My mention of Antifa has nothing to do with Facebook I was talking about something from a different thread on here. Did you actually read my post or just jump straight to a response once you saw Antifa mentioned? Mad day indeed.

Quote from: boozegeune on May 30, 2020, 06:45:33 PM
Mad day altogether. Now its 'Antifa and the radical left' who are doing everything, right on cue. Must be dull playing the same tune over and over. Maybe this whole thing needs a separate dedicated 'US riots and protests' thread because things look like they're heating up in a bad way atm

That might not be a bad idea. I started the thread to talk about tech giants, their bias, overreach, monopoly and if they should be dismantled.  Trying to keep it on topic seems pointless. Instead it ended up about individual personalities and random toss.

Yeah, sorry, partly responsible for derailing it. Although, it is a topic which, by its nature, is always going to be intimately related to current affairs. I wouldn't mind seeing the big tech giants split up at all, though not because I think they have a far left agenda (in any case, I roll socialist, so if I thought that were the case I should think it a positive thing). They're not good for the collective consciousness, they encourage only the shallowest of thinking, and so on. It's very difficult to maintain any kind of depth of thought on social media, even in one's own communications, with Twitter even more so. I only started using the latter semi-regularly since the end of last year to promote an open science initiative thing. A few months down the line, I find it far more "toxic" than Facebook and have seen political correctness motivated mobbing that beggared belief, with all sorts of specific social media bully tactics I didn't even know existed previously.

Though, none of that seems to be your concern, and that I find interesting. In some sense, it's almost like we'd both like to see them dismantled, but for opposing reasons.

#79 May 30, 2020, 08:46:12 PM Last Edit: May 30, 2020, 08:57:05 PM by boozegeune
Quote from: mickO))) on May 30, 2020, 07:23:51 PM
My mention of Antifa has nothing to do with Facebook I was talking about something from a different thread on here. Did you actually read my post or just jump straight to a response once you saw Antifa mentioned? Mad day indeed.

No that wasnt in response to you, sorry, was tuned out of this for a few hours. Antifa was trending on twitter whenni looked at my phone again and it turns out Trump blamed the rioting on them.

Edit. And yeah apologies for helping derail this. I'll check out here.

Quote from: hellfire on May 29, 2020, 08:59:41 PM

This basically leaves them open to litigation in the same way that a media outlet is.

So if Trump goes on a tirade of lies, threats and defamation tweets....would they risk the legal liability that comes with giving him a platform? :laugh:

So...he has been blabbing about all this censorship by social media and the way to stop it is by...INCREASING THE LIABILITY these companies are exposed to as a result of what their users do?!  :laugh:

Dear LORD him and the people around him are so stupid. Keep shining that UV light up his virus ass.

Quote from: The Butcher on May 30, 2020, 10:07:59 PM
Quote from: hellfire on May 29, 2020, 08:59:41 PM

This basically leaves them open to litigation in the same way that a media outlet is.

So if Trump goes on a tirade of lies, threats and defamation tweets....would they risk the legal liability that comes with giving him a platform? :laugh:

So...he has been blabbing about all this censorship by social media and the way to stop it is by...INCREASING THE LIABILITY these companies are exposed to as a result of what their users do?!  :laugh:

Dear LORD him and the people around him are so stupid. Keep shining that UV light up his virus ass.

Right. I get that a lot of you have a massive horn for Trump bashing. I don't give a fuck. Bash away on him just do it in another thread. Read the comment below. Scrolling up a few posts is obviously beyond you. Your post is nothing but random toss.

Quote from: hellfire on May 30, 2020, 07:31:36 PM
started the thread to talk about tech giants, their bias, overreach, monopoly and if they should be dismantled.  Trying to keep it on topic seems pointless. Instead it ended up about individual personalities and random toss.

#82 May 31, 2020, 11:02:19 AM Last Edit: May 31, 2020, 11:05:21 AM by The Butcher
Quote from: hellfire on May 30, 2020, 10:36:53 PM

Right. I get that a lot of you have a massive horn for Trump bashing. I don't give a fuck.

