They've pulled down a good few statues in the US, Lee, Stonewall Jackson and the boys. Lee only fought for the Confederates because he was loyal to his state which had happened to secede. Jackson is an icon down there, to some whites at least. Hardly war criminals, but I can see why some blacks might have a problem with them having statues. Still, you can't just vandalise shit you dislike.

Quote from: Emphyrio on June 08, 2020, 09:09:34 PM
Just to throw a spanner in the works, I think fucking the statue in the river is a far better act than kicking in shops etc. Granted, I know fuck all about yer man, apart from him having been a slave trader, but it's a more powerful symbol than flaking off with a TV. I think that's the approach that would have been better in America.

Yeah you are bang on with that assertion. There is no excuse for wanton violence and destruction, but if one wants to make a point then that is a more palatable way to do it

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 08, 2020, 06:28:52 PM
Quote from: Pedrito on June 08, 2020, 02:28:18 PM
How the fuck can you stop this kind of evil without a police force? Talking? People are living in the clouds if they believe violence, real deadly violence doesn't exist. Imagine that was your mother or sister taking a beating like that? And they want to get rid of guns? Never happening, not while this kind of thing is allowed to run free.

This may seem a trite question, but where were the police? Presumably, rather than patrolling the areas where people live and have their local, small businesses, making sure criminals know that there is a police presence and won't risk nasty shit like this, they were all packed together taking care of what the government care much more about than the personal safety of its citizens: civil unrest with a view to deep reform. That takes priority, and in seeing to that priority, inevitably they end up casting themselves in bad light by being indiscriminately heavy-handed with a crowd. I don't deny that real deadly violence exists. I would deny that in many places, the US notably, absolutely the wrong approach is taken to preventing it and/or dealing with it when it happens. As Ollkiller just said, a much better approach really is a bit of a "no shit Sherlock."

They were what? They were all packed together yadda yadda..I've read it a few times and it makes no sense. Change to the system is needed, but protecting that little woman from taking a savage beating from a bunch of psychopaths was more than likely impossible because the police were outnumbered and under fire everywhere they went.   It would require whole squads of police to respond safely to that incident alone. There were probably another hundred going on at the same moment. Complete chaos.

Just on to the historic oppression thing. At what point does that sentence end? As an Irish person born in 1982 I never experienced the oppression my grandparents did. I don't think I have much of a right to go around looking for sympathy or to act the bollox in London over it. When will the sins of the past be wiped clean? Are we to bully German tourists for the sins of their (great) grandparents?

Quote from: hellfire on June 08, 2020, 06:57:54 PM
Apologies for using an outright right wing site, but Twitter is having awful technical problems playing videos that worked this morning.

Embarrassing, pathetic. Time for the police to go on strike..are they even allowed to? Obvious they're not being protected by their kow towing superiors. Bunch of gangster scumbags running after them like that. Nothing to do with protest and everything to do with being a scumbag.

There is plenty of historical injustice to go around, mountains of it in fact. The Irish nation was ground down to a nub, moulded into the idiot drunken cousin. The highland clearances, the rough wooing, the destruction of European Jewry, the annihilation of Caucasian societies, the firebombing of German civilians, the significantly worse Portuguese treatment of blacks in Brazil than their North American counterparts  etc etc. It's just some injustices are more fashionable than others.

Quote from: hellfire on June 08, 2020, 09:30:26 PM
Just on to the historic oppression thing. At what point does that sentence end? As an Irish person born in 1982 I never experienced the oppression my grandparents did. I don't think I have much of a right to go around looking for sympathy or to act the bollox in London over it. When will the sins of the past be wiped clean? Are we to bully German tourists for the sins of their (great) grandparents?

Ah here man you're making far too much sense. You'll need to have someone come to your house and take care of that kind of thinking.

If the UK were smart they'd take down the really out there statues like the one that was smashed today. They'd do it quietly and find a place for it where it would be of historical value. There's actually a great documentary about all the amazing pieces of art that were taken down so as to protect them from the IRA in the south. Massive statues of lads on horses lying in people's back gardens. I must try and dig it up.

