Went back to the first one there as well and liking it even more.

I love the first one. It immediately clicked for me.
This one needs more time but overall I'm really looking forward to the full thing.
AA is on Into The Necrosphere next Tuesday so I expect lots of beard stroking and complaining. Looking forward to it.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on September 05, 2023, 03:02:23 AMIs it good? I don't have Spotify so I'll have to wait till it's up on YouTube.

You should still be able to listen I have never had a paid spotify account and I can listen to podcasts on it.

It's up on YouTube. I can never get Spotify to play more than 20 second snippets.

Have listened to both a good few times now. Definitely promising. The first one certainly benefits from being listened to without the video!  :-X

The second track has vocals which return to the earlier clean style which I like.

Will check out the album for sure. Hoping for something more coherent this time, missing since TTND in my opinion.

The second song clicked for me  upon the first listen. I am still not gone on the first  song despite listening to it several times since my last post.

I'll find it difficult to justify buying the vinyl of this with the state of the artwork on it but maybe if the rest of the album sounds good I'll bite the bullet. Postage to Oz would give you the willies.

Got a ticket for the Academy gig this morning. I'm probably most looking forward to see Mispyrming. Algleymi is one of my favourite albums of the last ten years.

Mmmm I'm not sure about 2nd song either. Fuck I hope I'm wrong about this.

Been on a big Primordial buzz the last few days since these two new songs came out.

Not saying anything new here but the early to mid period gear is absolutely golden. We were/are very lucky to have them as Irelands flagship metal band.

Listened to most of the albums again in random order (some on Spotify which has re-release versions with bonus live tracks I've never heard- the journeys end one live in Portugal 1999 stood out!)

Some things I noted. AA was a better BM vocalist than I had previously given him credit for. His rasp and odd little individual touches were top notch. Rrragh!

Imrama is great. Bold and individualistic. I should dig it out more.

There is nothing to beat the feeling on tracks like Autumns Ablaze, The Burning Season, Sons of the Morrigan. Stunning.

I wish they had kept up with the Celtic thing. The odd bit of Bodhran, whistle, gaeilge, Yeats, mythology....

It's impossible to pick a favourite album. But anything from AJE through to TGW wins. Imrama and TTND also very good but two different bands by then.

I can't get my head around the post TTND output. I admire them for always moving forward and trying new things. The last few albums are no rehash of TTND as is often suggested. There's loads of weird un-Primordial stuff in there but much of it jars and doesn't flow in an album sense. Where Greater Men Have Fallen is atrocious in this regard. Each track veering from one style to the next. Babels Tower, Come the Flood, Ghosts of the Charnel House, Alchemists Head.... jeezo....

But the moments they already gave us, immortalised on record.... sensational. The Golden Spiral. Is there a better opening track anywhere? "Raised my fist, To the cobalt sky". Shivers down my spine every time I hear that tune.

A full album of The Alchemist's Head style songs would be a real treat. So dark and interesting.

There is a review up on nocleansinging.
I'm beginning to wish I hadn't read it.
There will be many I'm sure.
Roll on Friday.

He got plenty of mileage out of asking if this is really how it ends. Like, really really! Phenomenal writing.