I read the court documents where Trump and Epstein were co defendants in the accused rape of a 13 year old girl. Absolutely vile shit. He's a fucking predator.

Quote from: Ducky on August 12, 2020, 11:05:57 AM
How's it bollocks? The numbers the numbers renouncing it are on the up, and if you hang around any US-centric forum like Reddit you'll realise that yes, there's a fuckload of Yanks that want to abandon ship (but they can't because of how "great" the economic system is over there).

The vast majority of that is for economic reasons. USA is one of only a handful of countries that tax non-resident citizens who live and earn abroad. And the IRS have been getting more and more aggressive over it over the past few years, started cracking down under W, and it got even worse when Obama brought in the FATCA.

Quote from: Ollkiller on August 12, 2020, 01:33:54 PM
I read the court documents where Trump and Epstein were co defendants in the accused rape of a 13 year old girl. Absolutely vile shit. He's a fucking predator.

Have you a link for that?

Ducky lad, a piece of shit his whole life? Bit strong, and a symptom of Trump Derangement syndrome.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 12, 2020, 02:17:59 PM
Quote from: Ollkiller on August 12, 2020, 01:33:54 PM
I read the court documents where Trump and Epstein were co defendants in the accused rape of a 13 year old girl. Absolutely vile shit. He's a fucking predator.

Have you a link for that?

Ducky lad, a piece of shit his whole life? Bit strong, and a symptom of Trump Derangement syndrome.

Yeah. It's been well documented. This isn't an opinion, it's a fact. The only derangement happening here is thinking this predatory sociopath is even vaguely okay.

At what point do you say to yourself "there's no smoke without fire" when this clown has been standing beside a continuous plume of every colour smoke imaginable?

And I'd bet my left bollock on shit coming out about him (probably after his death) diddling kids with his buddies Epstein and Maxwell. And there's far more likelihood of him ordering Epstein be killed than there is of him curing cancer.  But he's just a humble pussy grabber that allowed for US troops to have bounties on their heads, mocked a reporter for having a disability, has the odd wee scandal with the likes of the Ukraine, right?

#934 August 12, 2020, 03:33:44 PM Last Edit: August 12, 2020, 03:35:38 PM by Caomhaoin
A lot of what you are accusing him off is at best speculation, worst case your deluding yourself by believing wholesale what the media feeds you, the vast majority of which despises him. Nothing personal lad, I think you're a sound poster but you seem incapable of giving any credence to anything positive he's done, it's like he's the quare fella as far as your concerned.

Take the pussy grab comment. He said it in private, amongst what he believed were friends, and over a decade before he was president. What is the big fucking deal? Madeleine Albright was caught in camera saying 'disgusting Serbs' whilst organising an illegal bombing campaign on them, Hilary with that nauseating shit after Gaddafi was killed, does everyone have to be hounded for life for a single comment, regardless of how tasteless? Him saying something in poor taste trumps (no pun intended) utterly his police reform, employment achievements (especially for non-whites), standing up to a quasi -tyrannical judiciary, telling it exactly how it is about the dystopian hell being created in China etc. Him saying a few stupid things (which have done no real harm outside offending highly strung sensibilities) is secondary as far as I'm concerned.

Psychopath? Jaysus let's not join Chris and my kids mother with the amateur psychology hour. That's a frankly outrageous thing to say.

Trump is not that bad.

People still care about that pussy grabbing statement?
You can be guaranteed most of the people giving out about it have said a lot worse amongst friends.
I know I have.
I'd agree in thinking that he's not that bad.
Full of shit ya. But not what the media makes him out to be.
Biden would be more of a fuck up imo.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 12, 2020, 03:33:44 PM

Take the pussy grab comment. He said it in private, amongst what he believed were friends

Where was he and what friends was he with?

Backstage at a TV show, I think he said it to the host.

He apologised for it, what do people expect? To flagellate himself through the streets, everyone shouting 'shame! shame!' at him, Cersai Lannister style?

I do think Boli Bolingoli should be made to do that though, the daft bastard.

#938 August 12, 2020, 04:16:15 PM Last Edit: August 12, 2020, 04:18:21 PM by Ollkiller
Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 12, 2020, 02:17:59 PM
Quote from: Ollkiller on August 12, 2020, 01:33:54 PM
I read the court documents where Trump and Epstein were co defendants in the accused rape of a 13 year old girl. Absolutely vile shit. He's a fucking predator.

Have you a link for that?

Ducky lad, a piece of shit his whole life? Bit strong, and a symptom of Trump Derangement syndrome.


Article about it with the court documents. If you scroll down to complaints and related documets its there. It was eventually dropped but I believe it happened as that level of detail from a 13 year old i find hard to imagine them making it up. Fucking vile shit.

Quote from: blessed1 on August 12, 2020, 03:42:59 PM
People still care about that pussy grabbing statement?
You can be guaranteed most of the people giving out about it have said a lot worse amongst friends.
I know I have.
I'd agree in thinking that he's not that bad.
Full of shit ya. But not what the media makes him out to be.
Biden would be more of a fuck up imo.

How many court cases has Biden being indited on rape?

Hi, Biden is a well known fanny merchant, he's a dirty auld bastard, and if he's elected, he'll be flayed by Fox and pals the way Trump is getting all ways at the moment.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 12, 2020, 04:23:17 PM
Hi, Biden is a well known fanny merchant, he's a dirty auld bastard, and if he's elected, he'll be flayed by Fox and pals the way Trump is getting all ways at the moment.

Did you read the court documents in the link I posted. If so what are your tboughts on it.

I read through it yeah. He might have been involved, and if he was, throw the cunt to the lions. Innocent until proven guilty though, I mean that Brett Kavanaugh was about to be stitched up or he got away with murder, depends on your perspective.

The metoo thing is making people very skittish about questioning sexual accusations of any kind.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 12, 2020, 04:48:56 PM
I read through it yeah. He might have been involved, and if he was, throw the cunt to the lions. Innocent until proven guilty though, I mean that Brett Kavanaugh was about to be stitched up or he got away with murder, depends on your perspective.

The metoo thing is making people very skittish about questioning sexual accusations of any kind.

I get ya but what there's a bit of a difference between what Brett was accused of and the multiple accusations against Trump which include difilement of children. 1 or 2 accusations you could maybe explain away but what's trump at now. 20 or more. In this instance I definitely think there's no smoke without fire.

He has behaved very badly when it comes to getting his hole, but I wasn't aware of the Epstein-esque carry on. Obviously I'm not going to defend his behaviour either way, I'll read a bit more. He's not me Da or anything, a spade is a spade, and fuck him if he is guilty.

That Prince Andrew with that catastrophic interview he stupidly gave, guilty as fuck, you don't need a degree in criminology to read his body language and analyse his bizarre answers as tantamount to a confession. Trump has owned up to having a, ahem, chequered history where fanny is concerned, but if he was involved with kids, Maxwell might sing, who knows.