Yeah so my people were disposessed my Cromwell. We had a grand big castle down on the lakes of Killarney and I could probably be sitting there now dying of gout getting my tooth pick pulled off me by the servant girl. But that was hundreds of years ago and it's time to get on with shit. There's been a resurgence in recent years of all this paddywhackery shite that we had worked so hard to overcome..the rugby game in Croker, Good Friday agreement etc etc etc. Pathetic loser mentality way of going on.

Fuck it lads it's the right time for yokes if it ever was

#398 June 08, 2020, 09:49:07 PM Last Edit: June 08, 2020, 09:51:52 PM by Pedrito
Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 08, 2020, 09:39:31 PM
There is plenty of historical injustice to go around, mountains of it in fact. The Irish nation was ground down to a nub, moulded into the idiot drunken cousin. The highland clearances, the rough wooing, the destruction of European Jewry, the annihilation of Caucasian societies, the firebombing of German civilians, the significantly worse Portuguese treatment of blacks in Brazil than their North American counterparts  etc etc. It's just some injustices are more fashionable than others.

Nobody seems to wonder why half of black Americans have Irish surnames..ah sure we never done nuthing against nobody. Go down to Jamaica you'll find beautiful nubian girls with fine hips on them all with proper Irish Gaelic surnames. The master's name they call it. Yes, some Irish were brought as servants, but plenty were landowners.

Related to that, my Irish tutor at UCC told me that, apparently, black lads say 'you dig'? because when Irish speaking builders would ask them 'an dTuigeann tú'?

'Yeah Mick, we dig it'

He also told me that to 'put the kibosh' on something comes from 'an chaip Bas', the cape of death in Irish.

He might have been full of shit though.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 08, 2020, 09:39:31 PM
There is plenty of historical injustice to go around, mountains of it in fact. The Irish nation was ground down to a nub, moulded into the idiot drunken cousin. The highland clearances, the rough wooing, the destruction of European Jewry, the annihilation of Caucasian societies, the firebombing of German civilians, the significantly worse Portuguese treatment of blacks in Brazil than their North American counterparts  etc etc. It's just some injustices are more fashionable than others.

you don't hear much about all the stuff that went on in scotland over the centuries apart from a couple events that films were made of

Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 08, 2020, 09:52:57 PM
Related to that, my Irish tutor at UCC told me that, apparently, black lads say 'you dig'? because when Irish speaking builders would ask them 'an dTuigeann tú'?

'Yeah Mick, we dig it'

He also told me that to 'put the kibosh' on something comes from 'an chaip Bas', the cape of death in Irish.

He might have been full of shit though.

Sounds like a spoofer. I thought the Gringo explanation in Mexico was great. To do with traffic lights and white lads roaring at them...Green, go!

You don't, Scottish history is an interest of mine, and far more heroic boys than Wallace or Charles Stuart (himself, half Polish),  Scots like James Graham are relatively unknown. Thousands of cotters fucked into coffin ships as horrific as any Irish ones to make room for sheep.

Perhaps not today, but a far more divided country relative to the North and South than Ireland ever was.

I hate the lumping in of all white people in this bizarre white guilt type game. Irish people don't have a significant history of invading other countries. Slave ownership was conducted all over the world for centuries. What am I apologizing for and when should I stop?

Also never understood modern Swedes obsession with it? I'm not much of a history buff by any stretch.

Justin Trudeau being the great guy that he is joined protesters in Ottawa last Friday and took a knee. He did this just a week after announcing that all parliament activities would cease until September because it was just too dangerous with the Coronavirus going around.

So, it's too dangerous for parliament to continue but not too dangerous to join a crowd of hundreds for a photo op. 

The funny thing as well is BLM labelled Trudeau a white supremacist many times over the last four years and when he bent down to take a knee he was surrounded by protesters who just shouted abused at him.