And whatever side people are on, it's ridiculous that celebs etc are being forced to go with the virtue signalling narrative on twitter etc. If they don't, it's like a witch hunt.
I seen Kris from Nirvana said something pro trump and the twitterati near had a meltdown,so much hate sent to him.
It's getting out of hand. People should be able to support who they want, within reason obviously.

It'll be amazing if he wins because you know how mainstream left-wing politics is in the US, right? It's like a mecca for socialism, these days. There's barely a white conservative left to vote for him  :laugh:

#287 June 04, 2020, 08:34:41 AM Last Edit: June 04, 2020, 08:37:13 AM by Eoin McLove
Quote from: Ducky on June 03, 2020, 11:36:01 PM
Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 03, 2020, 09:18:15 PM
Quote from: Juggz on June 03, 2020, 08:26:54 PM
Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 03, 2020, 07:23:45 PM
The left is now the mainstream...

Sorry, but you're just talking absolute shite, seriously.

Am I? Ace, thanks.

I'll give you a few examples, starting with the media. With the exception of the The Wall Street Journal and Fox in the US (controlled by a libertarian) over 90% of news reports related to Donald Trump have been overwhelmingly negative, and I'm talking about widely consumed media such as the BBC, CBS, MSNBC, The Washington Post and countless others. I don't need to point out the zero credibility left to CNN with Don Lemon and Brian Steltner anchoring their show.

Rasmussen reports show that 62% of Americans believe there is leftist bias in the media, single figures for its opposite number.

Opponents of gay marriage (I'm not one of them) and the repeal the 8th movement were treated with absolute contempt, undeniable regardless of your opinion of their views.

Traditional gender roles, the conflation of sex with gender, even expressing oneself to the contrary is not only frowned upon, it can have the police knocking on your door in the UK. Being even mildly conservative is conflated with extremism and bigotry, and I can tell you that from experience.

So if you think I'm 'talking shite' and then leave your comment at that, floating around like the odious fart that it is, fine. Try fighting your corner if you disagree, rather than dismissing an opinion you dislike.

Do you believe that 90% of the stories about Trump are negative because of a leftie bias or is it because he's been guilty of decades of bad shit that has been well documented? (even before he came to power). All the stuff with Ukraine, building a wall to keep out Mexicans, rolling back loads of power from the EPA, pussy grabbing, inciting violence towards protesters, defunding the WHO because of their response to COVID19 (even though it was Trump who first abolished a pandemic task force and then sat on his little hands before anything happened, even then he spoke absolute nonsense for most of it). Links to Jeffery Epstein? The bit where he just tried to buy Greenland? More deflections than Bruce Grobbelaar?

Fuck what 62% of Americans think about the leftist bias, what percentage of them are conservative Christian nutters who believe it's their God given right to own firearms and don't believe in science and that the fucking moon landings are a leftie conspiracy? A public poll of ordinary Americans means absolute jack shit unless you're polling every single one of them.

Opponents of gay rights and Repeal the 8th were correctly treated with contempt because being opponents of them means you are an opponent of what should be basic human/women's rights. Try telling my friend who conceived through rape by a stranger that abortion is a bad thing. And if it's okay in that circumstance (because people's morals are surprisingly malleable when it's themselves or someone close to them in the firing line), why not in others?

Traditional gender rolls are load of bollocks, an anachronism that belongs in the past. I don't have strong opinions about the gender debate because I haven't given it much thought, but I currently sit at "let people live how they want". Where does having a conservative opinion around that get anyone? More to the point, why have a conservative opinion? They're not doing anything to conservatives, why make their lives more difficult? Plus, one of the reasons why I haven't thought of gender issues is I can't get myself into that headspace... I'd imagine conservative commentators are in a similar predicament, so why try to go against these people?

Any of the conservatives,  or the traditional liberal types,  I've listened to like Douglas Murray, Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson etc. are absolutely fine with people being trans and believe they should be treated with all due respect down to the specific desired pronoun. They just believe that it's not the government's place to make proper use of pronouns a human rights issue, particularly in the US where it's practically impossible to keep up with it. Seems reasonable enough to me. They are pushing for respect from all sides and a move back towards the centre as each side is becoming too entrenched in ideology. I find their arguments persuasive because I have always more or less felt that way and never been strong politically. A bit of decency can go a long way.

