Was it only yesterday or the day before that he said 'when the looting starts, the shooting starts', which is an almost direct lift from the segregation era, I would consider this and many other things he's said as fairly far right.

But I agree that his is an unusual case, wasnt he like a lifelong Democrat until around 2015/6?

Zuckerberg being far left and Trump not being far right... is this the piss-take thread?

Quote from: boozegeune on May 30, 2020, 10:35:14 AM
But I agree that his is an unusual case, wasnt he like a lifelong Democrat until around 2015/6?

He's a playa! Pure business man, pure corporatist, door-to-door salesman character. That's why his populism tends to typical tropes like anti-immigration, etc., because he can't actually offer the worker anything that goes against his ingrained corporatism, but he can smooth talk whatever will get them on his side, the wall, etc., etc. I don't think he himself gives a shit about issues like immigration, which has never been a threat to profit, but he plays to those tendencies just like a door-to-door salesman telling you whatever he thinks you want to hear.

Yep, he doesn't care about a lot of the stuff he's accused of. Whatever anyone thinks of him he's 100% right about the looting, maybe he could deliver the message differently, but them scumbags are only looking for any excuse to burn stuff, steal and cause trouble. Of course there's real peaceful protest that is totally legitinate, but it's hijacked by these criminals. 

Framing it in terms of "accusations" is just sugaring up the fact of the matter: he doesn't care about a lot of what he has been repeatedly documented as stating.

So what is just 'right', as opposed to 'far right'? There's no way you can compare Donald Trump (and the tens of millions who agree with him) to identity politics wankers like Richard Spencer. Those of you referring to him as such know it's a loaded term, no matter how much you play the daft wee laddies. He's a conservative, populist and a corporatist? So was Ronald Reagan. What's your point?

There is as much credence to the claim that Trump is far right as Zuckerberg being far left. Both equally facetious. Far left assholes go smashing up college campuses because they don't want Ben Shapiro or some other conservative being allowed to speak. Far right assholes stomp around denying the Holocaust and queer bashing. A bit of fucking perspective, please.

I disagree with Trump on a lot, but the screeching hysteria should be avoided.

Quote from: mickO))) on May 30, 2020, 03:29:13 AM
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on May 30, 2020, 01:09:44 AM
Mark Zuckerberg has a far left agenda? A guy who just signed a $100 million contract with a multinational corporation is a leftie? Yup, the political thermometers are well and truly fucked.

I can't remember now, but I think I replied the Koolade to you when you suggested in another thread that there are groups of people whose present intent is to establish Stalinism as a form of government in the west. Putting two and two together, are you suggesting that the heads of Twitter and Facebook, who you describe as "far left", are trying to steer governance towards Stalinism? I don't know who your particular Jim Jones is/are, but they're doing a fine number on you.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on May 30, 2020, 11:33:16 AM
So what is just 'right', as opposed to 'far right'? There's no way you can compare Donald Trump (and the tens of millions who agree with him) to identity politics wankers like Richard Spencer. Those of you referring to him as such know it's a loaded term, no matter how much you play the daft wee laddies. He's a conservative, populist and a corporatist? So was Ronald Reagan. What's your point?

As I've said, I don't think Trump cares enough about anything beyond money to be truly "far right", but he is "pretty far right" because of his corporatism, his conservatism, and his, let's say, feigned populism. When it comes to his populism, he plays heavily from the far right play book, intentionally stoking far right tendencies to his benefit. I think I'm mentally making a distinction between far right and extreme right which is maybe confusing things. Soz.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on May 30, 2020, 11:16:28 AM
Framing it in terms of "accusations" is just sugaring up the fact of the matter: he doesn't care about a lot of what he has been repeatedly documented as stating.

Chris calm the bean, I'm not framing anything. I'm actually agreeing with you. No, he doesn't care. How can one man care about every fukin agenda out there? He's a politician who is in his job because he was voted in. No different to Obama or any of them. They all follow their voter base at the end of it all. Leo is the same, Boris, the lot of them. Any other way of looking at it is sheer naivety.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on May 30, 2020, 11:33:16 AM
So what is just 'right', as opposed to 'far right'? There's no way you can compare Donald Trump (and the tens of millions who agree with him) to identity politics wankers like Richard Spencer. Those of you referring to him as such know it's a loaded term, no matter how much you play the daft wee laddies. He's a conservative, populist and a corporatist? So was Ronald Reagan. What's your point?

