My god the absolute state of this shit.
This should actually be in the unintentionally hilarious music videos thread.
Who the fuck does yet man think he is, he got something like 400,000 for the last fundraiser they did and all they released was a shitty album when he was going on about building his studio that he just isn't able to record an album without.
I wouldn't mind but wintersun are pretty fuckin mediocre.
Im a big melodeth fan and don't rate their albums at all bar a couple of songs.
There's plenty of orchestral sounding bands that don't need all the shit he's going on about.

He's just taken to banning anyone that calls him out on his bullshit on their facebook page. Still really like the debut and Time though

Jesus that was pinful watch.. they really need to turn the sharpen image option DOWN

I see this time he waited until Alestorm have finished their new album before launching this latest begging scheme.

Hahaha another cringey video from the band looking for funds. The sad thing is that this route actually seems to be successful in making money for them. I'm not sure which is more pathetic, the videos themselves, or the fact that people willingly hand over  their cash for this.
But whatever, I'm still a fan and I'll still look forward to more music from them  8)

Apaprently they did one before a few years back which basically was their fans giving them money to buy macbooks for 'more ram' or some shite. 3 years since they released something.. hilarious stuff though

255 patrons @ a tenner a month

At least 2 of them look like you're paying for their medication and/or legal fees.

Diminishing returns with a risk of never getting anyone to support your future work. Hopefully Wintersun will be a good case study for future musicians on how not to take the piss.

Quote from: Mower Liberation Front on April 27, 2020, 09:08:20 PM
I see this time he waited until Alestorm have finished their new album before launching this latest begging scheme.

This took some googling to get to the bottom of! Apparently I'm way out of touch with whatever the kids are listening to these days...

WinterScab. They come across as creepy as fuck. Especially that Jari knob.
Anyone who donates to that shitshow now deserves a shlap.

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on April 29, 2020, 11:47:04 AM
They come across as creepy as fuck.

i was thinking the exact same thing watching that.

That was nasty to watch alright. Give us money to hear our cast off songs, watch live shit that's on YouTube and watch us play video games.

That was actually so lame I want to jump out the window. I fucking hate that type of music so much as well. So completely devoid of any balls. Get some exclusive nerding off videos about what pedals we use. What's the much much more as well. Maybe they send you some of their piss

Quote from: Carnage on April 28, 2020, 09:11:06 PM
At least 2 of them look like you're paying for their medication and/or legal fees.


They're trying to charge people for the type of material thats usually used to help GET fans.

Playthrough videos, gear walkthroughs, live video's and such are usually used to promote bands, not as material to sell to fans for money. 

Unfortunately I see more and more of this happening as time goes on with bands who already have a loyal enough fan base. I know a few Irish artists(not metal) who are going this route and Patreon is proving to be VERY lucrative for them.