I'd never heard if this band until the other thread about black metal being in rude health.
I'm waiting on this to arrive. What I've heard sounds excellent. I haven't pulled the trigger on the demos yet. Have to count the pennies at the moment.

The demos are well worth getting.

The stuff I've heard from them is savage. The songwriting is on point.

Have ye given his main/original band Stormheit a go? I find it pretty ropey from what I've heard. The sublime mixed with the toe curling. Similar to listening to Viking era Bathory haha!

The man is also a quality live member of Goatmoon in the no fucks given Finnish style. Done a star turn in a recent live gig on Steel TV.

I haven't listened to Stormheit but I've been meaning to. I'll have to check them out later if I remember to.

My Night's Scarlet Symphonies long sleeve arrived from Hell's Headbangers today. It looks great but it's a medium on the slightly smaller end of the spectrum and the material feels a bit on the light side. No doubt it'll be riddled with holes in a month.  Sure it'll look more authentic so I can tell everyone I picked it up in the 80s and earn a few extra points.

I've ordered the album from hellsheadbangers yesterday. I've never ordered from them before.

They have some wild shipping options to choose from!
I'm really looking forward to getting it.
Hearing the shirt is poor quality is a balls. I didn't order the shirt even though it's crying out to me.

It'll be a gentle wear alright  :laugh:

Did you order the LP from HH? I still haven't bothered with the LP as the postage is hellish.

Cd. The record player I have is one of those all in one things that sounds dreadful. It's only fit for the kids Winnie the Pooh records.

The cd including delivery is working out around €13.
Can't get better than that really.

Aren't they based in the US? I stopped ordering from them a few years back after some fairly nasty shipping charges. Must check to see how much they've dropped.

They mailed me today to say it's on the way.
The delivery cost seemed really low.
For a shirt it gets quite high.
Ironbonehead want €6/7 to post the Hulder album.

I don't know why it's so much more from them.
They are extremely Germanic in their correspondence too.

#25 March 04, 2021, 09:46:17 PM Last Edit: March 04, 2021, 09:51:18 PM by Carnage
Efficient and to the point? I got an Insect Warfare boxset from an Italian punk label (FOAD, I think) a while back and, apart from the fact that it took fucking ages for anything to happen, it was like they responded using a Commodore 64, basic is the word.

To the point in the extreme but also bordering on " you are asking why?"

I don't know this band but it seems skme of ye lads have had some trouble getting ye're hands on physical copies. Came across Night's Scarlet Symphonies on bandcamp last night and thought someone would like a heads up. LP for sale too, very reasonable shipping.


I just saw that Mooncitadel released a mini album last April. Have any of you bought it and is it as good as the full length?

I have it but I haven't listened to it in months as it's in a shipping container, but yes, I remember thinking it was very good.