I only pointed out the obvious of what is wrong with the order. And to point out the glaringly obvious with Trump actions or words is really like shooting fish in a barrel.  I don't see him as far right, he's a tactless, snake oil salesman, only plonked himself to the right to sell. For someone who doesn't give a fuck about someone "bashing" Trump you are coming off a tiny bit tetchy about it.

Quote from: hellfire on May 30, 2020, 10:36:53 PM

Bash away on him just do it in another thread. Read the comment below. Scrolling up a few posts is obviously beyond you. Your post is nothing but random toss.

Quote from: hellfire on May 30, 2020, 07:31:36 PM
started the thread to talk about tech giants, their bias, overreach, monopoly and if they should be dismantled.  Trying to keep it on topic seems pointless. Instead it ended up about individual personalities and random toss.

Now hold on you can't change the goalposts as you didn't exactly start the thread off in that fashion. The thread title you gave is "The Donald vs Big Tech". You even say in the first post (which sounds a lot like something he would say) "Their censorship practices will now come under scrutiny LIKE NEVER BEFORE." yet all he is doing is just increasing the legal liability placed upon these companies for hosting his tactless crap, that's not exactly scrutiny. The most likely event is this executive order being pulled through the courts over there. Trump is just tossing red meat to his base and nothing more.

We need something more thought out and actually workable towards the goal of removing such massive power from these companies. I remember Warren talking about breaking them up. That should be explored. Digital identity/personal data should belong to the user. It's a huge problem that no one has tackled properly yet. He could have gone down a GDPR route and build up a regulatory framework for this type of thing, who knows maybe they will. But all I've seen is a President taking a huge hissy fit for being fact checked by Twitter.

#83 May 31, 2020, 11:21:13 AM Last Edit: May 31, 2020, 11:24:52 AM by Pedrito
Happy Sunday everyone!

Quote from: The Butcher on May 30, 2020, 10:07:59 PM
Quote from: hellfire on May 29, 2020, 08:59:41 PM

This basically leaves them open to litigation in the same way that a media outlet is.

So if Trump goes on a tirade of lies, threats and defamation tweets....would they risk the legal liability that comes with giving him a platform? :laugh:

So...he has been blabbing about all this censorship by social media and the way to stop it is by...INCREASING THE LIABILITY these companies are exposed to as a result of what their users do?!  :laugh:

Dear LORD him and the people around him are so stupid. Keep shining that UV light up his virus ass.

I think the outcome he wants is for them to keep liability protection but to stop moderating the content. Him and Conservatives believe their content is moderated more than the other side. Due to twitter being more Liberal. So his point is if you want your protection for hosting other content. Stay away from the content, e.g taking it down. Banning people. And what they did to his tweet. Flagging it as violent.

I don't agree with him as I think you need the mix of both. You need the protection and the ability to moderate your site.

But maybe it's my bias coming through as the platform works for me and I don't feel I can't express my views. Is it because my views happen to align with Jack etc!

It's interesting I think. I enjoyed that Joe rogan with Pool and twitter talking.

Quote from: The Butcher on May 31, 2020, 11:02:19 AM
Quote from: hellfire on May 30, 2020, 10:36:53 PM

Right. I get that a lot of you have a massive horn for Trump bashing. I don't give a fuck.

I only pointed out the obvious of what is wrong with the order. And to point out the glaringly obvious with Trump actions or words is really like shooting fish in a barrel.  I don't see him as far right, he's a tactless, snake oil salesman, only plonked himself to the right to sell. For someone who doesn't give a fuck about someone "bashing" Trump you are coming off a tiny bit tetchy about it.

Quote from: hellfire on May 30, 2020, 10:36:53 PM

Bash away on him just do it in another thread. Read the comment below. Scrolling up a few posts is obviously beyond you. Your post is nothing but random toss.

Quote from: hellfire on May 30, 2020, 07:31:36 PM
started the thread to talk about tech giants, their bias, overreach, monopoly and if they should be dismantled.  Trying to keep it on topic seems pointless. Instead it ended up about individual personalities and random toss.

