Calling someone a Nazi nowadays means nothing. It means asshole whose politics I disagree with. The right are as guilty of it too. Everyone's a commie!

Quote from: Caomhaoin on September 21, 2020, 03:07:57 PM
Quote from: Ducky on September 21, 2020, 01:56:31 PM
Still definitely not a racist.

Come on, yer messin' now.

It's bullshit, just like the alleged calling white nationalists 'fine people'. Right after he said there were fine people on both sides, he said 'and I'm not talking about all the Nazis and white nationalists '. But sure didn't they cut that part out, didn't fit the auld narrative.

He brokered peace between the Jews and two previously sworn enemies. Peace prize stuff if you ask me. They would have given Obama two if he had done it.

Yup that article is nonsense. Its a fault of the left and it's infuriating. There's plenty to attack him on without making stuff up.

Now the "peace" or trade deals as I like to call them. How was Bahrain at war with Israel. Laughable really as Israel with annihilate it in 2 minutes.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on September 21, 2020, 03:52:30 PM
Calling someone a Nazi nowadays means nothing. It means asshole whose politics I disagree with. The right are as guilty of it too. Everyone's a commie!

Yeah it's real pot and kettle stuff. That was what was dawning on me as I was reading the review/article, though to be fair I'm waking up pretty late if it is only dawning on me now

Media driven, hyperbolic melodrama. Seems to be the norm in everything at the moment.

Israel would defeat all Arab nations put together. Peace is preferable though, no?

Quote from: Caomhaoin on September 21, 2020, 04:18:40 PM
Israel would defeat all Arab nations put together. Peace is preferable though, no?

All together is debatable. Maybe but thats for another day.

My point related to Bahrain weren't at war with Israel. They recognized Israel's right to exist in 2018.

Yeah, but credit where credit is due, no? Even CNN had to give him a modicum if it. There hasn't been any such accord for 26 years, he put two together in a week, and it wasn't just Netanyahu caressing his balls with the credit either.

With the exception of Saudi Arabia, every military in the region is tinpot. Choirboys compared to Israel.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on September 21, 2020, 05:24:16 PM
Yeah, but credit where credit is due, no? Even CNN had to give him a modicum if it. There hasn't been any such accord for 26 years, he put two together in a week, and it wasn't just Netanyahu caressing his balls with the credit either.

With the exception of Saudi Arabia, every military in the region is tinpot. Choirboys compared to Israel.

Wouldn't go that far, With regards to the region, Lebanon and Yemen would be the definition of tinpot, but the rest of them have bought a lot of topline equipment over the years. Bunch of them fly F-16C Block 40 and upwards (Admittedly Jordan's are old A models, but have been upgraded), Oman also have Typhoons (as will Kuwait), UAE have Rafales, On the ground there's Leopards, Leclercs and Challenger 2s. Bahrain would probably be the worst off with only M-60s.
Egypt on the other hand, just seems to go "Oh that looks cool, let's buy a bunch of them."

Some ridiculous coin involved there to not do anything. And yet it must be done. Mad really. I'm enjoying the who would crush who debate all the same!

Trump as I see it is no worse than Obama but he doesn't have the benefit of being black. Ok it isn't exactly that simple, but take out the personality and look at the results there isn't a major difference.

Quote from: Mower Liberation Front on September 21, 2020, 07:55:09 PM
Quote from: Caomhaoin on September 21, 2020, 05:24:16 PM
Yeah, but credit where credit is due, no? Even CNN had to give him a modicum if it. There hasn't been any such accord for 26 years, he put two together in a week, and it wasn't just Netanyahu caressing his balls with the credit either.

With the exception of Saudi Arabia, every military in the region is tinpot. Choirboys compared to Israel.

Wouldn't go that far, With regards to the region, Lebanon and Yemen would be the definition of tinpot, but the rest of them have bought a lot of topline equipment over the years. Bunch of them fly F-16C Block 40 and upwards (Admittedly Jordan's are old A models, but have been upgraded), Oman also have Typhoons (as will Kuwait), UAE have Rafales, On the ground there's Leopards, Leclercs and Challenger 2s. Bahrain would probably be the worst off with only M-60s.
Egypt on the other hand, just seems to go "Oh that looks cool, let's buy a bunch of them."

The monied oil states do have quite sophisticated equipment, but it's only Saudi Arabia (if a hostile anti-west regime came to power) who would pose a serious threat to the Israeli military edge. The principal difference is the quality of training, and an ability to co-ordinate with allies and being able to use the stuff effectively. The second and third Israeli victories over Arab coalitions in the second half of the twentieth century were crushing and decisive, even though on paper, it could have gone either way. Soviet hardware was probably inferior in some respects to what the Israelis had, but not in all respects. Highly trained, well led and motivated Israeli troops outclassed the Arabs utterly. Would the result be the same if something similar again? Your money would be on the Israelis, provided the Saudis weren't involved.

The IDF is constantly on a war footing, despite being a conscript army, it's quite unique. Not sure how healthy it is to the nations mental health, which anyone who has met ex soldiers in their jollies after being discharged can attest to.

Quote from: astfgyl on September 21, 2020, 08:26:07 PM
Trump as I see it is no worse than Obama but he doesn't have the benefit of being black. Ok it isn't exactly that simple, but take out the personality and look at the results there isn't a major difference.

Ah no. C'mon now. Look I get when people don't like Obama but at least he kinda knew what to do most of the time.

Were Bahrain or the UAE ever involved in conflicts with Israel? No. Hardly worthy of a peace prize, albeit one that has already been handed to others unworthy.

The UAE have been taking part in exercises with Israeli fighters over the few years, mostly in Greece, but also at Red Flag in the US. The Greek excercises have the added bonus (as far as the UAE are concerned) of pissing off Goat Fucker Erdogan, who last week threatened to shoot down any UAE plane that violated Turkish airspace.

Conflicts against Israel, I should have clarified.

He also brought about inter-Korean talks with a mixture of sanctions and diplomatic pressure, can't be denied. He's done a lot more than Obama as regards peace. He was off to get his shiny prize, whilst tripling troop numbers in Afghanistan. Peace prize ha?