#3825 Today at 03:55:47 PM Last Edit: Today at 04:10:32 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Sorry but, just as education leads people to higher intelligence, it is absolutely possible to lead people into stupidity. Brain-washing, indoctrination, discouragement of individual critical thinking. It's entirely symptomatic you've come to the typical essentialist MAGA/conservative conclusion that one simply is smart or is stupid, full stop. That is the very negation of the power of education and it is false; empirically, objectively, historically, etc.

Edit: I'll add that the most cynical among those who outwardly pretend that certain individuals or certain peoples just "are stupid" and cannot be educated to higher intelligence, nevertheless weaponize the workings of education in order to indoctrinate their own people into accepting this falsehood.


There's something like that graph I was talking about in my last post. It's interesting to see the allegiance by subject.

And I don't believe education makes people less stupid. It just gives them info to run through their regular iq and some of the thickest cunts I've met are very well educated and some of the smartest can hardly spell their own names.

There is an obvious push towards leftist ideals in education, regardless of whether it's good or bad, it definitely is a thing and I'm talking about here in Ireland where I have 4 kids at various stages of it. No conservative viewpoints welcome unless it's the Muslims saying them, which is also very odd the more I think about it

Quote from: astfgyl on Today at 03:20:40 PM
Quote from: Ollkiller on Today at 02:56:16 PM
Quote from: Caomhaoin on Today at 02:43:46 PMPutin was in the wrong to invade *looks over shoulder*. Ukraine is a sovereign country, but look at the bigger picture.

Right or wrong, the Russians were pushed and prodded by pointless (counterproductive, even) NATO expansion. Ukraine will never prevail without direct NATO intervention, which is WW3 and its gg well played for humanity. Therefore this only ends at the negotiating table and concessions have to be made to the Russians, it's as simple as that. Unpalatable as that may be, it's the only way.

Of course everyone has to save face first, so there's a lot more misery to come, sadly.

Ya that's how it'll end alright. Putin is a psychopath. The threat of invasion alone would have stopped Ukraine joining nato. But Putin likes to have a war going on to big himself up to the populace as the defender of Russia. No matter how many Russians he uses as cannon fodder in the process.

I think as much as anything else that the eye watering sums of money and the chance to launder it through Ukraine has a much merit as an explanation as the whole shtick about freedom and sovereign rights coming from the west. Enough money will have to be made from human misery into the right pockets before any end to it, which will certainly be at the negotiating table. Well as long as Boris Johnson doesn't get back in the Ukrainians ears. It seems we have him to thank for a large part of keeping it going but then who knows how much of that is true or whose idea that was anyway

Keeping it on topic, it looked like Trump had zelensky fairly on side when they met lately and mentioned ending the war, which was nice compared to the pure rhetoric and bloodlust that we've heard from the current administration at least.

Then again, Trump is all in on supporting Israel stamping the boot onto the Palestinian faces or so it seems anyway so that sort of negates the idea of justice or fairness there

The whole Ukraine thing is the same as the Cuba thing, same as the Vietnam thing, and on and on. Russia and US have be fighting proxy wars for decades. Great for the arms industry so it ploughs on.

#3828 Today at 04:42:09 PM Last Edit: Today at 04:43:44 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Quote from: astfgyl on Today at 04:32:22 PMAnd I don't believe education makes people less stupid. It just gives them info to run through their regular iq and some of the thickest cunts I've met are very well educated and some of the smartest can hardly spell their own names.

IQ doesn't measure intelligence as common sense understands intelligence. Notably, it doesn't measure rationality. IQ tests aren't even configured to test for rationality, the core element of which is updating of prior conclusions in the light of new evidence. This is a skill, a cognitive capacity, which proper education would communicate from early on but which can be learnt later on as well, especially if the social context one is in encourages it. Unfortunately this is not the case for all schools or even all universities.

