Quote from: blessed1 on May 25, 2020, 12:25:34 AM
I actually wish they kept going down the electronica path. Symbol of life was the last album I really liked by them. The self titled has got good stuff too but when they decided to go back to the heavier stuff it's just not been that good.
I just find it very predictable and boring.

That's pretty much how I feel about their return to heavy stuff as well. It seems a bit contrived.

Funny thing is, I have so much good will towards them built up over the years that I still want to like every album they put out but am invariably left flat by each new one

the artwork is good for the new album

Have only listened to it twice. Coupla very good tracks right of the bat. Hoping there's a few growers in there.

Quote from: Thorn on May 22, 2020, 05:25:52 PM
Shades of God is not only my favourite PL but a top ten of all time for me ,very much of a time and place .

I had "Pity the Sadness" on some excellent magazine sampler CD (someone on the old forum sussed out what they came from, can't remember what it was) that my brother in law threw my way when I was first getting into music, what an introduction to them that was.

I listened to 'Shades of God' today.  Such a brilliant album.  It's the one I got into as a nipper so it's the one I know best.  I liked some of 'Icon' and 'Draconian Times' back in them old 90s as well but I felt they were less consistent.  I really liked the vocals on 'Shades...', not fully death growls but not entirely clean either. Not a million miles away from Graveyard Dirt but more dynamic.

The vocals on Shades of God are outstanding. Really sounds like he is putting his bollix into it. Love when he draws out the oul big roar every now and again for when the tunes kick back in after softer or slower sections. I think Crying for Eternity might be my favourite on it. Another album with those sort of full bollix vocals is Entombed's Wolverine Blues, although the two lads sound very different.

Shades is perfect. Overlooked maybe in many respects. A transitional album in many ways, with awesome vocals. I completely wore it out.

New one is worth the effort. Stay the course.

I'll give it a go this evening when the cans start flowing and see how I get on. Have at least 3 albums I intend to listen to tonight but that's a great complaint. Hopefully there is some merit in it

Shades is heavy on filler IMO, could never take to it bar a few songs. Could say the same about Icon, looking back. My then girlfriend was fanatical about it and I'd die happy if I never heard it again, but it has some great tunes. Not a fan of either album's production, though. I can't put my finger on why that is, but they both sound 'off' to me (did Efemey do both?). Draconian Times sound immense though, whatever you think of the material. That and Gothic are the go-to PL albums for me.

I have no issue with anything from DT and I still think it's great all the way through but I'm slightly pained that you think Shades of God has any filler on it

I've always struggled to get all the way through it, I find most of it just... turgid. Some great moments alright, but I feel no need to ever listen to it again.

Quote from: Ducky on June 04, 2020, 06:14:07 PM
Quote from: Thorn on May 22, 2020, 05:25:52 PM
Shades of God is not only my favourite PL but a top ten of all time for me ,very much of a time and place .

I had "Pity the Sadness" on some excellent magazine sampler CD (someone on the old forum sussed out what they came from, can't remember what it was) that my brother in law threw my way when I was first getting into music, what an introduction to them that was.

RAW mag did a neat little cassette sampler for Shades of God alright, had it on recently, little snippets of commentary from the band.  Definitely a cd though yeah?
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

And the award for the most utterly pointless release of the year goes to ................

"Icon, our fourth album was released in 1993 and for it's 30th anniversary, we're re-recording it and doing an extra special vinyl release.
That's all we can share for now, but watch this space for more information and a few special announcements very soon!"

I tried out Obsidian the other day in light of the announcement and I've really nothing to say about it, as mammy always says if I haven't anything good to say about an album it must be pointless. Haven't had Icon on in yonks either. Might try the redo on YouTube when it's out

I think Obsidian is their strongest album in a long time. It got lots of listens from me. Medusa was their low point.

A rerecording of Icon though seems utterly pointless.