There is as much credence to the claim that Trump is far right as Zuckerberg being far left. Both equally facetious. Far left assholes go smashing up college campuses because they don't want Ben Shapiro or some other conservative being allowed to speak. Far right assholes stomp around denying the Holocaust and queer bashing. A bit of fucking perspective, please.

I disagree with Trump on a lot, but the screeching hysteria should be avoided.

These old ideas of far right and left are actually completely outdated. We fall into the trap of using them, it's just an easy way of saying 'I don't like you'. Far right in Spain meant Franco, women in the house, Catholicism etc but had nothing to do with race for example. It had nothing to do with Nazism, which was a complete tearing down of all of those things. The terminology is lazy. Trump is a money man that believes that you should be allowed to do whatever the fuck you want in a 'free' country, and millions agree with him. He's a reflection of half of his society and not the other way around.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on May 30, 2020, 11:33:16 AM
So what is just 'right', as opposed to 'far right'? There's no way you can compare Donald Trump (and the tens of millions who agree with him) to identity politics wankers like Richard Spencer. Those of you referring to him as such know it's a loaded term, no matter how much you play the daft wee laddies. He's a conservative, populist and a corporatist? So was Ronald Reagan. What's your point?

There is as much credence to the claim that Trump is far right as Zuckerberg being far left. Both equally facetious. Far left assholes go smashing up college campuses because they don't want Ben Shapiro or some other conservative being allowed to speak. Far right assholes stomp around denying the Holocaust and queer bashing. A bit of fucking perspective, please.

I disagree with Trump on a lot, but the screeching hysteria should be avoided.

Trump has also shown himself to be ultranationalist, racist, xenophobic, chauvinistic, authoritarian, neo-fascist and a reactionist.

There's no hysteria around the man, people's responses to the outright lunacy of him being in power are justified.

Which policies in particular do you lads think he doesn't care about, out of interest? And why do you believe he doesn't, outside of a gut feeling.

Quote from: Pedrito on May 30, 2020, 11:41:35 AM
Chris calm the bean

Nah, I'm just saying that what Donald is accused of are things that he has said, things that are hard-copy documented in the public sphere. What Obama and Leo and Blair, in his day, are accused of are things done behind the scenes. Anyone with any sense expects that politicians, especially national leaders, are smooth talking to hide shit they're doing in the background. What's incredible with Trump and Boris and their ilk, is that they just come out with everything, blatantly contradicting themselves in full view of all. It's staggering, and it's pushing public discourse to a really weird place.

Quote from: Juggz on May 30, 2020, 05:42:59 AM
If you think those lads are far left then you have no fucking idea what far left is and perhaps need to have a good think about who told you they were.

Open borders was a far left idea. Most people think it's ridiculous. He colluded with Reichsmarshall Merkel to hide facts from Facebook users. This was done by banning 1000's of accounts and limiting the reach of many more. Facts such as very few of the new arrivals were actually Syrian and a small fraction of those were women and children were actively supressed. He was recorded agreeing to this.

Quote from: Trev on May 30, 2020, 06:56:09 AM
Those examples are a real stretch. Having a diversity officer, an accusation from Trump that they've a leftwing, being against his ridiculous idea for a wall, saying they want to do more against hate speech?

You completely ignored this part:

"More than a hundred Facebook employees have joined an internal group criticising the social network for having a political monoculture"

Quote from: boozegeune on May 30, 2020, 09:44:24 AM
Making the leap from those examples to 'the owners of Facebook and Twitter have a far left agenda' is insane. When you're as far right wing as Trumps presidency and supporters *everything* looks like the far left. As Juggz mentioned already, you should probably have a good think about the people who are trying to convince you that the commies are out to get you.

You talk a lot there and say absolutely nothing. Well done.

He cares about the military and law and order definitely. Listening to him talk a lot, and not just the usual attacks on him, it's clear. He cares about America being number one in the world, that it basically sold it's bollox to the rest of the world, outsourcing etc and if I was an American I would be in complete agreement with him. He's absolutely not a racist..complete nonsense. He loves a fine looking woman but he's an equal opportunity man, and you only have to look at the women that have surrounded him in his business life to know that.

We're sold one side of the coin always over here in Europe. Most people from Europe know absolutely fukin nothing about America, it's culture, the way people think over there and yet everybody feeps entitled to rant on about it. He's far from perfect, but so much of the talk is complete hysteria. The idea that he's somehow building a fourth reich or something of that nature shows that people are just watching too much Netflix, it's fantasty, conspiracy nonsense, frightening to think grown adults actually buy into it. He's far from perfect but he's not much different to any of the last few presidents that came before if you clear the smoke away and calm down.