Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 27, 2020, 12:45:13 PM
Quote from: Pedrito on August 27, 2020, 10:40:53 AM
I should have said 'private property'. Load of stuff on twitter about it. Images show one of the men he shot carrying a pistol. I'm not defending it at all but the narrative again seems to be pushing some sort of white supremacy line a bit like our Maga hat kid, remeber him? Just settled with CNN recently for an unholy amount of money for having his life destroyed.


I do remember him; I took loads of flak for defending him. He hadn't shot two people dead, seemingly with a quasi police endorsement, though.

Anyone who looked past the ridiculous CNN attempt to stitch him up supported him. He's laughing his hole off now.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 27, 2020, 03:23:20 PM
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 27, 2020, 12:45:13 PM
Quote from: Pedrito on August 27, 2020, 10:40:53 AM
I should have said 'private property'. Load of stuff on twitter about it. Images show one of the men he shot carrying a pistol. I'm not defending it at all but the narrative again seems to be pushing some sort of white supremacy line a bit like our Maga hat kid, remeber him? Just settled with CNN recently for an unholy amount of money for having his life destroyed.


I do remember him; I took loads of flak for defending him. He hadn't shot two people dead, seemingly with a quasi police endorsement, though.

Anyone who looked past the ridiculous CNN attempt to stitch him up supported him. He's laughing his hole off now.

I actually remember when it happened and the fake outrage. Went to the video and was like "okey dokey nothing to see here". All that kid did was wear a hat.

Now the shooter Kyle guy. Drove 20 miles as a 17 year to defend properties with assault rifles. Idiot has ruined his whole life. And for what really.


I'm waiting for the dust to settle these days before believing anything I'm told by the media was my original point. That's all. It's not condoning anything, but the media is driving the world nuts at the moment with biased, destructive reporting.

Great, powerful interview here. We need more of this and less of the tit fir tat stuff. Is our generation so weak we cannot take the high ground like this woman anymore?


And before anyone says it..Tucker Carlson and Fox news and the likes are just as guilty. Shitshow the whole lot of it.

If someone is driving a distance, over a state line, armed, with the intent of gun fighting a mob, they've been ideologically led to that point...especially clear if they're only 17. I was an ideological slave at 17, just not a lethal one.

Quote from: Pedrito on August 27, 2020, 05:19:12 PM
And before anyone says it..Tucker Carlson and Fox news and the likes are just as guilty. Shitshow the whole lot of it.

It would be nice to have a news station that reports the news and let's you make up your own mind. But all need stations have owners pushing their agenda. Be ot CNN or Fox theres always a slant in the headline to make you think one way. It's fucking awful.

We're only at the tip of the iceberg. Looking at reports of the 17 yr old kid, the whole situation was complete madness. He's there, as he sees it 'protecting' a city, the other side is protesting and heavily armed. Looting, burning, violence. There's no way, with the amount of crime that takes place inthe US that another black man isn't killed by cops, but is this going to be the constant response? Someone needs to bring things to a calm.

Yeah, an unbiased news agency would be quite something.  The trouble is that everyone being so used to heavily slanted news would think that the broadcaster is taking an opposing view to theirs. They would most likely then retreat back to their comfort zone.

Quote from: Pedrito on August 27, 2020, 05:19:12 PM
And before anyone says it..Tucker Carlson and Fox news and the likes are just as guilty. Shitshow the whole lot of it.

That's true, but look at the ratings, TC is the most popular show on any cable network. Why? Because he is extremely entertaining, unlike those mopes like Don Lemon, John Oliver etc.

It's an awful pity to think about how many people's political leanings are influenced by how entertaining the presentation is. I'm sure it applies to me and all, but it's a sad state of affairs.

Quote from: hellfire on August 27, 2020, 06:02:02 PM
Yeah, an unbiased news agency would be quite something.  The trouble is that everyone being so used to heavily slanted news would think that the broadcaster is taking an opposing view to theirs. They would most likely then retreat back to their comfort zone.

Aye most people don't like their viewpoint being challenged. I actually love it. If you can put forward a good argument I'm willing to change a position on a topic. Proper debate has been lost in the last few years. Sadly people are way too entrenched in their views nowadays.

Quote from: Ollkiller on August 27, 2020, 06:51:50 PM
Quote from: hellfire on August 27, 2020, 06:02:02 PM
Yeah, an unbiased news agency would be quite something.  The trouble is that everyone being so used to heavily slanted news would think that the broadcaster is taking an opposing view to theirs. They would most likely then retreat back to their comfort zone.

Aye most people don't like their viewpoint being challenged. I actually love it. If you can put forward a good argument I'm willing to change a position on a topic. Proper debate has been lost in the last few years. Sadly people are way too entrenched in their views nowadays.

I'd be of the same mindset. If something that I believe turns out to be wrong, so be it. Climb down and move on. A lot of the problem is the (media driven) move towards the U.S. style Left/Right politics and the constant defending of either stance. In for the penny, in for the pound sort of shit.

When TC has guests, they are generally antagonistic to his POV who are no match for him intellectually or otherwise, and he just ridicules them, laughs in their faces, says they are filibustering or embarrassing themselves and cuts them off if they get nippy. He's an absolute bollocks but he's one of the funniest TV hosts around.

And CNN wonder why he murders them every single night in the ratings with that imbecile Don Lemon (black and homosexual so I imagine that trumps his talent) up against him?