To bring it back on topic, that's perhaps a lesson that the cops in the states could learn. The heavy handed tactic has its place and, of course, they face some really dangerous criminals in their line of work so they need to have that switch that puts them into military mode, but that switch has to be able to turn off when dealing with civilians. Their training has to be looked at and whatever faults are found need to be addressed. And that is only one aspect of wider reform that I think will help move things in the right direction.

If the majority of minorities perceive that they are being treated as second class citizens, then there might be a good reason for that. Better schools and amenities in deprived areas are another essential ingredient. A mix of soft touch community policing might help too,  to build back the trust that has been decimated. What do I know, I'm just an armchair critic with fuck all facts, but they seem like simple and logical methods to my simple brainball.

I read this morning Donald is double digits behind in the swing states. I'd have said he was a shoe-in prior to the the Covid and now Floyd debacles.

#289 June 04, 2020, 08:46:17 AM Last Edit: June 04, 2020, 08:48:37 AM by Caomhaoin
Quote from: Juggz on June 04, 2020, 08:33:09 AM
It'll be amazing if he wins because you know how mainstream left-wing politics is in the US, right? It's like a mecca for socialism, these days. There's barely a white conservative left to vote for him  :laugh:

What does the skin colour of a conservative have to do with anything? Does it annoy you when black race traitors vote republican?

What does the gender of a liberal have to do with anything?

Quote from: astfgyl on June 03, 2020, 10:39:18 PM
"Russia Finally Wins Cold War" says no-one.

How do ye all like your Maskirovka?!
They played the long game, but with its help they're really coming out on top lol

There is a theory that the only reason any of us hear about RU involvement in US elections through hacking & social media targeting is part of a particular effort of Maskirovka (rather than the standard kind that seems to generally entrench their whole approach to foreign affairs) and the end goal is probably much closer to Aleksander Dugin's model of ensuring the US destroys itself and public opinion of the US is completely eroded elsewhere in the world anyway.

And meanwhile, everybody's gaze is deflected from China. The real bastards....  :abbath:

Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 04, 2020, 08:46:17 AM
Quote from: Juggz on June 04, 2020, 08:33:09 AM
It'll be amazing if he wins because you know how mainstream left-wing politics is in the US, right? It's like a mecca for socialism, these days. There's barely a white conservative left to vote for him  :laugh:

What does the skin colour of a conservative have to do with anything? Does it annoy you when black race traitors vote republican?

He got 8% of the African-American vote in 2016.

#294 June 04, 2020, 11:25:58 AM Last Edit: June 04, 2020, 11:29:14 AM by Caomhaoin
And almost 30% of Asian and Hispanic respectively.

Hardly an exclusively 'white conservative' voter base.

What's your point?

#295 June 04, 2020, 12:26:23 PM Last Edit: June 04, 2020, 12:33:18 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 04, 2020, 11:25:58 AM
And almost 30% of Asian and Hispanic respectively.

Hardly an exclusively 'white conservative' voter base.

What's your point?

Trump voters:

African-American, 8% (of ~12% of the population).
Hispanic, 18-30% (of ~16% of the population).
Asian, 18-27% (of ~5% of the population).
Caucasian, 58% (of ~72% of the population).

Trump voters were overwhelmingly white (presumably) conservatives, while 85% of non-whites are "not represented" by him. Or, to put it a bit clearer: take a random sample of 100 US voters and you should expect to get 1 African-American Trump voter, 2.5-4.5 Hispanic Trump voters, 0.9 - 1.25 Asian Trump voters, and 42 white Trump voters. Meaning essentially 85-90% of Trump voters were white.

So, you're right, not exclusively, but the political landscape Juggz was referring to is 85-90% unambiguous. Thems is prettty good odds! But they also give an n-th element for getting a feeling for the atmosphere in the US at the moment.

Edit: There is conflicting data over percentages for Hispanic and Asian populations, so I've included a range before anyone apoplectically points this out.

This is the source of the data I provided, which differs significantly from what you say were figures for Asian and Hispanic.

I was seconds too late with my edit!

It looks like he's snookered now regardless for this autumn. Seems as if he's cracking. His only hope is that his opponent is a senile auld sleazeball who looks as if he wouldn't see out his term.

He's rarely looked fully in control tbh. Pity the democrats have been very ineffectual, from my armchair point of view anyway, so I wouldn't be surprised if he's voted in again.