#30 May 10, 2020, 08:41:07 AM Last Edit: May 10, 2020, 05:02:00 PM by jobrok1
Seen this Golgotha fella promoted over on The Metal Cell this week.

Metal styled tunes, but no guitars or drums as such.
So not metal, in my book.

I don't really get most of the dark wave, synth, dungeon synth, electronica, ambient, noise stuff doing the rounds. But I certainly can gravitate to some outfits who actually use some proper instruments.

GOURD and Fós being a couple of local ones.
But this Golgotha fella does nothing for me.

The description made me curious, but the tunes were bad.

I'm not against fully synthesised music at all though.

Anyone here listen to Alessandro Cortini at all? He has a lot of beautiful, sort of minimal sounding stuff. He has a new one out with Daniel Avery (Who I know nothing of) and it's also nice


Quote from: Yung Led Zeppelin on May 09, 2020, 08:33:39 PM
If you like Andy Stott there's a fair chance you'll like ELLLL.


She's from Cork. Phenomenal DJ as well. That whole release is perfect.


Nice. Sounds cool.

Been getting into electronic music production as a hobby since before Christmas, myself. Hope youse don't mind if I plug my own shit!

I've finally gotten around to taking some choice cuts from my first half a year of production and slapping together a full length release. Self isolation, and all that. Considering I'm just doing it as a hobby when I'm not working, I'm quite proud of it. It's basically a psyched out house/trance sound with a few downtempo and ambient elements thrown in. Admittedly I'm going to focus more squarely on a particular style for the next project - this has all the hallmarks of finding your feet and seeing what works - but I'm happy out with it and the nerd in me always just wanted to put together an LP of my own for shits and giggles:


All opinions welcome.

#34 May 19, 2020, 02:27:53 PM Last Edit: May 19, 2020, 02:29:38 PM by Caomhaoin
That's not bad. Out of curiousity, what programme(s) did you use?

I used to make choons with my music teacher in 5th year on Cubase/Cakewalk, very user friendly and some of it came out alright. Granted, that was 20 years ago. I don't know why I never did more. Went the way of the hurling I suppose (sure look, he got a taste for the beer, always the way). Cheers Da.

I listened to all of that bar track 1 yesterday and it was grand. I preferred the up tempo ones but I didn't recoil from any of it

Quote from: astfgyl on May 19, 2020, 03:07:23 PM
I listened to all of that bar track 1 yesterday and it was grand. I preferred the up tempo ones but I didn't recoil from any of it
Thanks for this.

I definitely have a lot to improve on, and I probably could have relented on putting stuff out for awhile, but I was quite fond of these tracks and wanted to move on to something else rather than sit about trying to remix them into encumbrance. It's definitely a bit on the naive side, but since it's a hobby fuck it.

I'm a fucking nightmare with attention span, as well. Not a fan of sitting in front of the screen painting in melodies, constructing a tune that way etc so everything's just more or less played live from two synths straight into the sequencer from a bunch of sounds and patterns I have set up, mixed in and out on top of each other etc.

Had a bunch of software synths on my various laptops for years and never done much with them other than occasionally open them up, press a key and go "ha, that's the Tiesto sound." Give me hardware any day. Plenty of knobs to fiddle with  :laugh:.

#37 May 22, 2020, 03:33:40 PM Last Edit: May 22, 2020, 03:37:42 PM by Kurt Cocaine
Here's a Psytrance Festival I go to called Ozora Festival. It's about 2 hours south of Budapest.
Some craic and great value for money. A seven day (early bird) ticket costs €130 and the beer is €2 a pint. A 1.5 litre bottle of chilled red or white wine is €6, unreal......
And babes like you've never seen before.....


At 7 days long you fairly have to pace yourself...  :laugh:

Really enjoying this mix in the afternoon sun by Imagika Om...

Listen to Virtually Lucid Imagika Om Lucidity Livestream by Imagika Om Mixes on #SoundCloud

Power Ambient here. Yes it's new to me too...  :laugh:


Gamardah Fungus from Ukraine....

Never sure if they're ambling down an open road, or slicing the world down at the seam, Ukrainian duo Gamardah Fungus is caught in the aural crossfire of Sunn O))) and Ry Cooder. NATURAL STORM is an album of disparate elements, whether it's air and water, or sinister drone patches and pitch-bending psych. Thickets of modular synth and knotty guitars thrash like riptides, while grizzled and distorted notes whip you up into the eye of a storm.

Kind of Electronic? Caught him in Button Factory with Bosnian Rainbows, would like to see the solo stuff sometime.



I rearranged the living room today. So I now have the record player and speakers beside my end of the couch, which means no more hopping up every 10 or 15 minutes to flip my vinyls.
I celebrated this by checking out the email Dragonfly Records sent me yesterday about their Bandcamp sale this weekend.
I ended up purchasing 22 12"s and 3 CDs off them for €99 delivered. Niiiice.....