Yeah maybe common sense is a better term for what I'm getting at. I'm not saying education is a bad thing either, I just wish there'd be less politics and more STEM in it. I can even remember cspe as a young lad and when I look at it now it was basically just eu class and there was never a mention of any potential downside to any of it, which is not a great way to look at anything. Chatting to the son about it lately and it hasn't changed since from what he says

Quote from: astfgyl on Today at 04:58:54 PMhttps://www.pennlive.com/entertainment/2024/10/heavy-metal-star-breaks-silence-after-sentencing-for-jan-6-role.html

Lol the state of the apology. I wonder what made him sorry

I just can't get my head around that many people being told an election was stolen and believed it so much they went to march on the capitol. When there wasn't the first shred of evidence of a steal. Orange man said it. It must be true. That's just cult behaviour. Normal conservatives must be aghast as to what's happened to its party.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on Today at 03:55:47 PMSorry but, just as education leads people to higher intelligence, it is absolutely possible to lead people into stupidity. Brain-washing, indoctrination, discouragement of individual critical thinking. It's entirely symptomatic you've come to the typical essentialist MAGA/conservative conclusion that one simply is smart or is stupid, full stop. That is the very negation of the power of education and it is false; empirically, objectively, historically, etc.

Edit: I'll add that the most cynical among those who outwardly pretend that certain individuals or certain peoples just "are stupid" and cannot be educated to higher intelligence, nevertheless weaponize the workings of education in order to indoctrinate their own people into accepting this falsehood.

I disagree. Thomas Edison left school at 12. Don't think Steve Jobs was particularly well 'educated'. You seem to view the concept in very narrow terms. An 'education' can be gotten in a variety of ways, including from oneself and ones own silent contemplation and initiative.

Considering you show yourself to be a highly indoctrinated, maybe even brainwashed individual (not claiming I'm any better, just on the other side of the fence) it's a bit rich conflating such things with a worldview that you cannot tolerate or understand. Constant digs at Gript, Joe Rogan, 'MAGA' (it's a slogan you've been persuaded to accept is some quasi-ideology) illuminate this.

I view education in very broad terms, in fact I've just said to astfgyl that unfortunately most schools and universities don't provide what I would consider a proper education. The lion's share of my own early education came from my uncle who as far as I know never went beyond primary school.

I'm not even going to enter into a tennis game of "I'm not indoctrinated you're indoctrinated," but I say MAGA for the pragmatic purpose of distinguishing it from the GOP as a whole, a distinction I think is worth making.

Fair play in that case.

Both sides engage in gaslighting, indoctrination, brainwashing and discouraging critical thinking. It's naive to believe the contrarian position to your own has a monopoly on it.

I personally despise the teachings of Karl Marx and every word written by the Frankfurt school but they were all beautifully persuasive, intelligent men, you'd have a few pints with a them. Take a leaf out of Sun Tsu's 'buuke'. Know your enemy as yourself.

Quote from: Ollkiller on Today at 05:10:49 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on Today at 04:58:54 PMhttps://www.pennlive.com/entertainment/2024/10/heavy-metal-star-breaks-silence-after-sentencing-for-jan-6-role.html

Lol the state of the apology. I wonder what made him sorry

I just can't get my head around that many people being told an election was stolen and believed it so much they went to march on the capitol. When there wasn't the first shred of evidence of a steal. Orange man said it. It must be true. That's just cult behaviour. Normal conservatives must be aghast as to what's happened to its party.

There were a few things that looked dicey about that election but nothing that couldn't have been done equally when trump got in. I'm surprised that nothing much has been done to tighten it up in the intervening 4 years though to make sure those accusations couldn't be made again. Who the fuck wants every election questioned like that, which it will be whoever wins because I remember well the Democrats saying things like that in 2016 as well and it's something that could be easily addressed but there doesn't seem to be the will to enforce something as simple as voter id. I mean we have it here and the list of things is pretty exhaustive so nobody is excluded like it doesn't even have to be picture id, but we never hear any accusations of cheating all the same as much as I disagree with the winning candidates. Also we have hand counted ballots so nobody can say a machine was tampered. Can't understand why the yanks just won't do it

I thought I'd been pretty clear I was talking in degrees rather than monopolies of good vs evil, but maybe I should have just given my perspective as a slogan: DNC bad, MAGA worse  :)

I dunno if maga is any worse than the others. It has a certain image that I can see why people wouldn't like it but if we had candidates here that said they would make Ireland great I think that would be attractive because of the economic situation and that's likely the same in the US.

I'm always saying it, the reason people are so pissed off in general is because money is tight lately and all the other stuff like immigration and trans and whatever else contentious we can think of would all simply fade away if we felt prosperous. Nobody gave a fuck about any of this stuff during the celtic tiger