and a bunch of others he's mates with are frighteningly unfunny too.

Bill Hicks was great in his time. It's like anything. He started it, we got a million copycats and now it just looks cliché.

Good call on Will Franken. I've watched him a few times and he's got something really original going on.

The Mo Amer special on Netflix is some fun - his story about trying to get  an American passport is great.

A great show on Netflix and funny as hell...  :laugh:

Which leads us on to Reggie Watts....  :laugh: :laugh:

#21 June 17, 2020, 10:46:42 AM Last Edit: June 17, 2020, 10:58:01 AM by leatherface
For me no-one will better George Carlin, vicious and hilarious right up until his passing. These days Bill Burr is the only stand up I like, Chris Rock was great back in the day but I don't know what his newer material is like. As for Stewart Lee, can anyone recommend a good show/routine of his ? I can't seem to get into his material, maybe it's just me, but willing to try😂.

Was also going to give Bill Hicks a mention. There was a time in the 90s when the edgy kids liked Hicks and he was kind of a right of passage. As years go by he is sadly forgotten I think. The problem is that some or his material hasn't dated well (a lot of current affairs commentary related to the time)  and he also didn't leave a large body of work, even repeated routines a lot in different shows. If anyone wants to hear some different routines of his try an album called 'Arizona Bay', think it may be some if his last performances but a lot of routines I hadn't heard a zillion times before.

Quote from: leatherface on June 17, 2020, 10:46:42 AM
As for Stewart Lee, can anyone recommend a good show/routine of his ? I can't seem to get into his material, maybe it's just me, but willing to try😂.

Was also going to give Bill Hicks a mention. There was a time in the 90s when the edgy kids liked Hicks and he was kind of a right of passage. As years go by he is sadly forgotten I think. The problem is that some or his material hasn't dated well (a lot of current affairs commentary related to the time)  and he also didn't leave a large body of work, even repeated routines a lot in different shows.
Custom-made for your request! :laugh:

But if you're looking for a whole show to check out, then his last one, Content Provider, is as good a place to start as any.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 17, 2020, 11:23:27 AM
But if you're looking for a whole show to check out, then his last one, Content Provider, is as good a place to start as any.

Yeah, definitely "Content Provider". It's a work of genius.

"Stand-Up Comedian" and "41st Best Standup Ever!" are also brilliant.

Stewart Lee I find entertaining and irritafing at the same time. He's like a guy who thinks he's far more intelligent and funny than he is. When he's good, he's very good, but hmm. I'll give the above recommendation a go just in case.

Of the ones I checked out above, Bill Burr really is the man. Speaking of, F is for Family is back.

Didn't Steve Hughes do a stint playing drums for Primordial years back?

Quote from: ldj on June 17, 2020, 01:32:35 PM
Didn't Steve Hughes do a stint playing drums for Primordial years back?

He did a few shows with them, one of which was made into a DVD; Primordial Live At The Apollo.

Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle is great. It was on Netflix but is now gone, presumably as a result of the societal backlash against leftist comedy 😜
Should be handy enough to track down on iPlayer, etc.

Used to love Tommy Tiernan back in the day, although maybe he just isn't as good as I remembered him. Certainly over the years he replaced actual decent material with that awful tendency to shout and gurn inanely. Perhaps he's just stand-ups version of Al Pacino.

Did anyone check out Bill Hicks solely on the basis of Tool referencing him constantly back in the day? He just never clicked with me. Plenty of righteous anger and acerbic observations, but never any actual laughs.