May 30, 2020, 05:50:19 PM Last Edit: May 30, 2020, 05:52:50 PM by Eoin McLove
Right, let's talk about the inimitable majesty of While Heaven Wept. My introduction was 'The Drowning Years' 7" back in the early 00s followed by 'Of Empires Forlorn'. I loved the two songs on the 7" but they were brought even more to life on the album with the addition of stunning vocal harmonies. The full length was such a classy piece of work,  so wide in its scope and vision,  yet really condensed too.  Every song seemed cut down to the essentials with no overly long compositions (nothing against long winded compositions in my doom, by the way) so each song hit with maximum impact. I listened to that CD so much over the years that I kind of killed it for myself and only stick it on occasionally now, but I still regard it as a masterpiece.

I went backwards from there to 'Sorrow of the Angels' which is much more longwinded, and rougher around the edges in terms of production too. A slightly more challenging listen, but no less rewarding after some small amount of effort. It's loaded with that epicness, with vast beautiful melodies led by Tom Phillips's amazing vocals and it has a rawness and extra darkness that was still present to a degree in the riffing on 'Of Empires Forlorn' but was getting a bit thin on the ground after that. A monumental album in all respects.

'Vast Oceans Lacrymose' was a disappointing one for me on its release. Phillips handed the vocal duties over to Rain Irving, a highly talented singer  but with a much more polished delivery. I felt something was lost in the transition. Still, I went back to it again and again over the years and grew to love it. It lacks the doominess of the early material, focusing more on the ever present progressive and epic qualities and once you come to terms with that it reveals itself as another gem in their catalogue.

I never checked out the following two albums, 'Fear of Infinity' or 'Suspended at Aphelion' as they apparently veered off into complete prog/ power metal territory, but perhaps it's time I gave them a chance.

As far as their early to mid period work goes, they are/ were simply one of a kind.

Somewhat predictably, my evening has been fuelled by sweet sweet Guinness Extra Stout and While Heaven Wept. I can think of worse ways to spend an evening.

Have "Of Empires Forlorn" on here, seeing as you put me on to a winner with Warning back on the old forum but fuck these vocals are a tough nut to crack. He sounds a bit like Martin Gore at his worst

first of all vast oceans is their best work, even if it can be a bit rough hewn productionwise, with vocals tending to the flowery, but it's still an 8.5.

the drumming is great, all sandy organic snare patterns, loads of beats slightly behind the beat etc

very depressing mournful atmosphere on the album as a whole  :'(

also- even bad dmode is decent, never let it be said otherwise

Lads, you're killing me. Depeche Mode suck big hairy donkey flutes. Please don't sully While Heaven Wept's legacy with such weak comparisons.

Similar story for me.  I'm only familiar with Of Empires Forlorn and Vast Oceans Lachrymose both of which are fantastic.  I couldn't get into the latter when it was released, in fact I remember being underwhelmed by it. I bought the CD as soon as it came out and I just couldn't get into it but over time I went back and it finally clicked. It took a long time to sink in, years and years. Love it now though.

Haven't followed them since but this thread has me listening to Suspended at Aphelion right now and on first listen it sounds pretty good, "Icarus and I / Ardor" probably being the highlight.  Must check out Fear of Infinity next.

As for the vocals, as much as I love Of Empires Forlorn I do think it was the right decision to bring in Rain. Certainly for Vast Oceans anyway.  There's just more weight, more depth to his delivery and overall it complements the music perfectly.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on June 01, 2020, 07:54:04 AM
Lads, you're killing me. Depeche Mode are fucking class. Please don't sully Depeche Mode's legacy with such weak comparisons.

Bang on

now that's some fucken logic boy  8)

Unreal. Tom Phillips's vocals are the business.  Yis are a quare bunch of so-and-sos.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on June 01, 2020, 08:15:29 PM
Unreal. Tom Phillips's vocals are the business.  Yis are a quare bunch of so-and-sos.

the thing is doom metal and synthwave are so close emotionally it's a little surprising you don't like dmode. Especially live dmode with real drums, real guitars etc

The rocking part after the last chorus in 'Soulsadness' always gets a headbang (albeit a very slow one) from me. This band always reminds me of the Myspace era of starting to discover bands online rather than in the shop picking up random CDs due to cool artwork.