Now hold on you can't change the goalposts as you didn't exactly start the thread off in that fashion. The thread title you gave is "The Donald vs Big Tech". You even say in the first post (which sounds a lot like something he would say) "Their censorship practices will now come under scrutiny LIKE NEVER BEFORE." yet all he is doing is just increasing the legal liability placed upon these companies for hosting his tactless crap, that's not exactly scrutiny. The most likely event is this executive order being pulled through the courts over there. Trump is just tossing red meat to his base and nothing more.

We need something more thought out and actually workable towards the goal of removing such massive power from these companies. I remember Warren talking about breaking them up. That should be explored. Digital identity/personal data should belong to the user. It's a huge problem that no one has tackled properly yet. He could have gone down a GDPR route and build up a regulatory framework for this type of thing, who knows maybe they will. But all I've seen is a President taking a huge hissy fit for being fact checked by Twitter.

Sticking a UV light up the butthole of the US president was obviously what I meant by that. The bias has been proven in court and cases dismissed because of section 230.

Pete gets it. Be like Pete. You could read back on my posts. I really don't have the time to sit down and explain it to you using a six pack of crayons and reams of paper.

I had a bit of this out in the coronavirus thread already. I think the fact that the "Big 3" are used to push a narrative and curate the thoughts of the masses is a bad thing. I think that in an ideal world these platforms would be unbiased but that isn't how it works. I thought that the idea of posts and channels and profiles being blocked or removed for "spreading coronavirus misinformation" was setting a dangerous precedent but to be honest I was foolish not to think it was going on all along, just in a less obvious way. I would love to see these platforms smashed into oblivion and any move towards that is welcomed by me. These worldwide reaching platforms seem to me to encourage the worst type of mob mentality and it is all good for the likes of me to sit here thinking I'm above all of that, but I don't think that is how it works at all. The power of these private money spinning platforms is so far reaching that it is impossible to live outside of their sphere of influence.

I often make mention of Cambridge Analytica and how they felt they could influence the outcome of referendums and elections through targeting social media users. I believe that there are so many of these type of companies at play that most people don't know their arses from their elbows when it comes to what they think of anything. If I decide for example that I am a Fine Gael man, then I will be bombarded with shit to back that up. If I decide that I hate white people or Chinese, then I will be bombarded with shit that backs that right up. If I decide I am a holocaust denier then I will be bombarded with shit to back that up too. And it seems to me that no matter what direction I want to take my thoughts in, these 3 platforms are there to stroke my beliefs for me and drag me further down that road. Why? Well I think it is solely to have me there to feed me with ads on the side while I take my daily dose of racism or toxic libertarianism or Trump bashing or Trump supporting or whatever it is that keeps me there feeding into it.

Politics is seeping into fucking everything these days and it is getting difficult to call a spade a spade when it comes to anything as most of how everything is reported is done in a way that backs up an agenda of some sort.

The thread is titled The Donald vs Big Tech. Is that what is actually going on? I don't know to be honest but I do think these companies I think we are talking about have gotten way too big for their boots and I would welcome any move that takes them down a peg or two in terms of their ability to influence the masses.

He signed an executive order with view to remove a clause in an act that these companies have been hiding behind for years. It leaves them open to unending litigation.

The echo chamber thing isn't ideal either. I like infosec. Everyone I follow also likes infosec.

Terms like misinformation and hate speech are insanely broad and seem to mean "stuff we don't like". For example saying that there are only two genders is classed as hate speech. Everything to the right of Mao is far right or Nazi. The day has already come where you can get banned for stating facts.

For three companies to hold sway over billions of people is sinister at best. Social media isn't going away and for three companies to control what people can say, read, watch and search for is lunacy. It desperately needs to be broken into smaller parts with real choice and competition.

You're not wrong with anything you're saying there. The shitshow that exists at the moment, well a world where these companies don't have a monopoly might just be a better place.

On a separate note, back to the rioting currently. The arrogance of people is unbelievable. I follow a lot of Jiu Jitsu gyms on Instagram, health and fitness places etc and know people who have businesses in different places in the States. The random acts of pure scumbaggery, small business owners of differing backgrounds having their businesses thrashed and destroyed by these anarchist cunts is beyond belief. It's all well and good seeing it from an ideological viewpoint, but the reality on the ground is that the murder of that poor man has been hijacked by people who simply hate everythijg and want to burn everything to the ground. Awful stuff.