New album is out now and streaming on

Just finished up listening myself and to me it very much sounds like mid era Root x Mercyful Fate, which is fantastic. It's a lot more leaning on the heavy metal side than it was previous, to the point where I'd even nearly call it a heavy metal album rather than a black metal album. It really is fantastic stuff though, would seriously recommend a listen if you're into the likes of Root, Master's Hammer, Torr, Tormentor, Mercyful Fate...

Yeah, it's deadly. I love how the songs have a tendency to just suddenly stop before firing off in a totally new direction.  The first and last songs are the two that immediately jump out but this one is sure to grow and grow with each successive listen.  Looking forward to seeing that artwork on vinyl.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on March 16, 2020, 04:32:59 PM
I love how the songs have a tendency to just suddenly stop before firing off in a totally new direction. 

Yeah I loved that about it too. Thought it was a bit weird at first but by the end of the album I was always excited about what they were gonna throw in the works next. That little gang vocal OOOOHH thing was a nice touch, albeit a bit funky haha.

100% going to pick this up on vinyl, the artwork is great. Gonna be a consistent listen this year I think.

That jarring choppy changey approach worked to tremendous effect on 'Achatius' by Funereal Presence as well. It was disorienting on the first few listens, especially with the really harsh, biting tones, but once my ear clicked with it I was hooked for months. I expect a similar effect from this.

The vinyl edition of this landed today. As expected it looks the fucking business. Sounds great, too, which I suppose is somewhat important when you really stop and think about it  :P

It looks like this is dividing opinion somewhat. I think that people were hoping for 'Nordkarpatanland' pt. 2 but this is a different beast. Longer compositions, more repetition and the choppiness of the songs seems to be putting some off it. It works for me, though. From reading interviews with Adam, he doesn't seem inclined to want to repeat the same formula from one album to the next, which I think is great. It'll be interesting to see what angle they take in future but I'm more than happy to enjoy this in the meantime.

I think it's the best thing they've done personally. Progression feels very natural with each Malokarpatan album and the 70s influences on this one work incredibly well. It feels like it could have come out of the mid 80s where  the lines between speed, black and heavy metal were blurred.

I'm no expert on 70s music by any stretch of the imagination but you can hear they are going for that sort of proggy approach alright. It has some similarities to the most recent (most excellent and bodacious) Evil Spirit EP in some respects, actually. I followed it up with the Chevalier LP which I haven't given anywhere near enough attention for no good reason and it's hitting the spot.

Searched for Evil Spirit on YT and all I got was a load of televangelists! Listening now and sounds cool.

Yeah newest Chevalier is great. Took a while to click but it's a ripper.

Loving this, so Heavy Metal. And also what's great is I threw it on yesterday as I left the house for a walk and it ended just as I walked back up the driveway....perfect.

Thought it was pish on first listen cause it wasn't Nordkarpatanland pt. 2 but went back to it and enjoyed it. Must pick it up.

Top class album. The whole artwork/booklet /vinyl package is the business. Lyrical vibe borrows a bit from Cultes Des Ghoules 'coven' but overall the work is delivered in an interesting, professional and unique manner in my opinion.

I've been half following this band from early days and to be honest they seem to get better with every encounter. A rare thing and promises a lot for the future!

The interview in Strings of Discord prompted me to fire this on.  A tasty can of Wicklow Wolf IPA and a bit of bucolic metal ov black.  Perfect Saturday afternoon.

Edit.  Following it up with 'Nordkarpatanland'.

Still playing this album at least once a week. Instant classic.