Apologies for using an outright right wing site, but Twitter is having awful technical problems playing videos that worked this morning.


Quote from: hellfire on June 08, 2020, 06:57:54 PM
Apologies for using an outright right wing site, but Twitter is having awful technical problems playing videos that worked this morning.


I wasn't having a go about the link; video is video. Just found it fairly, well, stereotypical of the Daily Mail to be appealing for information in the defense of, essentially, pure jingoism rather than any concern about other human beings (yes, I believe the police are human) and their welfare.

I was just getting back to my point of the desperate need to start beating on the British rioters. The US too for that matter.

Quote from: astfgyl on June 08, 2020, 05:32:58 PM
Is there anything to be said for another mass?

Lads the wild spin being put on this shit by the media on all sides is frightening. We really have reached a new level of ridiculous, where it seems if one is not explicitly for something, then one must be against it. Whatever happened to being ambivalent about things? Even simple disinterest doesn't seem to cut it anymore. Coming from the other thread about trans for example, JK Rowling says something, someone I've never heard of gets their unisex genital covering in a twist, I don't give a fuck one way or the other as it doesn't concern me in the slightest but yet if I see media coverage on it, it is made out to be some sort of headline worthy shit that we all need to care about. We don't though. Even say if one were to be trans in this country, sure grand best of luck and learn to ignore the online shit and most people will come out of the dark ages and learn to live and let live over time.

Same with the BLM protests over here. Yes all the marchers are sympathetic and grand and all, but where are they when it comes to things like marching for health service reform or fairer taxation or marching to make the government take the fucking Apple money so we won't have to suffer the billions that the pandemic has cost us? I'll tell you where they are, sitting at home looking at what is going on in the US because that is where the media would like us all to be focused for one reason or another.

Take the situation here where I live, the young lad is out kicking a ball on the green with 2 white irish lads a black irish lad a syrian lad and 2 polish boys. All they need to do is walk into a bar and the jokes will write themselves, but the main point is none of them lads give a flying fuck what religion or colour or what nationality the other fellas are. The main point is that they are there, so lets kick a ball.
If this shite is allowed to spill out onto our streets via the media, (who live for advertising money and find the best way to do that is by polarising people) suddenly we will find young lads like these who are currently immune to racism out there finding reasons to be divided beyond what team they support. Like if the young fella ends up scrapping one of the lads out there, the polish lad or the black lad, is that racial violence or young lads scrapping as they often do? If the black lad hits the young lad a box is it because he is racist or because the young lad has a big mouth? We all need to cop the fuck on buying into the idea of racism being behind everything now and stop trying to drag ourselves back into the 1950s.

Like say somebody is not on twitter so they never read any of the dumb shit that is said on there, why can't the likes of the journal just fucking leave it on twitter for those who are on there instead of trying to fan the flames in their own comments section by reporting it? I'll tell you why.. advertising revenue. Again. Ugh

jk rowling is trans, that's what the robert galbraith thing was about.

jk rowling, jkr owling, geddit?

#379 June 08, 2020, 07:46:37 PM Last Edit: June 08, 2020, 07:50:08 PM by Caomhaoin
The Daily Mail is often a silly, screeching paper, but at least it's not pretending to be anything it isn't, unlike your favourite nausea inducing 'news'paper.

But anyways.

The police running away from protesters in the UK, standing around letting some antifa prick try to torch the flag (that's jail in Germany or the US), and allowing that other 'activist' to escape after vandalising the Churchill statue. Baton charge of doom!

And this statue business in Bristol, vandalism, pure and simple. I seen they had a lad kneeling on the neck of the statue for 8 minutes. Great. Is racism over now? There is no police brutality issue in the UK, and that Coulston built half of Bristol, he wasn't just a slave dealer. But sher look, gotta virtue signal somehow.

He built buildings so the auld trading of human lives for slavery is okay. Gotta spout conservative nonsense somehow.

Yeah it's jail in Germany or the US... just as well they knew they weren't in Germany or the US, now wasn't it?

You know you can protest something without having to be from the same country, right? There's global protests and displays of solidarity going on because people feel that police brutality and what looks like racially motivated murder is bad regardless of what piece of rock and dirt you originate from.

Just because the Daily Mail wears its shit on its sleeve for all to see doesn't make it okay. What's that supposed to be a counterpoint to exactly?

Quote from: Ducky on June 08, 2020, 08:04:47 PM
You know you can protest something without having to be from the same country, right? There's global protests and displays of solidarity going on because people feel that police brutality and what looks like racially motivated murder is bad regardless of what piece of rock and dirt you originate from.

Protests are fine. Nobody had any complaints about the Irish ones. Fucking things at the cops, smashing up the area and endangering innocent protestors makes you a cunt, not a protestor.

Quote from: Ducky on June 08, 2020, 08:04:47 PM
Just because the Daily Mail wears its shit on its sleeve for all to see doesn't make it okay. What's that supposed to be a counterpoint to exactly?

The Guardian

#382 June 08, 2020, 08:23:26 PM Last Edit: June 08, 2020, 08:27:19 PM by Caomhaoin
We must give the man his due, surely? Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were slave owners, traded in them. Should they be held to the same standard? Coulston lived in the 17th century, and he was involved in a trade that wasn't considered in the same terms then as now. If it's that much of an affront, get a petition. You can't just fuck it in the sea because YOU don't like it. And then the chicken shit police decide not to intervene.

Yeah brilliant. It is great. Burning your own flag because somebody was killed by the police in another country, 4000 miles away? Class.

Oh ya, it looks racially motivated, therefore it is. The victim is  high profile and it looks good on Instagram to be washing black peoples feet and taking a knee and whatever other preposterous virtue signalling is going on. Protest away, it's a fundamental right. But acting the absolute cunt which many of these people are? Fuck off, they believe in nothing.

Everyone saw the video, it was murder. He's been charged. Various states are proposing drastic, revolutionary changes to how they police the gaff. What do you want?

Quote from: Eoin McLove on June 08, 2020, 08:43:44 PM
Another knee,  please.

If we can make Kev kneel on both knees will all this stop?

a few more followers on Instagram

Ha, this auld lad, one of a group of four, a die hard Hearts fan from Edinburgh I met hiking in Scotland last year gave me some amazing sectarian shit every evening in the pub...'are ye no gonnae kneel, ye bead twirlin' bastard'?


'Whets yer name'?




'Pah, pape name'

Got on grand with him :)

Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 08, 2020, 08:50:21 PM
Ha, this auld lad, one of a group of four, a die hard Hearts fan from Edinburgh I met hiking in Scotland last year gave me some amazing sectarian shit every evening in the pub...'are ye no gonnae kneel, ye bead twirlin' bastard'?


'Whets yer name'?




'Pah, pape name'

Got on grand with him :)

That sums up a lot of it to be fair. One of my good mates is a Brit and another is a Belfast Catholic and the three of us get on fantastically well in spite of the Belfast boy calling the Limey a Peeler and I slating the 2 of them for being from the dark ages and the peeler calling us both out for being twats every now and again. We all know we don't mean it and can get on with it. Certain prejudices aren't quite what the media would have us believe. And I think a lot of people here either know that or need to get their heads out of their holes. Sure look at Caoimhin here and the Black Shepherd having at it over left vs right and they probably get on the finest down the pub

Just to throw a spanner in the works, I think fucking the statue in the river is a far better act than kicking in shops etc. Granted, I know fuck all about yer man, apart from him having been a slave trader, but it's a more powerful symbol than flaking off with a TV. I think that's the approach that would have been better in America.