April 09, 2020, 09:10:24 PM Last Edit: April 09, 2020, 09:55:59 PM by Eoin McLove
I recently came across Lamented Souls on another forum, as a recommendation in a thread about traditional doom. I'd never heard of them before but they feature a few familiar faces from the Norwegian underground, perhaps most notably Simen 'ICS Vortex' Hestnæs whose inimitable vocals really lead the charge here, even when things get a little bit groovy and stoner-ish for my own tastes. There seems to be a fair amount of experimentation on evidence in terms of guitar fx, crusty distorted and busy bass playing and, of course, Hestnæs's creative, unpredictable and baroque vocal lines. Worth a listen for anyone looking for something a bit more quirky than is often on offer.


The only reason i listened to these guys is because i heard vortex was doing clean vocals.
To be honest its the best thing about them.
The best parts are when hes singing and the riffs just sounds boring as fuck when its just the instruments playing.
It just goes to show how he really does elevate the simplest stuff when hes doing clean vocals.

I wouldn't go as far as to say the music is boring as fuck but this kind of music lives or dies with the vocals, in my opinion. I think the music can't help but slip into the background to some degree when you have the likes of Hestnæs singing on top of it as his voice has so much character and he really fills up so much of the space. There's enough in the music to interest me too, though. I have to say,  the ratty production helps as well as I almost have an automatic aversion to a lot of the well produced/over-produced doom that gets released these days. I know, I'm a broken record.

You should check out some Isole if you havent before.
Fairly similar to these guys and an exceptional vocalist as well.

A lot of modern doom bands sound too alike tbh.
A thunderous production wont save you through a whole album

I only have 'Forevermore' by Isole and it didn't do anything for me when it came out.  In the spirit of dusting off records that have been long ignored I just lobbed it on.  Let's see...

I kind of thought the first Isole song or two were decent, or at least felt they reminded me of other bands I liked,  but by song three I was struggling and by the end of the album it was clear that they just aren't for me.  I can't exactly put my finger on the issue as all of the right elements are in place so it should excite me but the bit of magic needed to bring it all together is missing. It all sounds a little polite or something. 

Ya I can understand that. Its only now I realised I have 2 playlists from them on iTunes from all of their albums and there's only 2 or 3 songs from all of their albums in there. They do tend to get a bit samey after a few songs on any given album.