The original point was that  these companies are too big and desperately need to be cut down to size.  It doesn't really matter who does it.  They are in charge of some of the  most important communication mediums of the 21st and there are very few of them. Social media, email, web based  calls/video have all become part of daily life. I don't think they're going back in their box either.  They have been long afforded  protection by a law that was written when most of these technologies were barely even conceived.

If the Irish times posted a two page article saying that Caomhaoin was a shithead he could rightly sue them. If Facebook and Twitter move towards taking editorial decisions then they should also be liable as their content is now filtered. Being 100% honest I want to see these companies blasted into tiny pieces and give smaller platforms a chance.

The current status quo benefits them enormously and needs to change. If you wanted to buy all three mobile networks in Ireland you would never be allowed to do so. Control over a type of communication by a private company is a very bad thing. When they can hoover up growing companies to avoid competition and improve their own platform.

I am pretty much a free speech absolutist. I draw the line at say pedophilia or incitement against the person (targeting an individual and actually arranging attacks).

Well it's certainly not driving around shouting 'kill the white folk', literally threatening 'innocent people's homes' and trying to smash open cash registers. Footage of all of that is available on YouTube. Add to that, that fanny Jacob Frey justifiying it with '400 years of pent up anger' and CNN reporters saying it 'isn't an unruly protest' with a building in flames behind him. It beggars belief. The police response was laughable in how long it took.

They can take the knee all they want, that's virtue signalling. BLM is led by virulent racists.

Find another way to 'protest'.

I've seen the video of the killing, pure bloody murder, no doubt about it. The culprit has been charged. There is, however, no excuse for what's going on.

Killer Mike (I dont know) a good voice of reason, speaking against the rioting and looting. Worth a look.
To say BLM is led by virulent racists is a misunderstanding of the both BLM and the word racist. We are jumping the shark today lads. I need some fresh air!

The race issue is so complex in America that trying to split it into a few neat groups is impossible. I've heard Killer Mike before, he has his head on his shoulders. In a city like Atlanta, you're talking about somehere like Derry/Londonderry. There's all sorts of nuances and bitterness under the surface that we'll never understand it here. Of course a man being killed is wrong, but there are definitely those out there who are only wishing for more cops to kill black feeds into a whole ideology and worldview. The media has a lot to answer for too, absolutely stoking these fires non stop.for the last 3 decades. The policeman killed someone, the law should be able to deal with it. If it can't then you don't have society.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on May 30, 2020, 01:39:57 PM
I think I understand the term racist well enough.

Have a look, tell me what I'm not understanding. This is one of dozens of examples.

You get braindead cunts like that no matter where you go. There's plenty of them about the place.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on May 30, 2020, 01:39:57 PM
I think I understand the term racist well enough.

Have a look, tell me what I'm not understanding. This is one of dozens of examples.

Fucking hell. Fair enough, I had not heard this woman speak before. My bad. Those are deranged comments. But I've never heard that rhetoric from the vast majority of BLM activists in general before and the article also says that at the end.
Apologies anyway.

The rank and file are probably alright. It's lunatics like her that are making the speeches, directing the chants etc.

Quote from: hellfire on May 30, 2020, 01:22:05 PM
If the Irish times posted a two page article saying that Caomhaoin was a shithead he could rightly sue them. If Facebook and Twitter move towards taking editorial decisions then they should also be liable as their content is now filtered.

Why would you want Twitter to be libel for someone saying something about Caomhaoin on Twitter? Surely the person should just take responsibility for their comments? I'm seeing stats of 500 million tweets a day? Would you be bothered starting such a platform :)

Or what am I missing here?

#54 May 30, 2020, 02:21:40 PM Last Edit: May 30, 2020, 02:24:27 PM by Pedrito
Well the idea in the past was if someone said you were a 'xyz' in the public sphere, they could be sued for defamation of character, no? If my neighbour says I'm an 'xyz' I can sue him. But if jonnybigballs6969 says it then I need a way to get at him or the platform that allows him to exist. We've just gotten so used to accusations being flung around now that it's become the norm. That's how I understand it. I'm no lawyer though.

Last post for the day, too sunny outside  :laugh:

Quote from: hellfire on May 30, 2020, 01:22:05 PM
If the Irish times posted a two page article saying that Caomhaoin was a shithead he could rightly sue them. If Facebook and Twitter move towards taking editorial decisions then they should also be liable as their content is now filtered.

We're dealing with the exact opposite situation though; we're dealing with posts being deleted/refused. If someone sent a two page article to be printed in The Irish Times detailing various ways they thought Kev was a shithead, and they replied saying, "Sorry Chris, we've told you before we can't publish this," that wouldn't be censorship, and I could just take it to The Daily World and get it published there instead  :P :abbath:

You 2 lads need to ride and get it over with  :laugh:

Can we all stop agreeing that I'm a shit? At least until I've logged off!

Quote from: Pedrito on May 30, 2020, 02:37:42 PM
You 2 lads need to ride and get it over with  :laugh:

You get yourself out in the sun; this confinement has your fantasies all messed up!